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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
i know, its true, his wordplay is deft! he has more vitriol than i have left!damn i feel for you herbe but, dude, this is no contest, he's thrashing you
tinfoiling this for no reasonoh shit im so sorry dude! i'm afraid so, literally didn't even notice i'd missed you. guess you're almost by definition in the "no strong feelings" sectionI was kinda wondering why I didn't get included in qenyas list though... Am I really that much of a non-entity in this game so far?![]()
this is a bad post btwwacky out-there idea i had earlier btw: everyone thinks they're town but half of us have weird flavour inconsistencies because we're secretly mafia... hidden even to ourselves
if i lose the rand and flip red, check your PMs
wisperwell i guess thats pretty
thank you i'll be here all week