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Tyrrier Cornèbre Forest

He wondered if this Looker knew an Avis or not... Not relevant. Setting the thought aside he let himself finally relax a little, the nervous tension in his shoulders unknotting.

"How long have you been here? Have you learned anything else about this area so far, maybe we can exchange notes?"

A shame that Garnet was still here, he didn't want to explain everything about them within earshot of her.
Looker nodded at Laura. "Reven Hollow. It's where we've been staying at as well. There's an inn not too far from the citadel, there may be enough room for you there." At Koa he added, "A couple months and it seems that the odd happenings were occurring before I arrived," he turned to walk, presumably towards Reven Hollow. "Tell me what you know and, if there are any, I can fill in any gaps you might've stumbled across. We'll walk as we talk."
Mhynt nodded, thoughtful. He seemed trustworthy enough, though compared to what they'd encountered prior, that was their best bet.

"I'm supposing our existing situation isn't easy to salvage just yet?" She said, glancing back. "We were hoping to investigate further inside, but if they have traps rigged everywhere and actively hostile otherwise... hm."
The word 'citadel' rang too much of a bell. Dave furrowed his brow. "Wait a minute. Is this the place where... we heard something about a 'vampire'? Some local lord who's taken over?" He padded up to Looker's side. "What I gathered was the Murkrow are acting weird, like they have been all over the place, maybe because of a Honchkrow. There was supposedly, uh, a wild Gyarados that's just watching people. Then there's all these markings on trees. Something about rumours of a Saint tampering with signs and landmarks? And obviously the big beam of light thing from the island dungeon."
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