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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Cosmic Blueberry vs Whirlpool

That's right, I've seen a battle where that's happened, I didn't even notice it here. Cosmic Blueberry, avoid doing that.

I could have *sworn* that he said to Crunch first.

Yeah, it was a little confusing. The only thing stopping utter chaos with those actions was the conditionals not being activated.
Don't worry about the Swords Dance fucking Snow, that Gastly is nothing but evil, stealing your training efforts. I swear you'll have your revenge!

Stockpile~Substitute (10%)~Crunch
It's not that you aren't allowed to edit at all. If you are attacking first in a round, you can edit as much as you like until your opponent has posted commands (so, for example, Whirlpool cannot edit his post now that you've ordered). That restriction is really only about editing actual command strings and not necessarily just adding in a sprite, etc., so that the player attacking first can't cheat their way out of a tight spot, but you're asked not to edit at all just because it's hard to prove that you didn't also change commands when you added whatever else in there.

If you're attacking second in a round then technically you can edit whenever you want, but it's generally a good idea not to after a day or so because the ref may already have started writing with an earlier set of commands.
O: Chief Zackrai is having so much battles I want other battles too!

1v.s.1 singles (duh)
Style: Set (re-duh)
DQ: 4 days (96 hours)
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned moves: OHKOs, Evasion, direct healing, chills limited to 4/ pokemon
Arena: Baby Park

That's right, a baby park with pink and blue plastic cubes all around. A field of plastic with a small pool in the middle (30 cm deep, 2m of diameter) surrounded with various stairways and nets and everything we find in a McDonald.

Effects: only pokemon at their lowest stage of evolution.

At the end of each action, there is a 10% that a lego block falls on the head of a random battler, dealing 1% damage. (ok thats kind of random but eh).

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 88%
Energy: 88%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "You'll still pay." +1 Attack, Taunted (2 more actions).

Team Cosmic Blueberry (O)


Health: 92%
Energy: 88%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "Yeah. Take that."

The two pokémon line themselves up, ready to execute their next set of moves. Thin Air acts quickly, building up the same type of electrical energy in his cloud he did last round. When the sparks get big enough to escape, he charges Snow, tackling her to the ground and leaving her twitching with electricity. Gastly has no time to gloat, however, as a lego block, attracted by the sparks, slams him in the back of the head. Thin Air whirls around, ready to fight someone else, but nobody is there. Snow uses this opportunity to use her first move. Snow clenches her fists, closes her eyes, and concentrates, her body slowly beginning to glow a whitish color. When the glowing completely envelops her body, it suddenly disappears, absorbing into her skin and thickening it. Snow suddenly feels as if she can jump off a cliff without getting hurt. During this time, however, Thin Air has moved back to her side of the room and charging her next attack. Once again, sparks fly around her ghostly cloud, but these ones are slightly bigger. Anticipating another tackle, Snow braces herself, but Thin Air doesn't make a move. Finally, curiosity gets the best of Snow and she opens one eye, just in time to see Thin Air's sparks coagulating into a single bolt of lightning. It reaches out, like a jagged, yellow arm, and touches Snow, sending her flying into the wall of the playroom. Electricity, once again, courses through her. However, Snow gets up easily this time, feeling the effects of the attack less than she would have before the Stockpile. As the attack connects, Thin Air feels a release of stress and is no longer angry at Snow. he calms down and floats in one place for the first time this round. On the other side of the room, Snow begins to concentrate, her energy grabbing legos and stacking them into a half-size likeness of Snow. Snow stops concentrating and admires her work, mentally noting this lego-building strategy for later. Thin Air takes a confused glance at it before preparing his next move. He begins to stare at snow, his eyes glowing a pinkish-violet color. Snow looks over just long enough to be caught in this staring contest as well, her eyes turning the same color as Thin Air's and her mind feeling invaded. As the staring contest goes on, both pokémon notice a small change somewhere in their mind, but they can't quite identify the exact point. Finally, the connection breaks, and both pokémon undergo an obvious change. Thin Air flops to the ground and sits there, while Snow begins to float in the air, much like Thin Air used to. Thin Air begins to feel that he got the butt end of his own attack, until he notices that Snow seems much less threatening than before. He still feels the fear of her he did before, but only through lingering feelings. Snow, enjoying her new floating ability, uses her next attack. She flies toward Thin Air, her "teeth" glowing a dark gray color. When she gets close enough, she flips upside-down in midair and crunches down on Thin Air with her her horns. Thin Air recoils with pain, although doesn't really move without being able to float. After a while, Snow lets go, moving back to her side of the field. Thin Air remains in the same place, wincing from the pain. He finally moves back to his side of the field with a combination of rolling and bouncing. He notices that it takes a bit longer than it would while floating.

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 75%
Energy: 71%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "I liked floating better." +1 Attack.
Ability: Intimidate

Team Cosmic Blueberry (O)


Health: 69% (10% sub)
Energy: 53%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "I like floating better!" +1 Def, +1 SpD
Ability: Levitate
Stockpile: 25%

- A lego block hit Thin Air in the first action. I forgot to do the lego blocks for last round, so I just did them. One hit Snow last round, so I edited last round's post.
- Stockpile's description says it stores some amount of energy between 10% and 25%, and since Cosmic Blueberry did not specify, I used an RNG. It just so happened to pick 25%.
- Skill Swap did not lower Snow's attack. According to the abilities guide, this is right. However, since Snow lost intimidate, Thin Air's -1 attack is more likely to disappear. One bad round for Snow means +1 attack for Thin Air.
- Cosmic Blueberry attacks first next round, but according to the absence sheet, he'll be gone for ten days. So we'll give him that much time.
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hey hey im back (i finally have access to internet so yeah).

I thought Stockpile raised defenses? (but again, in ASB it might be another way).

Swords Dance if Sub makes you immune to Snatch or else use Shadow Ball. Then, Sucker Punch if it uses an offensive move, Chill if it does not. Finish with Crunch.

Swords Dance/Shadow Ball~Sucker Punch/Chill~Crunch
...let's mess with him and use, say, Fire Punch. If the Substitute is broken after that, Haze, then Hypnosis. If it isn't, then Fire Punch again and Haze. Fun.

Fire Punch~Haze/Fire Punch~Hypnosis/Haze
Yes, it does raise defences. I factored that into the calculations, but I forgot to put it on the bit at the end. Fixed.

Also, on the whole "if sub makes you immune to snatch," you can find a list of things that aren't blocked by substitute in the substitute entry of the attacks and abilities guide. Snatch is blocked by substitute, it turns out.
Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 75%
Energy: 71%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "I liked floating better." +1 Attack.
Ability: Intimidate

Team Lord of the Fireflies (O)


Health: 69% (10% sub)
Energy: 53%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "I like floating better!" +1 Def, +1 SpD
Ability: Levitate
Stockpile: 25%

The two pokémon, after seeming to do nothing for a while, finally begin to move. Thin Air goes first, focusing much like it did on its previous attack. This time, however, he bursts into flames. Not appearing fazed by the spontaneous combustion of the area around his head, he begins to move toward Snow's substitute. It's much clumsier than it would be while floating, but a series of rolls and bounces, he manages to get up to speed and ram into the lego figure. The statue bursts into a fiery explosion of legos, leaving only a pleased-looking gastly in its place. Snow takes a look at the pile of partially melted pieces and thanks Arceus that that attack didn't hit her. Snow stands up and begins to spin around slowly, quickly gaining speed until her movements are only a blur. Finally, she stops. Her muscles are noticeably buffed up and she looks much more formidable than before. Thin Air, seeming unaffected by this change, prepares a new attack. He begins to concentrate, but is suddenly disrupted. Snow, having prepared a stealthy, dark energy beforehand, flies forward and delivers a powerful punch at Thin Air while he is vulnerable. This sends him rolling a high speed toward the wall opposite Snow. He hits the wall, but bounces off, severly affected by Snow's punch. However, he shakes it off and prepares his attack again. The gas cloud around his body begins to expand, and it quickly fills the whole room. Both pokémon notice a change in their bodies, feeling a loss in power, Snow's more significant than Thin Air's. Although this magic fog resets both pokémon's strength, it cannot eliminate the physical bulk of Snow's stockpiled energy. With Snow still resting from her previous attack, Thin Air prepares his next attack. His eyes glowing a blood-red color, he stares into the eyes of Snow. Snow catches this glare and falls into a trance. Moments later, she is on the ground, quietly snoring. Thin Air rolls around in place, pleased at the result. At this moment, a customer walks into the McDonald's. He takes a confused glance at the battle before ordering himself some french fries and sitting down to observe.

Team Whirlpool (O)

Thin Air
Health: 57%
Energy: 62%
Chills: 0/4
Status: "FIIIRE!"
Ability: Intimidate

Team Lord of the Fireflies (O)


Health: 69%
Energy: 46%
Chills: 0/4
Status: *Snore* +1 Def, +1 SpD. Asleep (severe; 6 more actions)
Ability: Levitate
Stockpile: 25%
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If the sub was supposed to break on the second action:

Hypnosis until it hits or the second action, Curse after that, and Dream Eater. If you're Taunted, Thunderbolt.

Hypnosis ~ Hypnosis/Curse/Thunderbolt ~ Curse/Dream Eater/Thunderbolt

But if it was supposed to break on the first, ignore this.
Sleep Talk if you're asleep, Shadow Ball if you're not.

Sleep Talk/Shadow Ball x3

EDIT: Also Lucas don't forget Snow's sig attribute with all those Fire Punches (I dont know if you took it in account)
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I don't go by the normal in-game effects of stat ups. It really doesn't make sense to give it the normal multiplier, when in ASB, super effective moves are nerfed down from their original as well. I usually just add 1-2% extra for a single stat boost.

Also, no, I didn't. I actually remember reading that sig attribute, but I guess I forgot about it. I'll go back and put it in, but how exactly do I do that calcualtion in one equation, like it says? Is it two separate 10% chances (ie, 20% chance of something happening, but never both together), a 10% chance of both, or something else?

And finally, thank you all for your patience. Combined with a lot of schoolwork and traveling lately, I've had very little time on the computer. I'll try to get the next reffing up today or tomorrow.
I don't go by the normal in-game effects of stat ups. It really doesn't make sense to give it the normal multiplier, when in ASB, super effective moves are nerfed down from their original as well. I usually just add 1-2% extra for a single stat boost.

(Fire is super effective against Steel so 7x1.5>10)
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