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Novelux Copperridge Wharf

Phillip shrugged. "Bet they were just upset the new fave was gone so soon."

"Couldn't put money on her in the seasonal cup, more like," Jam added with an eye roll.

Jade somehow doubted that interrogating random battling fans in a bar somewhere was likely to come up with anything good. She shuffled a paw on the ground and said, "I guess we could try asking around at the Dome itself... assuming there's nothing else we can get from the train incident?" She threw an inquisitive glance toward Buck.
Buck looked like a 'mon who'd been holding a modest weight at arm's length for too long. He sighed, and thumped the side of the locomotive with a powerful ear.

"One other thing, I guess. But you take this information and you don't come back here again, alright?"

Laura read the rabbit's eyes, and decided he was completely serious, and about three seconds from changing his mind. She nodded, and braced her notebook. "You got it."

The Diggersby grunted unhappily. "Alright. So, back when head office got all antsy about the bashed up car, there was some kinda inspection or visit or whathaveyou. I don't know if the guy was a lawyer, or a spook, or what, but it was around when he turned up that the bosses put the kibosh on everything."

Laura raised a brow. "And what can you tell us about this 'spook'...?"

"Greninja, male, early twenties at most, could even have been a teenager." After a moment, Buck gave a phlegmy cough, and shrugged. "Strong aura, too, if you ask me."

Nidoqueen Whistler snapped her digits. "That guy! Yeah, he just kinda walked past the security 'mon, didn't he? Like they weren't even there. That's not a lawyer thing, that's weird. Spooky."

Buck nodded, and decisively tapped the engine again, twice.

"Alright, that's enough of a break for you workshy indolents! Get about it." He eyed the party of Wayfarers, and clicked his tongue. "Good luck to you lot, I guess. But I meant what I said – I can't help you any more than this. I got 'mon depending on me to keep things regular around here. We don't need anything that'd make life any more complicated than it is, you understand?"

Laura nodded, and pocketed her notes.

"Guess we'd better go," she said to her companions, quietly.
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