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Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

Dame Alex

Is experiencing obsession over shiny Butterfree
1. Please say if anything needs to be changed, as I'm always looking for improvement, but give a reason, not just "I don't like it." It's very frustrating if spriters don't know what's wrong.

2. If you're going to use my sprites, please, please give credit. Most of these didn't take very long, but some of them did, like the Venusaur, Charizard, and Butterfree. It doesn't feel right if someone steals your hard-earned work.

3. I'll only be able to work during the weekends, as that's the only time I have computer access, exceptions are holidays and other school days off (like conferences.) I know, it sucks, but there's not much that I can do about it. You'll still be able to post though, so keep posting!

4. Please tell me if you want images separate for things like avatars or signatures.

5. Please tell me if you want the images to be transparent. I don't know why you'd want to, since I use black outlines, but some people like transparent images.

I sell...




Inverts (both the regular way and my way [if you request this, please specify which one(s) you want]):






Shadows (specify which color scheme you want):


Statues (I'll only make trophies if a person has merited one):

And chao of course! ^_^

Besides just regular chao, I also sell...

Inverts (both the regular way and my way [if you request this, please specify which one(s) you want]):





Request List:
Porygon-Z with exclamation mark (Psymon)
Flareon named Bailey in comic (Mewtwo)
Magost Berry Eevee (Elliekat)
Trainer (Mumei)
Zubat (Mumei)

Character Biographies I know I took the designs of the biographies from Butterfree's quiz results, but that's how I determined what these people's Pokésona was, by having them take the quiz, so it's kind of symbolic. Yes, these are real people, though they don't know that I'm doing this. And yes, Alex is me. You shouldn't even have to ask.
Old Introduction
Mewtwo Requests Orochimaru
Slave Trading


The chao sprite sheet belongs to Caazper, and I don't own Pokémon.
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Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

These your first chaos? If so, they're excellent! Better than I did. My first chao is stored deep inside the hard drive and only comes out when I need a good laugh >.> And I used to use the chaos you used to use, too. Then Caazper gave me that sprite sheet. I still credit him to this day.
Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

Those are really good. I'm not very good at spriting myself and I haven't even attempted chaos. I repeat, THEY ARE REALLY GOOD!
Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

Ahah, thery're so cute! You're talented! xD
My favorites would be the Pikachu and shiny Mew. Keep up the good work! ^^
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Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

Thanks, guys! That feels really nice to hear! I wasn't sure about the quality, as it was my first time. Yeah, they're my first, even though I tried to start a chao with the first sheet of chao (not Caazper's), I never finished it because I didn't like the eyes and I wanted to use the glimmering eyes. So I call the male Pikachu my first chao. But I could never find the perfect sprite (with glimmering eyes and without the colored hands, feet, and top of head) until I saw the sheet in Mewtwo's shop. So thanks Mewtwo and Caazper! And thanks everyone for taking time to look at my collection! I'm glad I got into the chaoing business!:grin:
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Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

Found out that one can double-post in one's own thread.:sweatdrop:

Here are more chao. The Weedle Family this time. I hate making Beedrill.

Edit: Am working on Pidgey Family. Finished Pidgey so far.
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Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

...He's trying to do all teh chaos, I think he'll get to Mewtwo eventually, Terry.
Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

Actually, even if I am doing all the chao, I don't need to do all the chao in order. I'm quite willing to do requests. I'll start working on the Mewtwo chao.
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Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection


There! I finished it. Hope you like it.:grin:
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Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

Grr...even if it's allowed, I still hate double-posting, but I have to put this up sometime...sigh.

Okay, peoples, I've decided to...dun dun dun! Take requests! So...instead of just a gallery, this thread will also be a...I dunno, a request center for chao as well? Yeah, that's a good word. A center, like a Pokémon Center. Except it's a Pokémon Chao Center. I'm going to put up a new thread soon, if I can't rename this thread, then, with this title. I just hope nobody's taken the title, 'cause I can't remember all the dang titles around here. (Hehe, I love that word, dang, it makes me sound like I'm from the hills, hahaha)
Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

If it counts as a request (and you're allowing it) can do a Kabuto and Kabutops next?
great chaos. Seriously, I have never been able to do chaos so well done.
Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

Yep! On it!
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Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

(to Mewtwo)...actually, I'm a girl. Do I really seem like a boy!?:sad:
Oh, and how do you do that nifty [Requests Open] thing on the title of your thread?
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Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

Edit your first post with the button near the bottom, and press 'Go Advanced'. There's a drop down menu on the top left of the text box, I think, and you click 'Requests Open'. Yeah.

*whistles* Want to try a Rayquaza, or Giratina for me?
Re: Dame Alex's Chao (and sometimes Sprite) Collection

Thanks for the help! Okay! One Rayquaza coming up! Bwaah! Hard requests! But I'll take that as a compliment.:grin:
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Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s)

Did anyone notice that before today the last post was in, ah, OCTOBER?! OF TOO OH OH ATE?!
Anyways, nice. I'd love a Shiny Umbreon chao, with lavender eyes...
Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s)

Yay, requests! Can I have a chao of a shiny Butterfree? And could you throw in another random bug-type in there too? Please?
Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s)

since requests are open, I might try requesting. yet another one of my scratches.
Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s)

(to Mewtwo) Um...yeah, I know, sorry about that. I got really busy, and um...kind of forgot about this site. School got to me...
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