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In Progress Days at the Cave of Dragonflies


Among the few morons with straight A's.
Yes, I'm finally posting it!! I'm already starting the first chapter, but I'll need characters to use, so get them ready. Fill out this form to submit a character.

Name: (Doesn't have to be username, can be a nickname or made-up.)
Gender: (If you put "it", I'll be forced to choose.)
Description: (Hair, eyes, complexion, etc.)
Clothes: (Basic style/theme I can use, such as shirt/dress, shorts/shorts, accessories, shoes, etc.)
Personality: (What is your character like? Are they nice, sweet, mean, etc.?)
Starter Pokémon: (Up to six to start with. I'll add more to teams later.)
Pokémon Preferences: (Colors, type, "cute/tough", etc. This determines which Pokémon your character might later.)
Extra: (Does your character have a "theme"? Can they do anything special?)
"Bio": (Anything to do with their past goes here.)

And now for the fun part: the story!!

Nothing was born in that cave. It was too dark, and had no life. But in the center was an area, a clearing, giving off a dim light. Two sets of stairs rested there, both made of exactly twenty-two steps. One went straight up, leading to the outside world. The other went down, deeper inside the cave. The soft glow came from the one leading down, while the outside was dark. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? But then again, nothing in this cave made sense. Darkness pouring around any flame, lakes covering the outside world, forests appearing where no light could possibly exist. Nothing made sense. So how did he get there…?

“Rostu, get up.” Delxi shook her brother gently. “We’re almost there, sleepyhead!” He opened his eyes, but the windows offered no light as the train continued through the tunnel. Their Chatot began repeating “sleepyhead” in a sing-song voice until they shot him a look. For the past thirty hours, Rostu and Delxi had been on a train heading to their cousins’ town. Chatri and Mewi, their Chatot and Glameow, were getting bored, and also a little stir crazy.

“Mewi, stop it,” Rostu laughed as Mewi licked his cheeks like he was about to die. “Okay, if you stop now, I’ll give you some of our special Pokéblocks when we get there!” This satisfied Mewi, so she jumped off of him victoriously. Not only would she get one of those weird cube treats that tasted amazing, she’d also won her bet with Chatri. The talkative bird sighed and looked around, hoping he wouldn’t get in too much trouble for “losing” that glass of Moomoo Milk. “Hey, do I smell burnt food, or is that just my imagination?”

“Burnt food, burnt food,” Chatri repeated, and they giggled. “Better than that Roselia Essence, ain’t it, Frank?” Now they burst out laughing, remembering the big guy who’d said that earlier about a Stunky. Their Aunt Pixie wore it all the time, but they called it “Roselia Repel”. About two years ago, a building collapsed with their parents inside of it, so they went to live with her, which they hated. The only good things at her house were their Pokémon Chatri and Mewi, who she almost sold once. When that happened, the Pokémon ran away until she changed her mind (and after she met their friends from the wild). So going to stay with their cousins Verin and Taco was something they looked forward to, even if Taco was a little… odd. Suddenly the intercom buzzed to life, filling the car with static.

“Next stop, Cave of Dragonflies,” the conductor announced. “The only one of its kind without a cave, or dragonflies!” Rostu smiled and stood up, while Chatri began imitating the voice with motions, stopping whenever Delxi or Rostu looked at him. “And for all you people with Pokémon outside of their Pokéballs, then it will come as a relief to you to know that they’ll now calm down a little. We’ll arrive there in twelve minutes, so get ready. Thanks for riding! ...I can’t wait until I can just leave this train. They don’t even have proper bathrooms, and—Is this thing still on? Ugh, not again!” The microphone switched off as several people on the train giggled.

“Come on, let’s take these things off,” Rostu said, realizing how hot his coat was. They’d gotten on at Mahogany Town, which was much cooler than wherever they were. He removed the coat covering his sea-green shirt, while Delxi took off her jacket to reveal a bright orange-and-gold striped tank top. They’d planned to change into shorts or whatever at The Cave of Dragonflies, but now they regretted it.

‘They look hot,’ Mewi said to no one in particular, though a couple of Pokémon poked their heads in. ‘I meant like warm, not cute.’ They groaned a little and pulled their heads away before the trainers could notice. After they left, Mewi observed her masters more carefully. But maybe they are a little… cute. They both had pale blue-green hair (almost white), their eyes had a nice misty-gold look, and their skin was really pale when other humans were around. Both were of average height, though Delxi looked a little shorter since Rostu’s hair was a little, uh, larger? She didn’t know what to call it, but it kinda stuck up no matter what he did. The only other difference between them was that they were different genders. Some people called them “twins”, whatever those are. Suddenly a large blast of static filled the train again, and Chatri fell from the air as he cringed at the noise.

“Everyone, I was wrong,” the conductor said. “We were actually two minutes away, not ten. And everyone has to get off. Apparently you’re riding a new train. Thanks for riding what appears to be my last trip before early retirement.” A few more giggles rose as the train slowly halted to a stop. Delxi carefully picked up the cringing bird, cradling him in her arms as they walked to the nearest exit. Mewi looked at him in pity because he was being carried instead of flying like he’d talked about so much. His first day of freedom from that evil wingless Pixie, and he couldn’t fly.

“There you are!” a girl cried as Delxi and Rostu left the station. She had short, wavy green hair, and wore a sleeveless white jacket over a pale gold t-shirt. A belt equipped with six Pokéballs was slung around the waist of her blue skirt. Next to her was a sandy-colored creature with four dull green wings that matched his eyes. “Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies, or as some of our many members like to call it, TCOD!” Noticing their confusion, she added, “A neighbor paid me five bucks to say that. So, want the grand tour?”

“Sure, Verin,” Delxi replied enthusiastically before Rostu would say he didn’t want to. But he decided to go anyway, and Verin led them on a tour happily.

“Taco’s currently at a Pokémon Gym training,” she began. “Which is good, because his newest dream job is to lead tours. Oh, and this little guy right there—” she motioned to the Pokémon flying alongside her “—is Vibrava. Vibrava is native to a nearby desert, and we’ve been together for a long time. Anyways, over there is a group of buildings that make up the Newbie Plaza. All new members go there to meet experienced users, which is why we try to keep Taco away from there.” Pointing at a nearby group of buildings, she said, “That’s the Non-Pokémon Center, for all discussion not related to Pokémon. Inside that big building that looks like a cupboard is two places: the left is called the ‘Laughing Cupboard’, for everything happy, while the right is the ‘Crying Cupboard’, for everything bad. Clever design, huh?”

‘What’s she talking about?’ Mewi whispered to Vibrava.

‘I dunno. We can’t really go there,’ Vibrava replied.

“That huge museum-like building is the Creative Center,” Verin continued. “It’s really cool inside there. Artists frame their work on walls, and writers publish finished fan fiction. But not many people go in there lately, since that huge building gets their attention.” The Pokémon just stared at a neighboring building in shock. It was a tall tower with a large holographic globe on the top, and the words “GAMES AND WI-FI” scrolled in a banner below it in various languages, even Latin and whatever was used on Star Trek. “That’s the Games Tower, and it has portals that can teleport people here from around the world. Trainers go there all the time over Wi-Fi, while others just play games there. It makes me tired to just think about it, though, because of last time we had family fun night there.”

“Let me guess, it had to do with Taco, right?” Delxi asked. Verin nodded with a tired face, and yawned. Suddenly Delxi noticed another building nearby, much smaller, but built with a design similar to the Games Tower. It was three stories tall, compared to the 100-story Games Tower (or something big, it had to be at least forty). A holographic banner said “Internetional Center”, though it was translated into fewer languages than the Games Tower. “‘International’ isn’t spelled right. Should we tell them?”

“Oh, that’s spelled alright,” Verin laughed. “Some guys came up with the term ‘Internetional’ because it’s for website related stuff. They just added ‘ional’ to the end of ‘internet’, or changed the ‘a’ in ‘international’ to ‘e’. They can’t choose which story to use, so we use both.” A group of Butterfree fluttered along, getting Rostu’s attention. He liked bug Pokémon, so maybe there were other species in The Non-Cave of Dragonflies. “Oh, there’s a lot of Butterfree around here in honor of the founder, whose name is also Butterfree.” One flew over to Chatri, who was riding Mewi. He’d landed on his wing in the train, and it still felt sore, so he couldn’t fly.

‘Oh, look, a hurt bird!’ the Butterfree taunted. ‘There’s one less thing to chase us. That is just so pathetic.’ Mewi growled and opened her mouth, revealing sharp, pointy teeth. She licked her lips for emphasis, making the bug Pokémon fly away fearfully. It was a little mean, but that thing was being worse to Chatri. Besides, the humans were too busy talking about that “internetional” building to notice a thing. Vibrava smiled at her in a weird Vibrava way, and the tour continued.

“I’ve saved the best for last,” Verin began, “My favorite place in the entire, erm, city or town or, oh you know what I mean! Climb that hill, and you’ll see the best thing here.” She pointed at a large hill, with several steps carved in the side. There were patches of grass here and there, but it was more of a stone hill than a grassy one. Vibrava flew up the hill and hovered at the top, giving his new Pokémon friends an inviting cry. Mewi smiled and ran up the hill while Chatri clutched her neck with his wings. For a spoiled cat, she was so fast! Couldn’t she at least use the smooth, safe stairs instead of the steep, rough rocky hillside!?

“I’ll go check on them,” Rostu sighed, and ran up the hill. But when he reached the top, he didn’t even look in the direction of his Pokémon. Instead he stared straight ahead as Delxi and Verin ran up behind him. “Oh my gosh. What is that?” Before them was a huge city full of Pokémon trainers running along. From where they stood, they saw eight buildings marked “Gym” spread throughout the city with trainers entering or exiting. Several Pokémon Centers and shops were in sight as well, while many houses were positioned throughout the city. Walls divided the area into fourteen zones, and each one had a group of Butterfree flying in the wind.

“This is Pokémon City,” Verin announced with a smile. “It’s made to resemble a Pokémon region, with several miniature towns separated by walls. I work in a ranch in the outer zone, called Sunranch Town.” A boy appeared in the town she pointed at, wearing a large navy blue shirt that went below his knees. He had extremely dark green hair just long enough to cover his ears, with a lock of hair covering one of his giant brown eyes. Although he was far away, the trio could still make out his features, and instantly recognized him. At his side was a yellow balloon that miraculously didn’t float away, somehow following him despite the fact the string wasn’t in either hand. “Taco’s back from the gym already!? The closest one’s in Starbright Town, and that’s two towns over!” Delxi groaned, not ready to face her youngest cousin. She was 14-years-old, while Taco was 11, but he still didn’t know how to be mature. “Well, we better go so you can unpack. Let’s take the quick tram.”
Name: Nemo

Gender: Female

Description: Short, wavy light brown hair that is puffy in the mornings. Her eyes are hazel, specificly blue-green with a ring of gold around the pupil. She's freckled and rarely wears make-up. In the morning she wears glasses (she normally wears contacts). She's blind without them.

Clothes: Wears a lot of blue, pink, and black. Almost always wears jeans and flip-flops. Often has a tan cloak on, but the hood isn't up.

Personality: Normaly a Genki Girl, but *ahem* Once a month is a total and complete bitch. Well, she's like that in the morning too, but still. Talks extremely fast when emotional. Nemo gets worked up over the tiniest things. She'll probably annoy you at one point or another. She is an atheist and a, and I quote, "Bleeding Heart Liberal". Clumzy and a pacifist. Sucks at video games. Sacred of death, hospitals, needles, blood, pain, insects, and sporks. Loves 90s Alternative Rock and Death Cab for Cutie. Is late to everything and rarely leaves her house.

Starter Pokémon: Spring, a female Spoink.

Pokémon Preferences: Likes pokémon that are purple, blue, and black. Doesn't like the typical girly cute Pokémon

Extra: Nope.

"Bio": She moved to The Cave of Dragonflies a few years back and proceeded to piss everyone off. Not much to add to that.
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Name: Izzy
Gender: Female
Description: Izzy has short, constantly-tangled red hair, usually tied back in a ponytail with a huge red ribbon. She has brown eyes, and very pale skin, presumably from having lived in the Cave of Dragonflies for so long.
Clothes: She loves wearing scary-looking tee-shirts with assorted dark-type Pokemon on them, jeans, and ratty old converse sneakers.
Personality: Izzy.. is an odd person. Her sense of humor is rather questionable (Look what she named her Scyther!) and she is usually pretty rude without meaning to be, but she usually goes out of her way to be nice to people. However, she also is very easily angered, and is quite willing to get into a fight if she thinks someone is making fun of anything about her, be it appearance, religion, Pokemon, friends, or anything else. When she isn't fighting she's quite fun to be around.. not that that is very often. She's also a self-described nerd, and totally obsessed with videogames, but that's a whole other story.
Starter Pokémon: Female Scyther, named Josherella. Female (shiny) Espeon named Yotsuba.
Pokémon Preferences: She reeally likes Eeveelutions and other such "cool" Pokemon, (Weavile, Aerodactyl, etc) and only fights with female Pokemon.
Extra: She can beat up most people in a fight and is a very fast sprinter.. not that this really counts as "Anything special".
"Bio": Izzy feels like she's lived in TCoD forever, as nobody seems to remember when she arrived, including herself. The whole thing is a bit of a mystery, not that she really cares enough to find out.
Name: Charlie

Gender: Female

Description: About average height, and average build. Her eyes change colors between shades of blue, grey, and green to match whatever she’s wearing. Sometimes there’s a ring of yellow around the pupil if she’s wearing bright yellow. Brown hair, that gets really light near the bottom and is almost black at the top, it’s about six inches below shoulder.

Clothes: Blue jeans, brown flip-flops. She usually wears a green top that has a white vine pattern going up the left side. Sometimes wears shirts with entertaining phrases and has a few sweatshirts if the weather gets bad. She always wears a necklace that is just a piece of black string with an amethyst fang hanging off of it.

Personality: Usually pretty calm, but can get hyper and excited when given Coffee, Alcohol, sugar, or wins a super hard battle. She’s a smart alik and sarcastic, and this will probably get her into trouble someday. Likes to observe what’s going on around her, and often wants to say things, but usually talks herself out of it because she‘s afraid that her opinion will be ignored or laughed at. She can typically be found most anywhere but the “websites” section.

Starter Pokémon: A female Charmeleon, and a male Absol.

Pokémon Preferences: Most anything, although Fire, Dragon, Electric, and Dark types are favored.

Extra: Oh, and you can classify her as ‘mentally unstable’ although you wouldn’t know it unless you really paid attention to the things that come out of her mouth, because a lot of things she says are very disturbing if you pay attention.

"Bio": She showed up about one and a half years ago with a crappy (Book/Fanfic, I’m not sure which you would classify it as, since it‘s in the Pokemon world, maybe just a work of Fiction.) and half a brain. She still doesn’t really have any clue what’s going on, and just wanders around, poking around and giving her opinion and stories wherever she sees fit.

(also, just wondering, are you going to include the forum crash?)
Sorry I took so long to post this. My life got a little hectic while I was working on it, with the school year ending and all. But anyways, I've now found time to post it. But I'm glad so far the characters have been a little crazy. It allows me to write more funny stuff!! First story arc will be up soon.

Chapter 1
“I hate trains,” Rostu muttered as they arrived at the house. After ten minutes on another train, it was a relief to get home. Even Taco, who was known for “accidentally” destroying buildings and businesses, couldn’t bug him. But Delxi riding on his back did bug him. “Why did she have to fall and hurt her ankle?” he muttered to himself as he set her down on a couch. Verin heard him and laughed, considering it better than Taco. Taco was still playing with the weird balloon he’d had earlier, but Delxi wondered how he got there before them. Verin and Taco lived in a house by the Internetional Tower, and they’d seen Taco in Sunranch Town, which was fifteen minutes away by quick tram.

“Taco, I’m afraid to ask,” she began, “But how did you get here so fast?”

“This magic balloon brought me here,” Taco replied happily. “But why are you here? Verin said you wouldn’t get here until tomorrow last night.” The balloon began floating towards Mewi, who crouched down in preparation for pouncing. Chatri noticed something about the balloon, though, and began to flap his wings. Vibrava joined in, making a wind strong enough to blow the balloon back towards Taco.

“First of all, I meant they’d come today,” Verin began. “And secondly, magic balloons aren’t real unless you’re reading a fairy tale story book.”

“The only other thing it could be is a Drifloon,” Taco retorted. “And they’re not yellow.”

‘They are if they’re shiny,’ Chatri muttered, wishing he knew enough human to tell that to the annoying kid. ‘Vibrava, how do you survive with this kid?’

‘Luck,’ he replied simply, staring at the boy as his sister explained about shiny Pokémon.

“I’m a little hungry,” Rostu muttered. “When do we get some food?” Verin smiled and pointed at the window. Outside were many rows of berry trees, with many people picking the berries. It felt so good to the Pokémon to see food, though Rostu was doubtful. “Aren’t berries for Pokémon?”

“Yeah, but I was pointing at the other window,” Verin replied. Out the other window was a café with several wonderful plates of food set out on a buffet table. “It’s for the staff of Games Tower, but since we’re neighbors, we get to eat there too. Otherwise we could sue for strangers eating in our backyards, and with several neighbors to sue with, Games Tower would have to close or get someone to evict us, and one neighbor is a staff member. We have to use these special passes to go, though.” She held up two lanyards with laminated cards. “I got two extras for you guys to use.”

“Cool!” Delxi said joyfully as she jumped up. In an instant she ran out to the buffet with one of the passes Verin held. Mewi followed her master to the nice smelling buffet, leaving her shocked companions to watch in amazement.

“So much for a sprained ankle,” Rostu muttered, and took his bags to his room to unpack. The guest rooms were very simple but comfortable. The walls were painted a worn shade of yellow but still cheery, the floors were wooden with a single rug, and the windows had simple beige curtains. Rostu’s room had twin beds with blue covers and matching pillows, along with a light brown wooden desk. His dresser was painted a beige color, while in the corner were three plush chairs: one a worn shade of orange, the other a worn shade of red, and the last an off-white color. He sat down in the orange chair, happy to be away from Aunt Pixie’s rooms. Why was she so weird and strict? The bedrooms she had were all white with blue and silver décor. It was so hard to keep the rooms as clean as she wanted…

“Wow, cool room!” Delxi whispered in her bedroom across the hall while Rostu recalled the many crazy rules at their Aunt’s. Her room was similar to Rostu’s, only it had pale pink and gold décor. She flung herself onto the pale orange plush chair, grinning as she looked around. Nice bed, cute colors, some weird girl in the window, nice—wait, some weird girl in the window? She took a moment to realize the girl leaning in the window wasn’t looking at her, but Mewi. The girl had wavy brown hair, wearing sunglasses with tinted blue lenses that matched her shirt. “Um, can I help you, miss…?”

“Nemo,” the girl said automatically. “That’s a nice Glameow. It’s so blue…” Mewi glanced up at the extremely strange girl in surprise, sensing boundless energy in her. “Does it have a name?”

“Mewi,” Delxi replied sternly. “And I’m Delxi, thanks for asking. Now get out!” Nemo finally seemed to notice that Delxi existed, and looked at her nervously.

“I’m so sorry about that,” she said with a nervous smile. “You see, my Spoink, Spring, hasn’t been too happy lately. I’m really worried about her. The Pokémon Nurse says she has to battle another Pokémon so he can feel happy, but I’m not too sure how to do that…” Nemo resumed staring at Mewi without waiting for an answer to her vague challenge.

“Look, I don’t have time,” Delxi sighed. “And I’m not sure how to battle anyway.” Suddenly the door slammed open as Chatri flew through the room in a panic. Behind him they could hear the worst singing voice ever as Taco and the shiny Driflooon passed the room on the way to take a shower. “On second though, I can learn as I go along.” Nemo clapped joyfully as Delxi climbed out the window after Mewi. “So, where do we go?”

“Follow me!” Nemo said happily and the two headed out.

Half an hour later Nemo and Delxi were in Pokémon City. The zone was called “Dewdrop Lake” which was a self-explanatory name. “Um, since neither of us knows much about battling,” Nemo began, “I’ll just make up some rules. No using items on our Pokémon, only one Pokémon each, and the loser has to pay for ice cream.” Mewi was ready for the battle as she jumped in front of Delxi, who felt nervous. Nemo then pulled out a Poké Ball that was pink on the top and black on the bottom. “Come on Spring, it’s time to shine!” The ball released a red beam that formed into an odd black creature with a pig-like head and spring-like body. A pink pearl was balanced on its head as it bounced around the field.

“Okay, let’s go!” Delxi said much more enthusiastically than she felt. “Mewi, use—” Suddenly she stopped. “I don’t know what her attacks are.” Mewi felt like biting her for that. The Spoink’s master probably knew what her attacks were. But when she looked at this “Spring”, she instantly knew that neither master knew their attacks.

“Me neither.” Delxi and Nemo looked at each other nervously. “Maybe we should go to the library in Sienna Town.”

“Good idea.” With that, the two ran off to the library with their Pokémon close behind.

Meanwhile, Rostu hid in his room as Taco continued singing in the shower. “Delxi is so dead,” he muttered angrily. For a moment Taco stopped singing, probably to put in some shampoo, which was his gateway to escape. Instantly he ran out of the room towards the living room where it would be hard to hear him. The horrible screeching started up again, but he was too far to turn back. After what seemed to be hours (only seconds) he reached the living room. The sound that reminded him of a record screeching was barely audible now, and he breathed a deep sigh of relief before looking up. Verin was getting ready for a big art show at the Creative Center, which included some of her work. At the moment she was wearing a stunning sea green halter dress that fit her body perfectly. She was putting her hair into a braid, but turned to smile at Rostu.

“Sure you can handle being alone with Taco?” she asked with a smile. “You can always go to the show with me.”

“Nah, I’m going for some ice cream,” he replied. Pausing, he looked at her braid.

“Oh, my Clefairy did that,” she explained. “Anyways, see you later!” She started for the door, but Rostu grabbed her dress with an urgent look.

“Wait, what about Taco?”

“Uh, he can handle himself. Otherwise the members would have gotten him years ago.” With that, she swiftly walked out before he could ask what she meant. Finally he shrugged and started to turn around when there was a knock. Taco ran out from the bathroom in a Spanish-looking outfit and opened the door before Rostu had a chance. Standing there was a girl with messy red hair wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses. Standing beside her was a female Scyther also wearing sunglasses.

“Hello, my name is Izzy, and this is my partner, Josherella,” she said. “I’m looking for Taco—”

“Oi oi oi!!” Taco cried in a realistic foreign accent. “Tacos are so popular in old country. You will try, yes?” The girl stared at Taco for a moment, decided it was not Taco, and left. “Works every time!” the boy laughed. “Later Rostu, Drifloon wants an encore.” As he walked away, Rostu stood silently for a moment before running out the door for his life.

At the Sienna Town library, Delxi and Nemo poured over every book about Pokémon battles. So far they’d found what attacks Mewi and Spring could use. Unfortunately, they didn’t know what level they were, so they just continued reading. “Okay, this is just too hard,” Delxi muttered in distress as she slammed her sixth book closed. “We can battle later. Right now I’ve got to go home. I hope Spring can go another day without a battle.” Nemo nodded sadly as the group left.

‘Ya know, that’s not the problem,’ Spring whispered to Mewi. ‘I’m just bored, but the nurse doesn’t know that.’

‘Are there any normal people here?’ Mewi asked worriedly.

‘If there are, I haven’t seen them.’

‘Are there even any caves?’

‘If there are, I haven’t seen them.’ Mewi paused to tilt her head at her possibly-new friend.

‘Is there anyone who listens to you?’

‘If there are, I haven’t se—HEY!’ They followed their masters the rest of the way home while they discussed techniques for getting their ways more often.
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Name: Icy Kayou
Gender: Female
Description: Brown hair, green eyes, thin muscular build
Clothes: Typically wears a white shirt, a sparkly blue jacket, black pants, and black shoes with removeable taps. She also has top hats, tie dye shirts, and other colors of sparkly jackets
Personality: Onstage in the Creative Center, Icy is very energetic, always singing, dancing and cracking jokes during her daily shows. Offstage, she is more calmer and relaxed. She may appear laidback and friendly, but will show her fierce side when angered, annoyed, or provoked. In battle, she is very sneaky, using her opponent's strengths to turn the tables on them. Once you earn her respect, you have a loyal friend that will go to any lengths for you.
Starter Pokémon: Lita (Pikachu), Reni (Meowth), Mina (Pidgeot)
Pokémon Preferences: She loves Pikachus and Pichus with a passion
Extra: Great singing voice, multi-instrumentalist (she can play acoustic guitar (her main instrument), Pokeflute, tin whistle, harmonica, and piano, to name a few), and a superb tap dancer
"Bio": Maya came from a family of performers, and learned a lot about humility, respect, and courage while traveling with her father's variety show. Once she was of age to receive a Pokemon, she went solo with her pokemon team, until she landed a full time paying gig at the Cave.
Name: Snowdrop (i know, uncreative)
Gender: Female
Description: Very pale skin, with long black hair tied in a ponytail up to her waist.
Clothes: A turquoise turtleneck with a light blue shawl over it, and jeans.
Personality: Calm and collected at times, but generally peppy and happy. Known to worry a lot during...bad times.
Starter Pokémon: Castform (f), Starly (f)
Pokémon Preferences: Eevee/Eeveelutions, and birdds
Extra: Plays clarinet in her spare time.
This chapter's shorter, I guess. But next time will be the start of the first big story arc, "Show Biz!" Sorry about only featuring two characters so far; there's been lack of reason not to. Also, so far no boys have submitted characters. (Usually it's been the other way around for me. :P) Also, I now respect how hard it is to choose an appropriate name for the towns in games. I was trying to come up with a name for the two ranches and ended up deciding to keep them nameless.

Chapter 2
Rostu watched as Delxi walked inside dejectedly, holding an empty Poké Ball in her hands that had been found by Mewi. “I’m hopeless at battling,” she mumbled to her twin brother. Rostu happened to be an expert at battling, but he decided to keep his mouth shut for the sake of real entertainment. Taco’s singing had ended after he returned, saying it had something to do with the girl who’d come with the Scyther earlier. He paused to consider what had happened in the short time that Verin left for her art show: two weird people had dropped in (technically Delxi met Nemo before then, but he didn’t know that), Taco began singing his horrible songs, and now they were all feeling dejected except for Taco. Nothing seemed to be going right for him and Delxi in the Cave of Dragonflies.

“I’m ready to leave,” Rostu sighed as he got up from the floor. “And we’ve only been here for about one day.” Delxi nodded with a tired face as she watched him head to his room, and glanced around quickly before heading to her room as well. Mewi had been taking her time walking until she found the Poké Ball, and now she wondered why Mewi had brought it to her. Mewi hated the mere sight of Poké Balls, which confused her a bit. She was halfway to the bedrooms when she heard the front door open. Verin was home, but she didn’t feel like talking to her so she walked faster until she reached her bedroom and closed the door. Sighing, she flopped onto the bed in the clothes she’d worn all day and quickly fell asleep.
“Morning!” Verin said cheerfully as Rostu walked into the kitchen. Delxi was already there with food from the feast set up by the Games Tower, chowing down hungrily. “I’m going to Sunranch today. Rostu, do you want to come and help? I invited Delxi to come, but she’s got to do some research on battles.” Rostu looked at Delxi curiously.

“Hey, it’s the only way to get Nemo off my back,” she sighed before continuing her portion of the feast. Rostu then weighed the options in his mind quickly: help out Verin or stay home. The second seemed safe, so he was about to decline the offer when suddenly they heard the sound of a violin being played by a Meowth mixed with nails scratching a blackboard. “Oh my gosh, what is that!?” As if in answer, Taco walked into the kitchen with the overly ecstatic shiny Drifloon, who seemed to enjoy the horrible sound escaping from Taco’s throat.

“When do we go?” Rostu asked eagerly as Chatri fell in mid flight (again).

After Rostu had his fair share of food, he and Verin were off to Pokémon City’s Sunranch Town, while Delxi went to find Nemo and Taco went to do whatever he did during the day. (As Verin had said earlier, it would be better they didn’t know so they couldn’t be held responsible for his actions.) The quick tram arrived at the Pokémon City Train Station in ten minutes, which took a total of fifteen minutes with the five minutes it took to reach the station in front of the Creative Center. “This zone is called ‘Jewelcross City’,” Verin said as they weaved their way through the many crowds. “It’s the center of Pokémon City, and links to all of the other zones. It used to be called ‘Gemheart City’ but then HeartGold was announced, so they changed it to be fair.” As she spoke a large wooden sign came into sight, showing a painting of a cartoon-like sun by the name “Sunranch Town” painted in dark red lettering. A matching border outlined the sign, while the faded natural brown wood was carved so that the letters and border would stick out. Below the sign was a large old-fashioned gateway in the stone wall, but no one was there like in the other gateways they’d passed. “Not many people have a reason to go there, but it’s still nice.”

“Well, I can’t wait to get there,” Rostu replied with a sincere smile. Not many people meant time for him to think, which he needed because so far everyone he’d met was a little odd. Even the guy who sold him ice cream was a little crazy. (Okay, a lot crazy. He was wearing an anti-sugar protest button and an “I Love Candy” button on the same shirt!) Relaxing at Sunranch Town between work would calm him down and restore some sanity. Finally he saw the buildings of the small town, and stopped in his tracks. The houses were all made with combinations of wood and stone, while the two largest buildings were the size of two houses. Only the Pokémon Center was built with a more modern material, but it was only visible on the red roof, windows and doors; the rest was covered in wood paneling to blend in with the other buildings. “Wow, what are those big buildings?”

“The two big buildings are ranches,” Verin explained. “The one on the left is where I work. It’s for Pokémon, like in the games Pokémon Box and Pokémon Ranch. The one on the right is for crops and berries and stuff. I prefer Pokémon over food, though. Oh, and the ranches don’t have official names.” She giggled at the look of surprise on Rostu’s face. “Anyways, I want you to help me out with some of the chores at the ranch where I work. When we get there, another one of the workers, Izzy, will help you.”

“Weird,” Rostu said as they reached the ranch, “Last night I a girl named Izzy came to the house looking for Taco. And—” Suddenly he stopped talking as they walked in the main building, where a girl with messy red hair sat in a worn green couch the front room, looking through some papers with bored brown eyes. “Hey, you’re that girl who was looking for Taco!” The girl snapped to attention at his voice and smiled.

“Hi again,” she laughed. “Yep, that was me. I was going to ask him if he had this game I let him borrow a while ago. If it wasn’t for the fact I need money to survive, I’d probably be playing it right now instead of working here.” As she spoke, she sat up and Rostu got his first good look at the strange girl. Her tangled red hair was put up in a Ponyta-tail with a faded red ribbon that looked almost pink, unlike the way it had been hanging loose the night before. A gray sleeveless jacket that was unzipped in the middle covered a black T-shirt with a picture of an Umbreon on it, as well as the words “I Like Fighting” under it in big white letters. Worn jeans pulled off the look nicely, although that he wasn’t too sure her faded brownish-black sneakers were that color when she’d first bought them. Plus, her skin was unusually pale. “So, what’s he here for today?”

“Help with the chores,” Verin laughed, and Izzy smiled at him with a mischievous gleam in her dark brown eyes. That’s when it first occurred to Rostu that coming with Verin to work might have not been such a good idea after all…

“Okay, so far we’re pretty much hopeless in finding their levels,” Delxi announced as she slammed her fifth book shut. “Nemo, I’m sorry, but I think we should do something else now.”

“Fine with me,” Nemo sighed in frustration. “I guess Spring will have to get better without battling unless she and Mewi can tell us their levels and attacks right now.”

‘Level twenty-one,’ Spring answered, ‘I know Odor Sleuth, Psybeam, Confuse Ray, and Magic Coat.’

‘And I’m level twenty,’ Mewi added. ‘Fake Out, Hypnosis, Faint Attack, and Fury Swipes.’ This information went in vain, though, as they did not speak human and the humans did not speak Pokémon.

“I wonder what they’re saying,” Delxi muttered thoughtfully. They both had thoughtful faces for a moment, and Nemo shuddered at what she was thinking about.

“I don’t!” she said firmly, and looked away from them. “I’ve got to go now. I’ll see you later.” She rushed away and Spring flashing Mewi a sorrowful look.

‘Sorry, I better go too,’ she whimpered. ‘See you again soon?’

‘Of course!’ Mewi replied enthusiastically, glad to have made her first friend since arriving. The Spoink bounced away after her owner, leaving the two newcomers with nothing to do.

“We still haven’t been to the Creative Center,” Delxi finally said. “Let’s go!” They ran towards the building Verin had shown them early the day before, excited to have something to do besides just stare after Nemo and her poor Spoink (or so Delxi thought) Spring. Little did they know their first real adventure was about to begin…

BEGIN “STORY ARC 1: Show Biz!”
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