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Deep Sea Trench

Your oxygen levels tumble down to the last 25%, as you manoeuvre the sub away from the aged fish. Hoping to get lucky and praying to Neptune, you scan the rocks and seaweed carefully. Very, carefully. A Male Omastar peeks out from a dark cave, producing a soft squelching sound as it observes you. Take it, or return to the surface and waste your last torpedo and hope that you get refunded?

Ha yes, gimme gimme. (Kinda forgot about this place :x)
Without paradoxical elaborations and illustrations you ignore the Remoraid and happen upon a Male Buizel hunting for clams, yes or no capture it thank you turbo.

Yeah, so did I, so it seems. And again, torpedo goes turbo boom explode get male Omastar you do happy ending and return to Narnia the end.
Grass King:
Why, Frankfurt, WWHHHHHAAAAII??? In totally unrelated news you come upon a Female Tentacool? Capcha or kuntinoo?

You climb into the clanking, rusting old thing that is the bathysphere. You secure the door and drool against the window as the sub descends into the Trench. The blue and green colours grow darker and darker around as you fall into the bottom of the lightless area of the Trench. You land on the sandy seafloor, disturbing the dust and whatnot. After the mud settles down you can make out a large, and apparently content, deep-blue fish. You found a Male Whiscash! Take it, or move on?
Grass King:
You abandon the obese catfish, directing the sub towards some craggy oval stones instead. As you're sifting through them you disturb a strangely brown-coloured rock contrasting with the grey stones littered all about. At closer inspection, it reveals it be a Male Wartortle, tightly shut in his shell. Tackle it?
Grass King:
You aim carefully at the male Wartortle pulling the trigger and capturing the turtle , beating a hasty retreat from the ensuing explosion. You decide to make use of your remaining oxygen to look around the water... You only spot a Female Tentacruel grabbing and shearing apart a dead Luvdisc. You also spot an interesting looking shell. Which one would you like to take?

You steer away from the lumbering menace, and right into an adorable Male Clamperl that was berating a not so adorable Female Remoraid. Your take?
Grass King:
You aim carefully at the male Wartortle pulling the trigger and capturing the turtle , beating a hasty retreat from the ensuing explosion. You decide to make use of your remaining oxygen to look around the water... You only spot a Female Tentacruel grabbing and shearing apart a dead Luvdisc. You also spot an interesting looking shell. Which one would you like to take?

You steer away from the lumbering menace, and right into an adorable Male Clamperl that was berating a not so adorable Female Remoraid. Your take?
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