[Magni] Feebas [Swift Swim] ♀
Health: 86%
Energy: 66%
Status: Several minor cuts on her forehead, and eyes a bit red.
Thoughts: "I am QUEEN OF STATUSES!"
Stat Changes: Doubled base speed.
Commands: DragonBreath ~ DragonBreath/Dragon Pulse x2

[Yuno] Staryu [Illuminate] ♪
Health: 59%
Energy: 74%
(Mild sleep, goes to 'light' in two actions),
(Toxic'd, 2% this round, +1% next round)
Thoughts: "..."
Stat Changes: -1 atk, +1 spdef
Commands: Sleep Talk/Natural Cure/Light Screen x3
Magni's mouth gaped open wide, the back of her fishy throat glowing with an eery light. Turquoise and lime-green light spilled forth, speeding out of her mouth like a roiling, angry cloud. The Dragonbreath attack hit its target, blazing over Yuno's bottom-left leg and leaving it burnt-looking. Although it was hard to tell, it didn't seem to Magni that her attack had done anything to paralyze her opponent.
Yuno slumbered on, but on some subconscious level knew its commands. The staryu's central gem glittered randomly as Yuno quietly cried its own name. Suddenly, Yuno began to glow blindingly white. However, the referee pressed a button on his flag and the attack, whatever it was, seemed to stop immediately. The Omskivar scowled a bit at the referee, but rules were rules; Recover was a direct healing move, and thus illegal.
Magni, cheered by this turn of events, spat forth another blast of burning dragon energy. It spun its way quickly to Yuno once more, this time coming into direct contact with one of its breathing tubes; the noxious burn of the Dragonbreath immediately made Yuno seize up, restricting its movement. On the plus side, the burning, however short-lived, served to make Yuno a bit more lucid a bit more early than it otherwise would have been.
However, it was here that it reached an impasse; the staryu's commands said to Sleep Talk until it was paralyzed... and now it was, but still Yuno remained in the cold grips of forced sleep. Yuno wrestled with this in its groggy, sleeping mind for some time but eventually decided to repeat its last action. Once more the central gem on Yuno's body began to sparkle as it mumbled quietly, randomly selecting a move. Oddly enough, the staryu's subconscious once more chose Recover; the pokémon glowed briefly once more before the attack was once more canceled out by the referee. It was at this point that The Omskivar had to be restrained from throttling whatever was within arm's reach.
Magni, who would have been cackling by this point if that was something that fish could or wanted to do, nevertheless had her mouth wide open. Once again, dragon energy pulsed forth, this time in a bubbly wave that shot forward in a straight line at her opponent. The attack struck Yuno in the very center of its gem, and the starfish spasmed violently before settling back down. The attack had been unusually strong; in fact, perhaps it was too strong, since Yuno was now spinning rapidly again, if a bit jerkily.
Awake finally, Yuno felt a strong urge to attack attack attack. However, it felt that it would in fact be wise to try to heal itself. Too bad it was a Glowing staryu and not one of those Natural Cure ones. Yuno, feeling helpless and quite confused, decided to put up a Light Screen. When it was doing the complex mental dance that this required, however, Yuno's respiratory system seized and broke its concentration. The Omskivar then hurt his hand punching a plastic wall.

[Magni] Feebas [Swift Swim] ♀
Health: 86%
Energy: 53%
Status: Several minor cuts on her forehead, and eyes a bit red.
Thoughts: "Random Number Gods
are real!"
Stat Changes: Doubled base speed.
Performed: Dragonbreath ~ Dragonbreath (paralyzing) ~ Dragon Pulse (critical hit)

[Yuno] Staryu [Illuminate] ♪
Health: 37%
Energy: 72%
(Toxic'd, 2% this round, +1% next round),
(Moderate paralysis, mild in two actions)
Thoughts: "I am quite angry right now."
Stat Changes: -1 atk, +1 spdef
Performed: Sleep Talk (failed) ~ Sleep Talk (failed) ~ (paralyzed)
Arena Status
The water is temperate. Everything's a bright red color around Yuno, including the church that it's punched a hole in. The fake doors lay on the ground, half-covered by white plastic.
1. The Omkivar had terrible, terrible luck this round.
2. Natural Cure not only takes a round to use, but also isn't Yuko's ability. Refresh, which might be what you meant, is only learned by Starmie in XD.
3. I hope my new status icons aren't confusing.
Next Round
The Omskivar attacks, then Denryu.