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Dragon vs. Mike the Foxhog

Fine, I'll rise to your bait, Dragon. Frankly Riolu could do with Exp anyways (Lucario yessssss)

Now then now then, I think we can expect to see an Aerial Ace, and if you get any indication of it using one I want you to Counter it. In any other case, use Force Palm, because simple mathematics teaches us that STAB + 4x supereffective damage + possibility of paralysis = awesome.

Counter/Force ~ Counter/Force Palm ~ Counter/Force Palm
Kekekekekekeh I knew it Mike. >:3

Well Frozen, we should make this quick~ Those Force Palms are gonna hurt like.. uh, x4 supereffective attacks, so hold on, 'kay? If you ever hit the cap just Agility. Damned damage cap.


Originally Posted by Dragon
2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place… is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.
Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

After the spectacular double knockout, both Pokemon were returned to their Pokeballs in twin flashes of red light. Dragon took several moments to consider her choice, mumbling something about type matchups and counters, before shrugging and tossing another red-and-white sphere into the ring. Frozen the Sneasel emerged, her little wing bobbing around and trailing after its owner as she jogged in two circles to stretch her muscles. Then, she glared at Mike and hissed, ignoring the sand that was getting into her mouth and nostrils.
Slightly unnerved by this, although taking comfort in the fact that Pokemon normally didn’t go after humans as prey, Mike plucked a Pokeball from his belt with hardly any hesitation. The familiar burst of light took the shape of his Riolu. Said Riolu merely yawned and assumed a battle position – a Dark- and Ice-type. Heh. This was going to be easy.

Round Six

Dragon (XO)
Frozen (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Already feeling aggressive.
Commands: Counter ~ Counter/Agility ~ Counter/Agility

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Inner Focus>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: “Easy peasy lemon squeezy :D”
Commands: Counter/Force Palm ~ Counter/Force Palm ~ Counter/Force Palm

Riolu flexed his fingers, readying his hand for a Force Palm – hey, what was that? An explosion of olive-green light flared in the distance, though strangely, no big boom accompanied the glowing detonation. He stopped to stare at it, as did Frozen… suddenly, flames of the same colour shot up from the platform, leaping up to the sky and flicking at the battlers’ skin. Both Pokemon screamed in alarm and pain – that was completely uncalled for! However, instead of the usual crackles and pops a fire tended to make, this blaze made a peculiar, high-pitched buzzing that sent shivers of disgust down Riolu’s spine.

Eventually the whining fire died down, leaving both Pokemon with a few small burn marks on their short-furred hides. Riolu grimaced, rubbing a particularly sore spot. Okay. That was just a minor offset. He could still do this. By now, the sandstorm was diminishing, blowing its last little puffs of sand feebly at the arena. As the howling winds finally ceased, a brilliant spot of light, too brilliant to look at, appeared in the starry space, giving off intense rays that heated the air. Indeed, it was as if the bipedal canine’s peppy words had brightened the atmosphere.

Riolu shook his ears and began to flex his fingers again, then spread them wide and dashed up to his opponent. Frozen snorted, but did nothing except brace her feet against the ground. Upon reaching the Sneasel, Riolu gave her a magnificent open-palmed strike, so powerful that if Frozen hadn’t planted her feet to the platform, she would have no doubt been knocked clear off the floor. She screeched in pain – getting hit by your elemental weaknesses was something you never got used to – before flashing out a paw and digging her insanely long claws into Riolu’s back. It was his turn to cry out in agony, even as Frozen ripped her claws out and across his side. He thought his attack was impressive; after all, he did seem to hit a sensitive spot, but Frozen’s retaliation was easily twice as strong. Briefly he wondered if the Sneasel was on steroids.

Still reeling from the Force Palm, Frozen glared at her opponent. He seemed to be in anguish, holding his wounded side as blood sluggishly trickled out beneath his hand, but it still wasn’t as much as she expected. She snorted. Must’ve hit the stupid damage cap already. She broke into a run, giving Riolu a parting snarl as she did so, and ran a quarter of a lap around the Type Field. When she slowed down, her muscles felt more limber, though her breathing was faintly laboured.

Left behind while Frozen did her little jog, Riolu snorted. Running away? Well, he was strong and awesome and stuff, so it was a plausible reaction. As his opponent slowed down, he dashed up to her and gave her another open-handed strike. The Sneasel yowled and backed away a few steps, fighting the tempting urge to dig all four claws into the stupid dog-thing’s face.

But nooo, her commands were to run around again. With a resentful hiss Frozen ran another quarter of a lap. By now, her limbs were so eager to move that she had trouble staying still. It was a pity that she didn’t jerk out of the way, though, because this time Riolu’s attack struck her square in her temple. She shrieked; the attack didn’t actually hurt, because she too had hit the damage cap, but the force of the strike was so great that shook her brain around, hitting a few of the wrong nerves and causing her muscles to lock up.

What happened next didn’t really add on to the Sneasel’s woes, in reality. Two tiny bursts of olive-green light were called into being at around her eye level; they morphed into something resembling two fangs and sank into Frozen’s forehead. She squealed and batted at the fang-things, even though the area where they made contact only tingled. As the sensation faded away, she let out an irate howl and idly sharpened her claws, hoping that her next string of commands would offer more… entertainment.

Dragon (XO)
Frozen (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 62% (CAPPED)
Energy: 71%
Status: Battered and incredibly furious. Paralyzed (strong to moderate). +4 Speed.

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Inner Focus>
Health: 62% (CAPPED)
Energy: 85%
Status: Faring no better than his opponent.

Terrain notes
The sun is shining brightly, and will do so until the beginning of the 9th round. Eight or so craters have been carved into the field, though the meteorites who caused them are nowhere to be seen.

Final notes
Dragon attacks first next round.
The flash of light was Bug-type, so both Pokemon took damage.
The attack was Leech Life (how boring), and targeted Frozen. Not that it mattered; she had already hit the damage cap.
The 1st Force Palm was a critical hit.
Therefore, the first Counter made Riolu hit the damage cap.
Frozen hit the damage cap on the 2nd action.
The 3rd Force Palm, while it didn’t do any damage, paralyzed Frozen. I don’t see how hitting someone hard on the head will severely paralyze them, though, so instead of 25% I had the paralysis start out at 17%.
Heheheheh damn.

Start with a Substitute, 10% would be nice. You're faster right now, so yeah.. and then Chill. If your Substitute breaks, Facade, if not, Double Team for as many clones as you can get with your epic speed~ And if you're ever paralyzed, take a break and relax, since that helped before. Bump your actions forwards.

Substitute (10%)/relax and do nothing~Chill/Substitute (10%)/relax and do nothing~Facade/Double Team/Chill
I don’t see how hitting someone hard on the head will severely paralyze them
Brain damage? :p

Anyway, not quite sure how I magically forgot about Counter. But never mind, We can soon bring that HP back~ If you should happen to hit the damage cap use Iron Defense.

Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch/Iron Defense ~ Drain Punch/Iron Defense

Hey, it helped Abra kind of. *hopes you can leech HP from a Substitute*
Originally Posted by Dragon
2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place… is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.
Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

Round Seven

Dragon (XO)
Frozen (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 62% (CAPPED)
Energy: 71%
Status: Battered and incredibly furious. Paralyzed (strong to moderate). +4 Speed.
Commands: Substitute (10%)/relax and do nothing ~ Chill/Substitute (10%)/relax and do nothing ~ Facade/Double Team/Chill

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Inner Focus>
Health: 62% (CAPPED)
Energy: 85%
Status: Faring no better than his opponent.
Commands: Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch/Iron Defense ~ Drain Punch/Iron Defense

High up above the Type Field, another burst of light was called into being. At first, it was a soft lilac colour, but quickly darkened into a dull, sickly purple. Frozen and Riolu both tensed, hoping that they wouldn’t find themselves engulfed in flame in a few seconds, but their hopes were in vain. Their shrieks mingled as purple fire of the same colour as the sunburst shot up from the floating platform, but thankfully it didn’t last long and died out soon after. The two battling Pokemon were left singed, miserable, and with a slight feeling of nausea.

Even though Frozen was struggling to move her unresponsive muscles, she was still somehow faster than her opponent. As soon as she regained control over her limbs, she opened her mouth and spat a glob of ice onto the floor, which began to writhe and splinter. Riolu drew back instinctively – what the heck was that? As the bipedal dog watched, the little chunks of ice that had separated themselves off of the main body began to creep back and pile up; the process was repeated until the shivering mound was roughly Sneasel-shaped. The ice sculpture’s creator then hastily ran two claws across the thing’s back, transferring a bit of her life force into it.

Riolu, clearly not impressed by Frozen’s crafting skills, waltzed up to the newly-created Substitute and clenched one hand into a fist. Soon, a faint shroud of tan energy surrounded his paw. With a smirk he drove it home, his fist impacting the false Sneasel with a terrific crack. It immediately fragmented into little shards of ice and collapsed on the ground, where it slowly began to melt. Little orbs separated from the sad, watery mound and sank into the wound on Riolu’s side, making it narrow slightly.

Frozen spent no time mourning her broken Substitute, however. She merely sat down on the ground and closed her eyes, grateful for the chance to rest. Just two rounds into her battle, and she was feeling fatigued… Riolu, on the other hand, was still quite full of energy, and had no complaints about viciously punching something else. Once again shrouding his fist in a thin covering of fighting energy, he gave his opponent a strike to the shoulder, relishing her scream of agony and the comfort the spheres of life energy gave him. Frozen twitched and glared at him, pure rage written all over her features. That stupid dog was going to get it!

…That is, he was going to, if Frozen’s muscles didn’t decide to rebel suddenly. As she tried to stand up, her leg muscles locked up, causing her to topple over and fall to the ground, where the rest of her body clenched and spasmed. She shrieked in terrible frustration, and if she had been able to move, she probably would have ripped Riolu from limb to limb in five seconds flat. As if sensing her thoughts, the canine-like Pokemon once again punched the screeching Sneasel, eager to knock her out.

Suddenly, there was a ghostly whoosh, and the translucent specter of a Seviper’s tail appeared in the air. Riolu watched it in rapt attention as it floated to Frozen’s side, then abruptly started to dribble with a poison that was very much corporal. The Sneasel, who was still busy shrieking, didn’t notice this until it came down upon her. Once again, though, she merely felt a slight tingle, having hit the damage cap already.

Dragon (XO)
Frozen (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 24% (CAPPED)
Energy: 79%
Status: Exceedingly ticked off. Paralyzed (moderate). +4 Speed.

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Inner Focus>
Health: 73%
Energy: 67%
Status: Feeling much, much better.

Terrain notes
The sun is shining brightly, and will do so until the beginning of the 9th round. Eight or so craters have been carved into the field, though the meteorites who caused them are nowhere to be seen.

Final notes
Mike the Foxdog attacks first next round.
The flash of light was Poison-type, so both Pokemon took damage.
The attack was Poison Tail, and targeted Frozen. Not that it mattered; she had already hit the damage cap.
Frozen was paralyzed on the 3rd action.
She also hit the damage cap on the 3rd action.
Mwahahahahahhhh. Not such a good idea to use the Sneasel after all huh Dwaggun~
C'mon Riolu, let's finish this. IN STYLE. If ever Dragon commands it to Protect, use Feint. HAHA NO ESCAPE

Aura Sphere/Feint ~ Aura Sphere/Feint ~ Aura Sphere/Feint

(Sure three Feints probably won't KO it but pfffffft)
Hahaha yourself the one exp I get from this equals evolution >:3

HAHAHA Blazhy I'm looking at you now. Moonlight as much health as you can and then Detect, and then Aerial Ace. Kekekekeh. >:3

Moonlight~Detect~Aerial Ace
Originally posted by Dragon

2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place… is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.
Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

Round Eight

Dragon (XO)
Frozen (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 24% (CAPPED)
Energy: 79%
Status: Exceedingly ticked off. Paralyzed (moderate). +4 Speed.
Commands: Moonlight ~ Detect ~ Aerial Ace

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Inner Focus>
Health: 73%
Energy: 67%
Status: Feeling much, much better.
Commands: Aura Sphere/Feint ~ Aura Sphere/Feint ~ Aura Sphere/Feint

A starburst of yellow light, skipping from an electric lemon colour to a dull ochre, erupted in the distance. Both Pokemon screeched in alarm, particularly Frozen since she already felt relatively close to fainting, and glanced around wildly for shelter, but there was none. Mere seconds later saffron flame, crazily changing hues like the flash of light in the distance, engulfed the top of the platform. It crackled and hissed with electricity, flooding the two Pokemon with a burning electrical sensation that drew screams of agony from their mouths. It died down after several moments, leaving Riolu and Frozen gasping and twitching on their knees.

Frozen was the first to recover, though she didn’t bother to rise from the ground. She took a deep breath and concentrated on the light the false sun was pouring down, pulling it towards her as she converted the light into health. Her body began glow as she healed at an astounding rate, her jarred limbs twisting back to their original places and the bruises disappearing from her body. Riolu watched in disbelief. No, no, no, that wasn’t fair! Was all that work for naught?

It turned out that her injuries were a bit too severe to heal from completely. The glow from Frozen’s body faded abruptly, a few bruises still visible on her hide. The curative technique had its price, though, and the Sneasel almost collapsed on the ground as a wave of exhaustion crashed down on her.

Riolu glared at his opponent – what a cheap tactic! – and clapped his front paws together, focusing his aura in a wobbly, unstable blue sphere in front of him. He grinned. This would leave a mark, oh yes it would! With a yell he released the orb and let it fly. It struck the Sneasel squarely in the stomach and she was pushed back by the sheer force, staggering to regain her balance. She put one clawed hand on the spot of impact and cringed, feeling the energy eat away at her before dissipating.

Heartened by the success of the attack, Riolu wasted no time in preparing another one. Within seconds a sizeable, flickering blue orb appeared between his paws. With another smirk he pushed it towards his opponent; if he kept going at this rate the battle would be over in no time. Frozen was ready, though, and somehow shot off like a black rocket from her kneeling position. Her movement was far too sudden for the Aura Sphere to follow, but it managed to turn and graze her side. She let out an enraged howl.

Her snarl was cut off with a gurgling sound as paralysis gripped her body once more. She cursed under her breath as her spasming muscles forced her onto her knees again; she just managed to stick out her arms for support before her face planted into the platform. Riolu gave a whistle of satisfaction and concentrated his very aura into the air in front of him once more, distorting it as a third bluish orb came into being. This time, though the attack hit its mark, Frozen felt no more than a tingle, and what normally would have pushed her onto her side felt like the slightest of prods. In fact, she didn’t even realize her opponent had attacked her again, since she was still busy fighting her rebelling muscles.

As Riolu sat back and waited for his next commands and Frozen slowly managed to stand up, static was heard in the air. Riolu pricked his ears in interest and followed faint streamers of electricity that leapt through the air with his eyes. Eventually, the electricity congregated in a sizzling, white-yellow orb in front of the bipedal canine; curious, he reached out to touch it, only to have it explode in his face. He cried out and staggered back, sparks jumping from his short fur.

Dragon (XO)
Frozen (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 52% (CAPPED)
Energy: 40%
Status: Beyond exceedingly furious. Paralyzed (mild). +4 Speed.

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Inner Focus>
Health: 62%
Energy: 49%
Status: Vowing never to play with sparkling yellow orbs ever again.

Terrain notes
The sun is shining brightly, and will do so until the beginning of the 9th round. Eight or so craters have been carved into the field, though the meteorites who caused them are nowhere to be seen.

Final notes
Dwaggun~ attacks first next round.
The flash of light was Electric-type, so both Pokemon took damage.
The attack was Shock Wave, and targeted Riolu.
Well, the Detect-Aura Sphere thing was a bit iffy, since Detect involves heightening their senses to dodge the next attack. Aura Sphere always hits though, so... I halved the damage done. If you guys have any problem with the interpretation, do tell me.
Frozen just managed to hit the damage cap on the 2nd action, despite the halved damage.
Frozen was paralyzed on the 3rd action. (Haha, she never gets to do any damage xP)

Also, I just happened to read over the arena description again, and I realized that there's only a 50% chance of a stray attack... Oops... I'll factor that in from now on... Or would you guys rather have a stray attack every round?
STRAY ATTACK EVERY ROUND COS THAT'S COOL if it's aimed at mike >:3

Ah dammit. I was hoping.. Anyways, ten cents says he would spam Aura Sphere/Counter, so. Cheap faggot tactics get.

Counter all physical attacks, Detect all Special moves and Snatch all healing or stat boosting moves. Replace Detect with Aerial Ace if he tries to.. actually, just replace Detect on the second action anyways and replace it with Protect on the third. Heheh. >:3

Counter/Detect/Snatch~Counter/Aerial Ace/Snatch~Counter/Protect/Snatch
...wtf hax D:
Actually, screw it, Drain Punch spam again. I love you, damage cap :D

Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch

(And stray attacks every turn are fine by me too, it's not as if it'd really make a difference at this point. Also last turn I meant for Riolu to use Feint in the eventuality of Detect as well, but it's my fault for not specifying that, so don't worry.)
Originally posted by Dragon
2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place… is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.
Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

Round Nine

Dragon (XO)
Frozen (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 52% (CAPPED)
Energy: 40%
Status: Exceedingly ticked off. Paralyzed (mild). +4 Speed.
Commands: Counter/Detect/Snatch ~ Counter/Aerial Ace/Snatch ~ Counter/Protect/Snatch

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Inner Focus>
Health: 62%
Energy: 49%
Status: Feeling much, much better.
Commands: Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch ~ Drain Punch

With a high, keening screech, a ninth brilliant light erupted somewhere distant, pale lavender-blue against black. A blaze of the same colour shot up from the Type Field before either Pokemon could flinch. They both yelled in pain as the fire licked across their hides with a peculiar chirping sound; it died down after several moments, as usual, leaving Frozen and Riolu slightly burned but still very able to fight.

Riolu clenched his fist, concentrating to surround it with a greedy, brownish aura… Suddenly, something hit him square on the top of his head, and he yelled in indignation, the energy shroud around his fist fading. The object was followed by many more, hitting him on his shoulders, feet, tail, anything that they could reach. Riolu snatched one up from the ground and glared at it suspiciously: it was a small sphere of ice, slowly melting in his hand. Frozen, in contrast, didn’t even blink as the hail bounced off her body. Riolu snarled in irritation.

Once again gathering energy around his hand, Riolu began to run up to his opponent. His paw clenched. Frozen hissed and reluctantly adopted a defensive position; she’d really rather beat the bipedal canine senseless her own way, but orders were orders. In another three seconds Riolu had driven a rock-hard fist into her stomach, the aura around his fist reaching hungrily towards the Sneasel to pull little glowing orbs away from her skin and to his. Frozen staggered backwards and gasped, clutching her stomach. That was one hell of a blow. As the spheres of life energy sank into Riolu’s wounds, they narrowed and the smaller cuts closed entirely, and he sighed in relief.

Recovering her stance, Frozen concentrated all of her current agony into one hand and lunged, aiming at her opponent’s stomach. Eyes wide, Riolu tried to jerk away, but he only managed to redirect the blow into his side. With a hiss of satisfaction the Sneasel sank her long, sharp claws into his flesh, drawing a tortured scream from the little dog.

Still yelling in pain, Riolu gripped Frozen’s arm and pulled it out of his body with a grimace. Then, acting quickly, he summoned another covering of tan energy around his fist and drove it into the side the Sneasel’s head. Once again, Frozen staggered back, crying out in pain and rage, while little spheres separated themselves from her body and congregated in some of Riolu’s wounds, soothing the pain. The Sneasel, who now sported an incredibly achy body, snarled and struggled to regain her balance – only to have her body lock up mid-stagger, causing her to fall on her back. There she lay, cursing with utter vehemence while her muscles spasmed in rebellion. Riolu’s mouth twitched into a faint grin.

Concentrating yet another shroud of energy around his hand, Riolu got the feeling that his commands were awfully repetitive. He shrugged. Frozen was on the ground, completely immobile: a perfect target. He gave her another punch, and in reply the Sneasel’s curses suddenly escalated to a whole new level of coarseness. Suddenly, before he could even feel the relief of stolen life energy, the Sneasel’s foot lashed out, sweeping Riolu’s own feet out from under him and sending him crashing to a blue-and-black pile on the ground with an exclamation of surprise. Then, while her opponent was struggling to get up, she gave him another vicious slash, this time to the back. For the umpteenth time during the battle, Riolu screeched in agony, even though the pain of this attack was insignificant compared to the one before it.

With a cringe the bipedal dog rolled onto his back while Frozen wobbled back onto her feet. Unexpectedly his vision filled with a thick, lavender-blue aura, in the shape of an eagle. It gave a mighty skreek before flapping its wings once, twice; eyes wide, Riolu tried to roll out of the way, but his efforts were useless. At an incredible speed the energy-eagle dove and slammed its beak into his stomach before being shattered into a million wispy bits, but what was strangest of all was that Riolu didn’t feel a thing.

Dragon (XO)
Frozen (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 14% (CAPPED)
Energy: 21%
Status: On the verge of collapse, but flailing in rage anyway. Paralyzed (mild). +4 Speed.

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Inner Focus>
Health: 40% (CAPPED)
Energy: 28%
Status: …the hell was that? O.o

Terrain notes
It’s hailing, and it’ll do so until the beginning of the 12th round. Eight or so craters have been carved into the field, though the meteorites who caused them are nowhere to be seen.

Final notes
Mike the Foxdog attacks first next round.
The flash of light was Flying-type, so both Pokemon took damage.
The attack was Brave Bird, and targeted Riolu (Too bad he already hit the damage cap).
Frozen was paralyzed on the 2nd action.
Frozen hit the damage cap on the 3rd action.
Riolu also hit the damage cap on the 3rd action.
This is it, Riolu, it's as good as over now :3

Just in case another Aura Sphere spam drains the last of our energy, hit it with three Vacuum Waves. If it Protects or Detects, use Feint instead. If Frozen should try to inflict you with any status conditions to stop you fighting (e.g. Attract), use Protect on the first and last action and Detect on the second. If Dragon tries some cheap trick and Attracts on all three actions, however, take a chance and go back to Vacuum Waves.

Vacuum Wave/Feint/Protect ~ Vacuum Wave/Feint/Detect ~ Vacuum Wave/Feint/Protect

Good luck, little guy :o
Looks like we can't win this :/

BUT go with a Moonlight first, and then let's give back with Counters! Or if Vacuum Wave doesn't count as a Physical move spam Payback/Avalanche! Once/if you hit the cap go Chill~

Originally posted by Dragon
2vs2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 5 days and three seconds
Damage Cap: 38%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, weather moves, anything that might completely destroy the stage.
Arena: Type Field

This place… is quite odd. The field is mainly made up of a thick platform a good fifty feet long, and thirty feet across. It seems to be floating in a starry void, or it might be outer space or something. Who knows? If the battling Pokemon *somehow* fall off the platform, there is no penalty except a missed action, used for appearing back on the field. A long path about a foot wide and foot thick leads from the field to a hole in the sky, which is the only way in and out of the Type Field. So unless the Pokemon want to be trapped here forever, it's best to stay away from the path, with attacks.

Every round, a flash of light will appear in the distance, and the field will flare up with flames or aura of one type colour. The flames or aura will just last one round, though if it is not the same type as the Pokemon, it will do the Pokemon 5% damage to their health. For each type, there is a 50% chance of a stray attack of whatever type is on the field hitting one of the battlers, be the attack Draco Meteor or Splash. All stray attacks are damaging, never healing or status inflicting or removing moves.

Every three rounds, the weather will randomly change from normal (dark, starry void with no special effects), sunny (Sunny Day), raining (Rain Dance), hailing (Hail), or somehow, a sandstorm (Sandstorm). The weather changes again after three turns.
Type colours aren't anything set and can be open to interpretation, for example, Fire can be red, Electric yellow, or Dragon blue-purple or green.

Other: No Wailord, though you don't have one, so.

Round Ten

Dragon (XO)
Frozen (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 14% (CAPPED)
Energy: 21%
Status: On the verge of collapse, but flailing in rage anyway. Paralyzed (mild). +4 Speed.
Commands: Moonlight~Counter/Payback~Counter/Avalanche/Chill

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Inner Focus>
Health: 40% (CAPPED)
Energy: 28%
Status: …the hell was that? O.o
Commands: Vacuum Wave/Feint/Protect ~ Vacuum Wave/Feint/Detect ~ Vacuum Wave/Feint/Protect

A pure white explosion of radiance suddenly erupted in the sky, the edges of the burst fading into a light grey. Riolu, still on his back, protested as the bright light assaulted his eyes, and he raised a paw to his eyes. On the other hand, Frozen was frantic, darting from one point to another despite her exhausted muscles. Her reasons were clear within seconds: a fire, so hot that it appeared a yellow-white instead of the usual orangey-red colour, shot up from the Type Field, engulfing the battlers in a bath of flame. When it retreated, Frozen was panting, struggling just to stand.

And as it turned out, Riolu’s next attack would keep the vicious Pokemon down for good. Clapping both paws together firmly, the bipedal canine concentrated fighting energy in the cracks between his digits and swept his arms in a wide arc in front of him. The tan, almost transparent energy spilled out, going so fast that it parted and distorted the air as it travelled towards its target: Frozen. The Sneasel screeched in fear and tried to run away, but her muscles chose the most convenient time to lock up, keeping her feet planted to the spot. That is, until the Vacuum Wave hit. The attack sucked her in, tossing her about briefly while fighting energy ate and burned away at her skin. What normally would’ve been a weak attack was bolstered by Frozen’s natural elemental affinities, and the Sneasel felt her consciousness slip away from her even before the wave dissolved back into the atmosphere, allowing her to hit the ground with a soft thump.

Even unconscious, though, it seemed that Frozen had to take a bit more of a beating before she could be returned to the safety of her Pokeball. Before the referee could announce Riolu the winner, everyone on the Type Field felt a strange presence stir the air. It travelled towards the still Sneasel, and upon reaching her side, there was a pause. As the battlers glanced around in confusion, there were two sharp smack sounds and Frozen twitched twice, two large, pronounced bruises already forming on her skin. Dragon grimaced and hastily returned her fainted Pokemon to her Pokeball. Shrugging, the referee went through the formality of pronouncing Mike the winner – as if that wasn’t obvious already – before she began to hand out the prizes and congratulate the two trainers on a battle well fought. After that, Riolu was returned to his own Pokeball and the three humans walked back to the portal that was the exit out of Type Field, nervously skirting two or three craters as they went.

Dragon (XO)
Frozen (F) <Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 0%
Energy: 21%
Status: Knocked out!

Mike the Foxhog (XO)
(M) <Inner Focus>
Health: 35%
Energy: 25%
Status: Doing a tired victory dance.

Terrain notes
It’s hailing, and it’ll do so until the beginning of the 12th round. Eight or so craters have been carved into the field, though the meteorites who caused them are nowhere to be seen.

Final notes
The flash of light was Normal-type, so both Pokemon took damage.
The attack was Double Hit, and targeted Frozen, who was… already fainted.
Frozen fainted on the 1st action. 10% damage for 3% energy whut hax

The battle is over, and Mike the Foxdog is the winner. He gets $16, I get $10 for reffing, and Dragon gets $6.
Storm and Frozen both get 1 EXP, while Abra and Riolu get 2 EXP each. Good game, you two.
Dragon you’re unbarred go post that challenge with me naoooo
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