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Disgaea: Corruption of Order [SIGN UPS]

Kai Lucifer

A traveller on the winds of time
In an alternate netherworld, the Overlord Dante disappeared one night. In his final letter, he left the position of Overlord to his second-in-command, Ferris. However, many of the inhabitants of this netherworld refused to accept her as their ruler. Shortly after appointed Overlord, she declared war on them. Those who surrendered were taken to the kingdom, and those who didn’t were executed. Eventually, order was established. Ferris was widely accepted as overlord, with no opposition.

After a few years of her reign, Dante returned to the Netherworld, in a small village named Arcana. Apparently, Ferris had imprisoned him within his own mind, and had been accidently released. The demons living there took him in and nursed him back to health. Dante then left the village to kill Ferris for treason. A few days after leaving, Ferris ordered the royal army to destroy the village, so that no one who knew the truth would survive.

You are one of the demons living in Arcana. The royal army is approaching, and you have little time to prepare yourself. You are going to save the village, or die trying.

Classes accepted in this RP:
Warriors [Both M+F]
Well rounded characters with no major weaknesses.

Magicians [Both M+F]
Intelligent characters that prefer to use magic from a distance, rather than close-up-brawling.

Clerics [F only]
Characters that support the team with healing and stat-raising spells.

Ninjas [M only]
Fast-moving characters with high-quality fighting skills.

Samurai [F only]
Traditional female fighters with high-quality fighting skills.

Scouts [M only]
Characters that use guns to attack from far distances.

[Note: Other classes will be introduced as the RP progresses.]

Character class:
Weapon of choice:
Weapon type:
Other items:

Member List:
Kai [Magician]
Griffith [Warrior]

Rules and Guidelines:
•Basic RP rules apply.
•Having at least a basic knowledge of what Disgaea is is advised. Wikipedia should explain better than I can. I dont want members having a complete lack of knowledge of the subject.
•Swearing is allowed, but excessive swearing will result in a ban from the RP.
•No overkill, please.
•Posts should be kept to a minimum of 3 sentences, or 30 words. There will of course be exceptions.
•You can create your own weapons and specials, but no new weapon classes or attributes.
•No chain posting.
•1 character only per person.
•Make your own character, Damnit. Using a character from an existing anime etc. or even posting an image of a character will result in form denial.

[Note: I will need members to play as both Ferris and Dante.]
[Side note: Wrath of Mewtwo failed due the lack of a member playing Deoxys.]
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Re: Disgaea: Corruption of Order: Part 1

Name: Kai
Gender: M
Age: 14
Character class: Magician
Appearance: Kai prefers not to wear the traditional wizards cloak; Instead, he wears white gloves, with markings that amplify his magic power. He usually dresses in a black shirt and black trowsers. He has brown hair and red eyes, along with pointier ears tahn most demons; a sign of maturity.
Personality: Kai is a serious demon, but often coming up with amusing put-downs.
Bio: Kai was not born into the village; he was abandoned by his parents at a young age. He would have been slaughtered by wild demons, had the village leader taken him in. Since then, Kai has been determined to discover who his parents are.
Weapon of choice: Amnesty [Ignorance is bliss, until it smacks you across the face.]. White gloves with markings that amplify magical power.
Weapon type: Fist.
Other items: Devil Ring, Falcon Shoes.
Specials: The Arcane [Creates a fury of blue flames that race upwards towards the sky. Fire Element.], Giga Fire, Giga Ice, Giga wind, Giga Star.
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Please don't double post.
Can I have 2 characters?

Name: Sage Ruby Lehrer
Gender: Male
Age: 59
Character class: Mage
Appearance: He is 6'4" and wears a pitch black cloak that can camouflage with his surroundings. He wears black gauntlets that contrast with Kai's that amplify his dark magic.
Personality: PO please?
Bio: He was raised by his mentor, one of the greatest Black Sages ever, and then, once his mentor died, he took his place and now has his own apprentice.
Weapon of choice: Staff
Weapon type: Magic
Other items: Amplifying Gauntlets, Magic cloak, powerful magic.

Name: Mage John Lawrence
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Character class: Mage
Appearance: He wears a black cape and black gloves, similar to Sage Lehrer's, but less powerful. He also wears large black boots and a black undershirt.
Personality: PO?
Bio: He was orphaned when he was 1, he was raised by Sage Lehrer.
Weapon of choice: A small wand.
Weapon type: Magic
Other items: Gloves.
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Sorry iphillp, but I don't think that you understand what Disgaea is for 2 reasons.
• There are 7 types of weapons. Fist, Sword, Spear, Bow, Gun, Axe and Staff. Magic is non-existant.
• There is no such thing as a 'Black Sage'.
Also, I've taken a look at your RPing around the forum, and to be honest, it isn't what I want in this RP. I'm sorry, but I'm denying.
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Name: Griffith
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Character class: Warrior
Appearance: Griffith wears a green bandana around his face, and tough leather armour that covers his body and left arm, which ends in a gauntlet. His right arm has a small piece of armour between his wrist and elbow. His hair is a darker brown than usuall, but other than that, he looks like an ordinary warrior.
Personality: Usually, Griffith isn't too talkative, but when happy can be rather social.
Bio: He was born into the village and was raised there. He would do anything to Protect it.
Weapon of choice: Void cutter [send your enemies into the darkness of space]. A sword that curves backwards, with 3 points on the other side.
Weapon type: Sword
Other items: Emerald Gauntlet [Thick, green leather armour that covers his body and left arm],
Specials: Blade rush, Hurricane slash, Wind cutter, Winged slayer
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@Philly - You're allowed to double-post in your own RP threads, for obvious reasons.

Possibly joining this later.
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