LuckyLapras' Duck
Those tomatoes are rancid.
- Pronoun
- she/her
also ditto was holding up-grade, you seem to have missed that
(... *facepalm*) You leave the



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also ditto was holding up-grade, you seem to have missed that
(... *facepalm*) You leave thegoogolplexianUnown and Up-Grade. You find a
Electrike holding a![]()
Metal Coat! Do you take?
Just the 'trike, got a m-coat from pal park.
You catch the Electrike and leave the Metal Coat. Soon you find aUnown E! (Ohmahgawd) It holds another Twistedspoon. Do you catch?
Neither. also I has an electrike and some imag codes are broken
(... SO MUCH FAAAIL!! ;~; WHYYYY?!) You leave both. Soon you find a
Ralts! It holds a![]()
Psychic Gem! Do you take?
I'd like to play. Is there a limit to the Pokémon and items you can get? Also, is there a reason to leave besides claiming everything (are there hazards or something)?
The only limit is your pockets. Anyway, I'll do bank stuffs nowand try and do this. It's been so long!
EDIT: And now, your game begins in 10, 9- have I already made this reference?
Anyway, you enter the mysterious world of Cyberspace. Upon entering you are greeted by anUnown G! It holds an
Electric Gem! Do you catch/take?
I'd like to play uvu
Catch the Unown, but don't take the gem.
I'll do bankstuffs, and then post your game. (Watch out for a VM)
EDIT: Aaaaand here we go (Warning, Unown are showing up a lot lately)
As you enter the wonderful world of Cyberspace where pocket size matters, you find a
Grumpig! (Good job!) It holds a![]()
Dubious Disc! Do you catch/take/whatever?
Catch it, and take the disc :D
Don't catch it, don't take the disc.
Catch and take.
You find a
Elgyem holding a![]()
Mind Plate! Do you catch/take?
Also, for future reference, can you quote your current status please?
Catch, but leave the plate.
Catch the Unown.