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Dragon vs. Skymin

Valoooouuuuur DD:

Uh... Let's go with a simple, failproof (or at least I hope >_<) plan. Chill for a turn, and rip the wet sheep apart. If you somehow don't get to chill, try again. Simple. DD:DD

Chill~Frustration/Chill~Frustration *cough*
This has gotten closer than I thought it would. We have to be extra careful now, Chirin.

First, I want you to use Discharge and see if you can't aggravate that paralysis back up while doing some damage. Then quickly, use Magnet Rise to get off that slippery ground. Then Discharge again.

Discharge ~ Magnet Rise ~ Discharge

Valour's gonna have a rabid hatred of sheep after this battle, isn't she?
Dragon vs. Skymin, Round Six

Pre-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 54%
Energy: 10%
Status: Attack +2, Speed -2, Accuracy -1; Paralyzed (light); too furious to realize how dog-tired she is
Valour's Commands: Chill ~ Frustration/Chill ~ Frustration

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 61%
Energy: 36%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +1, Speed -1; fairly tired, still sort of wet and praying for more misfires
Chirin's Commands: Discharge ~ Magnet Rise ~ Discharge

Team Skymin’s Reflect: 3 actions remaining

Arena: Floating Platform

The floating platform is... just a floating platform. The platform is tiled, and is around a meter thick and ten meters across in all directions. So don't try breaking through it. If you fall off the edge, you take 10% damage and come back to the middle of the platform. No special things.

Round Six: Begin

Valour heaves an exasperated sigh and flops backward onto the floor. She wants to kill Chirin, really she does. And after she kills him, she’ll probably kill him again. Then one or two more times after that, just to make sure. And once more for good luck. But she’s just too exhausted to move at the moment. Loath as she is to sit still when she could be committing first-degree murder, she doesn’t have much say in the matter. She closes her eyes and tries to relax, hoping fervently that her evil archenemy won’t take advantage of her downtime.

This hope, alas, is quite in vain. Her rest is rudely disturbed by the all too familiar ominous cracking and popping of highly-charged sheep wool, followed by a fresh wave of crippling, electricity-induced pain. The swift discharge of lightning is quick to disrupt her muscles afresh—just when she was really starting to feel better, dammit!—and leave her twitching on the floor yet again.

Screaming bloody murder now, Valour leaps to her feet in a surprising display of coordination for a paralyzed and battered Spraylet. Her coordination deserts her almost immediately as soon as she takes a few running steps forward, however—her legs give out and she slips and falls, landing hard on her face. Chirin bites his lip. Look at how she just took a tumble like that. And she was on the dry part of the floor, too. Imagine what might happen to him if he made a misstep here, on the drenched tile. Why, he could slide right off the edge of the platform and into nothingness! Not in the mood to take that particular risk today, the Mareep takes a moment to charge his wool as much as he can. He continues to build up charge, attempting to turn his own little body into a living electromagnet with polarity opposite to the earth’s. A few seconds later he succeeds, and his hooves leave the ground as he begins to levitate. He floats up for a good few feet before judging himself to be a safe distance above the wet ground, and he looks down at the still screaming and thrashing Valour. He’s pretty sure she can still sort of fly, so he might not be too safe up here, but at least he won’t slide on the slippery ground!

Chirin’s assessment is quite right—Valour can still fly, if she really sets her mind to it. Screams still streaming from her beak she gets up again and beats her wings frantically. All of her tiredness is completely forgotten again as she rises up into the air and heads straight for Chirin. The shimmering golden barrier around him—a complete sphere instead of a dome, now that he’s left the ground—is beginning to fade a little bit, but it’s still just substantial enough to impede Valour’s progress somewhat as she tears wildly through it and at Chirin. As a result a good number of her strikes and slashes are softened, but she doesn’t care. She’s hitting him and beating him and making him hurt, and there isn’t anything else she could possibly care about right now. As Valour finally pulls back and the reflect fades away, finally spent, the battered but still floating sheep strikes back. Another wicked and sudden discharge of lightning strikes Valour mid-flight, sending her crashing back to the ground in agony.

Round Six: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Dragon (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)


Valour (F) [Torrent]
Health: 24%
Energy: 7%
Status: Attack +2, Speed -2, Accuracy -1; Torrent (Water damage x1.5); Paralyzed (moderate); FFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!

Team Skymin (1/1 Pokémon Remaining)

Chirin (M) [Static]
Health: 54%
Energy: 22%
Status: Attack +1, Defense +1, Special Defense +1, Speed -1; pretty tired now and really hoping that Valour will just give up soon

Chirin’s Magnet Rise: 3 actions remaining

Team Skymin's Reflect: faded

Arena Status: The tile beneath Chirin is wet and dangerously slippery. The odor of lightly singed wool hangs in the air.

Ref's Notes
-Both Discharges aggravated Valour’s paralysis further, which really sucks for her because it would’ve gone away this round if left alone. :/
-Discharge interrupted Valour’s chilling, causing her to regain less energy than normal.
-Valour was fully paralyzed on the second action.
-Skymin attacks first next round.
*sigh* Not this again...

Skymin is disqualified and forfeits the match. Dragon gets $8 for winning and Valour gets 1 exp. Skymin gets no money and is barred from making or accepting new challenges until June 7th, 2009, but Chirin gets 1 exp. I get $5 for reffing.
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