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Death Note Mafia -Game over. Mafia Win.

Re: Death Note Mafia [[Day Three]]

I find it pretty likely that the goons were the only ones counted for the amount of Death Notes; three doctors would increase the likelihood of someone getting cursed.

I'm voting Light Yagami as well; you're gonna get lynched anyway, and I'm desperate for survival at this point.
Re: Death Note Mafia [[Day Three]]

And if he isn't we DON'T lose.
Re: Death Note Mafia [[Day Three]]

There's not much I can do, is there? If I was innocent and we lost today, what you guys tell me I should have done differently?

You guys aren't really making much of an effort to scumhunt.
Re: Death Note Mafia [[Day Three]]

The group of villagers became ever smaller as they decided again to kill. One of the number claimed to have the illusive power of the eyes, that allowed an alignment to be seen. Apparently, Light Yagami had written on the note before, and was since, sentenced to death. That handy rope that they had hung an innocent villager on before was used again, and despite his best efforts, Light Yagami was hung untill dead. Later, the remaining townspeople searched the body. They found a Death Eraser in his coat pocket.

Light Yagami was an innocent Death Eraser user. Now he is dead.

Oh, and for the record, there was/is two vanilla townies.
Re: Death Note Mafia [[Night Four]]

(If we're pointing things out, day is supposed to have started if we're going by the typical 48 hour timeframe.)
Re: Death Note Mafia [[Night Four]]

No one showed up at the meeting hall that day.
The mafia knew who they were.
And they knew they had won. As KR-10 died from being clubbed to death by an aggressive teenager, the malicious group drank to their overwhelming success. If Light Yagami had been heeded, the game may have ended differently. Or it may have not. It hardly matters now. What could have been done was not, and the Death Note's have dealt their death. The Mafia have one. But only in an extremely short-term case.

For whoever writes a name in the Death Note can go to neither heaven nor hell, no matter their life. They must spend the rest of existence, all of time, in fact; living in mu. In nothingness. As they have erased so many live, they too have erased their own:none of the four can escape now, no matter who they kill. They had best enjoy their lives as well as they are able.

For nothingness awaits when they die.
Re: Death Note Mafia [[Day Three]]


That death flavour text had barely anything to do with Gamzee.
(RK-10 was supposed to be beaten to death by an "insane teenager" using juggling clubs and left laying on the horn pile)
Hi, folks, Death Note goon here! Mai was my lover, and thus part of the Mafia too. (funny, cause she was the one driving us on XD)
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