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Dies Twice Mafia


I have heeded your eyes emoji and here I am with some fresh MFia! I can feel the rust all over my GM chops, but let's do this

our headline gimmicks for this bout:
-as the name may have tipped you off on, everyone gets two lives in this game. or I suppose the more technical way to put it would be, everyone is one-shot deathproof.
-I'm also fielding a little experiment with the Day phase. Day phases will be lasting 96 hours each, split into two stages: Sunrise and Noon. only during Noon will the poll be running. (and since this will naturally make the phase pretty long, I won't be extending it further in case of poll ties; it'll be straight to random in this game!)

and your friendly neighborhood everyday rules:
-Day phases will proceed as described above, and Night phases will last 72 hours each.
-after we start, don't talk about the game outside of the game thread, except if I've given you express permission to (and then, only in the situations where I've given you express permission to); this includes reading other people's private discussions
-don't post screenshots of confidential game PMs -- ie, your role PM, your night event updates, your legal private communication, etc
-abstaining is free, so there's even more of it to go around than the deathproofing

the 6 players we seem to currently have will suffice, but I can roll with as many as 10. if we somehow end up getting more, well, I guess that's where I'll start thinking fast. and spectators are welcome as usual!
I'm in!

Does the one-shot deathproof thing mean nobody actually dies on execution either, i.e. mafia members only get eliminated if we vote them out twice? Presumably we only see their flip after the second vote? Will day phases ever be shortened, e.g. if town all knows there's one mafia left and they've voted them out once, do we have a full 96-hour second phase to vote them out again?
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I'm in!

Does the one-shot deathproof thing mean nobody actually dies on execution either, i.e. mafia members only get eliminated if we vote them out twice? Presumably we only see their flip after the second vote? Will day phases ever be shortened, e.g. if town all knows there's one mafia left and they've voted them out once, do we have a full 96-hour second phase to vote them out again?
it protects from execution at daytime as well, and flips only happen at a player's final death

and I could see about shortening the phase given both favourable circumstances and a general consensus against waiting around, yes
i'll give this a shot! let's see how mentally ill it makes me.

i'm assuming yes, but i'm wondering if we will be notified if we lose our first life in the night. (obviously we will know if it happens during the day.)

disclaimer in advance, these next couple weeks are gonna be a bit busy for me, but not so busy that i shouldn't be able to get in some decent posting each phase. i'll definitely be able to keep up with the pace that RNP's game proceeded at. just wanted to put it out there.

@mewtini get in here
don't clown on dulfin and bowlby too hard on their first game, you two. i'm rather fond of them.

/in!! someone may need to remind me on discord when it starts though
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