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Cryptica's Avatar and Banner shop


Actually more of a harmour fan
I've figured out how to make decent banners and avatars on Photoshop, so I'm making--well, a shop!

-Please give credit!
-Do NOT edit my images after I give them to you. If you want me to edit them further, please mention so in your post.
-I have the right to deny any request made, or one that is "too difficult."
-I will not do your request if you're not polite!
-Have fun with your art! :D


None yet :[


Kindgra~ - The gray is very meh....
Playing Together

Request Form

[B]Type:[/B] Do you want an avatar or banner?
[b]Pokemon:[/b] What Pokemon/image do you want on your item?
[b]Recolor:[/b] If you want your Pokemon recolored, what color? If not, leave blank.
[b]Hand-drawn:[/b] Do you want me to hand-draw the image?
[b]Text:[/b] If you want text, what is it? If not, leave blank.
[b]Font:[/b] What font do you want your (possibly hypothetical) text in?
[b]Text color:[/b] The color you want for your (possibly hypothetical) text.
[B]Size:[/B] What size do you want your (possibly hypothetical) banner to be?
[b]Background:[/b] Do you want a background? If so, what?
[b]Outline:[/b] Do you want the outline of the Pokemon to be blurred into the picture, or do you want it to "glow"? Default is blur.
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else?

Waiting List

1. ShyGuy - the Pokemon
2. DarkArmour
3. DarkArmour
4. DarkArmour
5. DarkArmour
Last edited:
Type: Banner
Pokemon: Eevee and Skitty~
Recolor: Slightly to blend with the background a bit more.
Hand-drawn: Yes please :)
Text: Just 2 cute
Font: Same as your Kingdra banner :)
Text color: Dark blueish. Like Umbreon's.
Size: Same as my EeveeSkitty banner in my sig.
Background: Just light blue wavy things XD
Other: Not really. I'll edit if I forgot something and bold the edit.
Last edited:
Type: Banner
Pokemon: Shiny Umbreon and Erindor!
Recolor: Well, if shiny counts as a recolor...
Hand-drawn: It havs to be, cause of Erindor!
Text: Playing Together
Font: Ummm... anything that fits =D
Text color: Blue blending to green. If you can. If not, blue.
Dat size.
Background: Something that fits =D
Other: Noperz
Text: None
Font: ^
Background: Anything, just make it look good please.
Other: No thanks.
Type: banner
Pokemon: Missingno.
Hand-drawn: Well, I don't think Ken Sugimori has ever drawn missingno...
Text: Oopsy
Font: Comic sans MS
Text color: White to light blue
Size: short and wide
Background: Some eerie black background thing.
Type: avatar
Pokemon: spoink
Recolor: shiny colors
Hand-drawn: Nah
Text: Spoink
Font: The Kababra text
Text color: White
Size: Normal avatar
Background: Pink if there's room
Other: Nothing
*pokes title* I'll put you on the list, though. Your request won't be done quickly, however.
I drew the Eevee and Skitty, but they came out messed up when I scanned them. They're also colored in, and I can't erase the color. ES, do you mind if I just use the Sugimori art instead? :P

Oh, and the "Size" means how big you want your avatar/banner to be.
Type: an avatar
Pokemon: Swalot
Recolor: Black as the main color and green as the secondary
Hand-drawn: No
Text: My stomache...
Font: w/e
Text color: w/e
Size: n/a
Background: Light blue.
Other: Nope.

Hi, this must sound infinitely rude, but if Cryptica hasn't already sarted on my banner, could I change it to the same background with no pokemon on it, and "The Sprite Mall" written in the Pokemon font on it? I saw a place (which I can't find anymore) that had the Pokemon font downloadable for Photoshop. If you have, just do my other banner. Pleeease don't think I'm rude for this.:blank:
No, it doesn't sound rude at all. I'll work on that, after I finish Mewtwo's....

@Mewtwo: sorry it's taking so long. To tell you the truth, I'm lazy, but I'll do an exceptional job on it.
Mewtwo's banner is done.


I made the background blue to green, so I had to make the text a dark pinkish for it to be visible.
And DA's simple avatar.


Shyguy, can you fill in the form so I know what you mean by what you said? Thanks ;)
The Cherrim avie is great. Can I have an avie (using arkeis pictures) with All of the Sinnoh Starters (shiny)
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