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Dawn vs Shadow Serenity

shy ♡

whispers in gay
3vs3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week.
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: Chills limited to 4 per Pokémon.
Arena: Wilderness oasis

Bordered by dense coniferous forests and sitting at the base of a towering mountain range, this wide open oasis is the epitome of pristine wilderness, virtually untouched for as long as history can remember. The distant thunder of a mighty waterfall can be heard as it carries snow melt from high in the mountains and feeds the large river that flows through this area. Don't let the serenity fool you, though; the thunderstorms here are wicked should they pop up. Weather moves/conditions other than rain dance would require an extra turn to set up, while rain dance itself would remain constant should another weather condition fail to change it. The strength of the electric moves "Thunder" and "Thunderbolt" would also be increased by 3%. Flying types may have a difficult time competing with the high winds.

When rain, thunder and wind are not ravishing the land, sunlight is plentiful here. The sunlight is always strong, should another weather condition fail to change it. Solar Beam requires no set up and may be fired immediately. The power of grass-type special attacks is increased by 3%.

Dawn's Team

[Elizaveta] Ponyta (F)
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Charcoal

[Salt] Wailmer (F)
Ability: Water Veil

[Splice] Sandshrew (M)
Ability: Sand Veil

[Roderich] Starly (M)
Ability: Keen Eye

Shadow Serenity's Team
[Thorn] Chikorita (F)
Overgrow Ability

[Dart] Pichu (M)
Static Ability
Hold Item: Soothe Bell
Move Mod: Signature Move: Elemental Spark

[Audrey] Feebas (F)
Swift Swim Ability

[Koyomi] Staryu
Natural Cure Ability
Hold Item: Water Stone

[Q] Magnemite
Magnet Pull Ability

[Diamond] Sableye (M)
Keen Eye Ability

[Vivian] Scyther (F)
Technician Ability

[Vayne] Scyther (M)
Technician Ability

[Aquarius] Squirtle (M)
Torrent Ability

SS sends out
Dawn sends out and attacks
SS attacks
All right, Dawn. I'm not gonna go easy on ya. ^^ I'll start with Diamond, my Sableye.

And thanks Pentimento, I'll get yours up in just a bit.
I wouldn't expect anything less, dearest. ;D In that case, go Elizaveta! Use agility to speed up to make sure you hit Diamond with Will-O-Wisp. Follow it up with Ember.

Okay Diamond, you got this. Start off with a 15% Substitute. That should block the Will-O-Wisp. Follow that up with a Confuse Ray. And finally, do a Payback, unless Confuse Ray succeeded and Elizaveta doesn't attack you, in which case do a Water Pulse instead.

Substitute (15%) ~ Confuse Ray ~ Payback/Water Pulse
Wilderness oasis

Bordered by dense coniferous forests and sitting at the base of a towering mountain range, this wide open oasis is the epitome of pristine wilderness, virtually untouched for as long as history can remember. The distant thunder of a mighty waterfall can be heard as it carries snow melt from high in the mountains and feeds the large river that flows through this area. Don't let the serenity fool you, though; the thunderstorms here are wicked should they pop up. Weather moves/conditions other than rain dance would require an extra turn to set up, while rain dance itself would remain constant should another weather condition fail to change it. The strength of the electric moves "Thunder" and "Thunderbolt" would also be increased by 3%. Flying types may have a difficult time competing with the high winds.

When rain, thunder and wind are not ravishing the land, sunlight is plentiful here. The sunlight is always strong, should another weather condition fail to change it. Solar Beam requires no set up and may be fired immediately. The power of grass-type special attacks is increased by 3%.​

Dawn (Ooo)
Elizaveta (f) <Flash Fire> @Charcoal
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Raring to fight.

Shadow Serenity (Ooo)
Diamond (M) <Keen Eye>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- Totally confident
Substitute (15%)~Confuse Ray~Payback/Water Pulse

The two battlers eye each other for a mere moment before Elizaveta is off, hooves kicking the grass and sending her off at speeds no eye could detect. She twists and turns around her opponent, gathering insurmountable speeds and dizzying the poor sableye who tries to keep up, but all he can see of the ponyta is a blur of wind flashing by - and then Elizaveta skids to a stop, right in front of the sableye, and smirks.

Diamond blinks his eyes and then rubs them; the ponyta is definitely... proud. And fast. But Diamond has more important things on his mind. He pats the dirt and grabs some, plucking a few blades of grass with it, and forms it into a haphazard pile that really looks nothing like a sableye. He rubs his palms together, spits on them, and smacks his spit-filled palms against the dirt pile - and it comes to life, growing outwards and upwards and forming legs and arms and a head. Diamond steps back, proud of his creation, while the substitute takes its place beside its master.

Elizaveta snorts in derision. So there were two of them - so what. She could easily take them on. She closes her eyes for a second; the fire growing wild on her flashes blue and she coughs up a ghostly fireball. The fire floats lazily towards Diamond, zigzagging back and forth as if it wasn't quite sure of its intended target - and while Diamond's substitute is prepared to jump in front of its creator and take the hit, there is no need. The will-o-wisp darts sideways and hits the ground, burning out, much to Elizaveta's displeasure.

Diamond once again blinks, bemused. His ruby jewels flash, capturing the bright sunlight and drawing Elizaveta's attention. They flash again and release a bright orb, similar to the one the ponyta had just used, but brighter - made of pure light. The orb goes straight for Elizaveta's head, swimming round and round her and entrancing her beyond anything else. She loses focus completely - the bright lights are just so shiny.

Still, she manages to clear her thoughts for a moment. She shakes her head and the lights disappear - for now. Using the strong sunlight, her flaming back burns stronger and she spits out multiple tiny orbs of fire onto Diamond, or at least intends to; the sableye's dirt-formed substitute takes the blow instead. The attack leaves multiple small scorch marks on the dummy, though definitely isn't enough to break it.

Diamond, enraged at the damage done to his carefully-constructed substitute, storms Elizaveta, pummeling her with claws and teeth and anything he can use to do damage. The ponyta shrieks in surprise and pain; she was wrong to underestimate him. As he backs away, still glowering, Elizaveta is left with multiple scratch and bite marks, all bleeding and dripping with dark energy.​

Dawn (Ooo)
Elizaveta (f) <Flash Fire> @Charcoal
Health: 85%
Energy: 92%
- Shocked and wary of her opponent. Speed +2. Confused (severe).

Shadow Serenity (Ooo)
Diamond (M) <Keen Eye>
Health: 85% | Substitute: 7%
Energy: 83%
- Just a little angry.
Substitute (15%)~Confuse Ray~Payback

Arena Notes:
Sunny day is in effect.

Final Notes:
- Confuse ray hit but Elizaveta wasn't struck by confusion on the third action.
- Shadow attacks first.
Not bad at all, Diamond. That Ember struck for more than I expected however, so we'll have to watch out for that. Now... I think we're going to continue the Paybacks, except for two conditions: Firstly, if Elizaveta Protects or hurts herself, just Chill, but only once. Second, if your Substitute is at any point broken, drop -anything- your doing and make it top priority to replace it at 10%.

Payback/Chill/Substitute (10%) ~ Payback/Chill/Substitute (10%) ~ Payback/Chill/Substitute (10%)
It's okay Elizaveta, stay focused and do your best. We're going to have to break that substitute if we want to do any damage, but watch out for Payback too. First, use Flamethrower on that substitute. If it breaks, infect Diamond with Toxic, but if it still stays up, or if he attacks, use Double Team. Then, chill for a bit.

Flamethrower ~ Toxic/Double Team ~ Chill
Wilderness oasis

Bordered by dense coniferous forests and sitting at the base of a towering mountain range, this wide open oasis is the epitome of pristine wilderness, virtually untouched for as long as history can remember. The distant thunder of a mighty waterfall can be heard as it carries snow melt from high in the mountains and feeds the large river that flows through this area. Don't let the serenity fool you, though; the thunderstorms here are wicked should they pop up. Weather moves/conditions other than rain dance would require an extra turn to set up, while rain dance itself would remain constant should another weather condition fail to change it. The strength of the electric moves "Thunder" and "Thunderbolt" would also be increased by 3%. Flying types may have a difficult time competing with the high winds.

When rain, thunder and wind are not ravishing the land, sunlight is plentiful here. The sunlight is always strong, should another weather condition fail to change it. Solar Beam requires no set up and may be fired immediately. The power of grass-type special attacks is increased by 3%.​

Dawn (Ooo)
Elizaveta (f) <Flash Fire> @Charcoal
Health: 85%
Energy: 92%
- Shocked and wary of her opponent. Speed +2. Confused (severe).
Payback/Chill/Substitute (10%) ~ Payback/Chill/Substitute (10%) ~ Payback/Chill/Substitute (10%)

Shadow Serenity (Ooo)
Diamond (M) <Keen Eye>
Health: 85% | Substitute: 7%
Energy: 83%
- Just a little angry.
Flamethrower ~ Toxic/Double Team ~ Chill

Predictably Elizaveta moves first; her flames flare up and she exhales a wild tongue of fire at Diamond. The sableye flinches at the incoming fire before his subsitute, already weakened, jumps in front of him and takes the powerful blow; it's enough to melt the mud-dummy on the spot, leaving no more than a small lump of clay where the poor thing had once stood. Diamond looks at its substitute with remorse, at least glad he didn't have to take that hit.

While Elizaveta is glad to be rid of the damned substitute, and that she could attack in peace without those flashy-light-things, Diamond gets to work on replacing his lost comrade. He grabs more dirt and grass and spits a decent-sized glob of saliva into it, some unseen life force of his going with it. The dirt immediately comes to life, as the one before it had done, stretching arms and legs, a head popping out, and it stares eyelessly at its creator.

Elizaveta's clear-mindedness was shortlasted, it seems. She blinks as several bright lights cloud her eyesight, drawing attention from the battle at hand, and proceeds to chase these brilliantly fascinating balls around the grassy fields, ignoring Diamond completely. This leaves the sableye completely calmed, certain that his opponent won't strike him, and he closes his eyes for a momentary break. He isn't very tired, but he knows he will be soon, so he doesn't scoff at the opportunity to regain energy.

Elizaveta pauses in her aimless chasing; the lights flicker and disappear, not completely but enough for her to focus somewhat. She shakes her head and closes her eyes like Diamond, trying to clear her thoughts of the distracting lights; she manages to calm down, but the confusion is still there, beckoning to her at the back of her mind.

Diamond, meanwhile, is a bit confused over his orders. He's already chilled and created a substitute, but his opponent hasn't attacked him. He looks at his substitute for answers, finds none, shrugs, and runs at the resting ponyta claws-first. Elizaveta whinnies in shock but the payback is considerably weaker than before. She stumbles backwards as Diamond spits hair out of his mouth; some decent-sized scratch and bite marks were left on the ponyta, enough for him to feel proud of his work.​

Dawn (Ooo)
Elizaveta (f) <Flash Fire> @Charcoal
Health: 77%
Energy: 93%
- Shocked and wary of her opponent. Speed +2. Confused (moderate).

Shadow Serenity (Ooo)
Diamond (M) <Keen Eye>
Health: 75% | Substitute: 10%
Energy: 84%
- Just a little angry.
Substitute (10%)~Chill~Payback

Arena Notes:
Sunny day is in effect.

Final Notes:
- Elizaveta was struck by confusion on the second action, thus she did nothing. Similarly her chilling on the last action didn't recover full energy due to confusion.
- Dawn up first.
That wasn't so bad, right? A little repeat strategy here. Use Flamethrower to destroy that substitute again and see if you can poison him with Toxic. Then, try to catch him up in a fire spin, but if you can't, try your girlish charms and use captivate.

Flamethrower ~ Toxic ~ Fire Spin/Captivate
Ah, shoot... As much as we enjoy not being poisoned, let's not be cheap and repeat the same thing over and over, Diamond. Instead, we'll fight fire with fire. Or... in this case, poison with poison.

Start off with an Attract. Show off your gems or something, girls love all that flashy jewelery stuff. Next, fight back with a Toxic attack of your own. Finally, if you were poisoned, strike Elizaveta with a Facade. If not, go on and teach her that speed doesn't win battles with Punishment.

Attract ~ Toxic ~ Facade/Punishment
Wilderness oasis

Bordered by dense coniferous forests and sitting at the base of a towering mountain range, this wide open oasis is the epitome of pristine wilderness, virtually untouched for as long as history can remember. The distant thunder of a mighty waterfall can be heard as it carries snow melt from high in the mountains and feeds the large river that flows through this area. Don't let the serenity fool you, though; the thunderstorms here are wicked should they pop up. Weather moves/conditions other than rain dance would require an extra turn to set up, while rain dance itself would remain constant should another weather condition fail to change it. The strength of the electric moves "Thunder" and "Thunderbolt" would also be increased by 3%. Flying types may have a difficult time competing with the high winds.

When rain, thunder and wind are not ravishing the land, sunlight is plentiful here. The sunlight is always strong, should another weather condition fail to change it. Solar Beam requires no set up and may be fired immediately. The power of grass-type special attacks is increased by 3%.​

Dawn (Ooo)
Elizaveta (f) <Flash Fire> @Charcoal
Health: 77%
Energy: 93%
- Shocked and wary of her opponent. Speed +2. Confused (moderate).
Flamethrower ~ Toxic ~ Fire Spin/Captivate

Shadow Serenity (Ooo)
Diamond (M) <Keen Eye>
Health: 75% | Substitute: 10%
Energy: 84%
- Just a little angry.
Attract ~ Toxic ~ Facade/Punishment

Elizaveta flicks an ear to her trainer at her command and inhales, ready to unleash a burst of flames onto the substitute that had blocked her previous attacks - but that damned flickering light distracts her again. She tilts her head in curiosity, forgetting about Diamond completely, and bites at the jumping lights in front of her, trying to catch them in her teeth before they flicker away.

Diamond breathes a sigh of relief at his substitute not being broken so soon, like last time. He leaves the dummy behind as he runs towards the ponyta, catching her attention momentarily, just enough to inform her of how sexy he is. Because he really, really is. Sableye are a cool pokemon, no doubt, but Diamond is the best of them. Ask anyone. He'll give you a list of friends who will support that fact (and they have definitely not been attracted in battle and coerced into saying it). The fact is obvious: Diamond is a hunk of a sableye. And Elizaveta is no fool. She blinks the distracting lights away and stares fixatedly at the display of hotness standing in front of her, and well - she can't help but fall in love. Who could?

Diamond smirks. His work is done. And well, with a body like his, it's all too easy.

Elizaveta shakes her head, trying to clear the very naughty thoughts that were invading her young mind. When she managed to rid herself of those, the confusing lights were enough to send her over the edge again. She brayed, unable to do anything, caught between her mind and her heart. She didn't even notice when Diamond hacked up a slimy purple liquid onto her soft fur; not until she felt it, the creeping sensation that something was wrong. She felt the blood inside her ache and she figured it was part of her mind playing tricks on her again - blood couldn't hurt, right? - especially since it was only a minor distraction, compared to Diamond's sexyness.

Speaking of. The flickering lights disappeared long enough for her heart to win over, and she whinnied and ran over to Diamond, laying down beside the smaller pokemon and burying her head into his ghostly body. He was so cuuuuute. Diamond found himself equally affected by the ponyta, to his surprise; her show of affection was just so heartfelt and adorable and, well, innocent - it hurt him to think of hurting her. Not so much that he wouldn't do it, but still.

He pulled himself away from the ponyta and gathered dark energy around his claws, smirking quickly despite his earlier hesitating thoughts, and he rakes his claws across Elizaveta's exposed neck. The ponyta whinnies in pain, clearly shocked by the attack, and she jumps to her feet; Diamond's claws had raked her neck open and the wounds were dripping blood onto her chest. She gasped in shock and surveyed the sableye apprehensively, wondering why her handsome lover would attack her like that. It didn't make sense...​

Dawn (Ooo)
Elizaveta (f) <Flash Fire> @Charcoal
Health: 63%
Energy: 88%
- :[
- Speed +2. Confused (moderate), attracted (moderate), poisoned (severe; 1% this round, 2% next)
Nothing ~ Nothing ~ Captivate

Shadow Serenity (Ooo)
Diamond (M) <Keen Eye>
Health: 75% | Substitute: 10%
Energy: 67%
- Feeling quite a bit more satisfied with the battle. Special attack -2
Attract ~ Toxic ~ Punishment

Arena Notes:
Sunny day is in effect.

Final Notes:
- Elizaveta was confused on the first and second action. Luckily she had the option of using captivate on the third action, otherwise attraction would've prevented any attack from taking place and this would have been a very boring round (even moreso than it already is).
- Punishment was a critical hit.
- Shadow up next, and mind taking a look at res's question in our battle?
Well, that was lucky. Very well done, Diamond. Let's make this round easy. Spam Power Gem, unless you're somehow stopped from using it, in which case, change to Payback. It'll probably damage that relationship that Elizaveta was trying to start, but that's okay, we got what we wanted out of that.

I just realized how cruel that sounds. XD I'll point out, Dawn, that Diamond's personality is in no way related to mine. I <3 you.

Power Gem/Payback ~ Power Gem/Payback ~ Power Gem/Payback

Off to go check that question now~
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