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Continued Lyric

Yami Angel Christian

Created for the BBC, chosen by Dave!
Simple concept I came up with a while back, only jus actually put into practise! Basically someone picks a song and everyone posts the next line from that song!

So for instence:

I pick Kaiser Chiefs, "Ruby"! I start:
Let it never be said,
(Next poster)
That romance is dead,
(Next poster)
Cuz there's so little else,
Occupying my head,

And so on and so forth until the song is complete and then the next person comes up with a new song!

It's okay if you don't know the words, it's perfectly okay for you to look them up if you want, it's purely for fun!

Jus one thing though, let's keep it clean, no going picking songs with swear words in them, unless it's only the odd minor expletive such as with The Pogues and Kirsty McCall "Fairytale of New York" when she sings "You cheap lousy faggot"!

I'll start, and I think I'll pick something a lot of us ought to be familiar with, a classic headbanger moment for all you Wayne's World fans out there: Queen "Bohemian Raphsody":

Is this the real life,
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