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Do you belive in ghosts?

Well, do you?

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Notoriously Unknown

Quick, somebody come up with a witty response!
Self explanitory. Just say whether or not you do belive and why.

Yeah, I belive in ghosts, not very strongly though. When I was little I think I experianced a lot of ghostly anomalies, but I only know that because of an old video of me as a baby. While I was falling asleep in my crib some kind of mist gathered around me. The camera was on a tripod so I was the only one in the room. When my parents came in to retrieve the camera the mist dissipated instantly.
Probley not a ghost, but that was some freakish mist.
I don't!

If I think there's an evil presence behind me, I'm probably just about to be mugged.
I used to tell myself I did when I was younger, but I don't - not sure if I ever really did for long.

I wouldn't want them to be real, no matter how interesting it would make things. Wandering the living world as nothing more than a haunting figure... yeah, some afterlife.
Eh, I'm not an overly superstitious person. Besides, most ghost sightings can be explained, and at the end of the day there are people who see talking trees and stuff and we call them crackheads, hoaxers or lunatics. But having said that I don't like to form beliefs about things like what does or doesn't happen after death, so put me on the "undecided" pile, I guess.
Yes. Not exactly. Demons. They exist. Ghosts don't. Demons are different from deceased human spirits. Very different. Angels exist, too. They also are not spirits of people who have died. You may call this my opinion, but I am very sure. Anyway, I voted yes.
Not really. But I can half believe sometimes at night if it's really late but I know in my mind that I don't believe but I d\still half do...I can't explain.

I guess I'm a not sure person.
My sister saw the ghost of my grandfather when she was around four or five.

Thus yes.
Not really, but when I was 7 I saw princess diana and two hooded-guys walk past py bed in brown robes, she stopped and looked at me and then they walked off. Then I found out that she'd died a few days earlier. (this is before i'd ever heard about or seen what she looked like, btw).

I'll put yes, but I don't really believe in them. Although I do sometimes feel a kind of presence lingering around me, but that doesn't mean it's a ghost.
Not really, but when I was 7 I saw princess diana and two hooded-guys walk past py bed in brown robes, she stopped and looked at me and then they walked off. Then I found out that she'd died a few days earlier. (this is before i'd ever heard about or seen what she looked like, btw).

I'll put yes, but I don't really believe in them. Although I do sometimes feel a kind of presence lingering around me, but that doesn't mean it's a ghost.

But otherwise, I'm not sure. But more on the no side.
No, not the typical type of "boo" ghosts but I think dead people are watching us sometimes, ah hell, I put i'm not sure.
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