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Frontier Town Drungfield's Remedies

Laura fumbled in her head for something quippy, and didn't find it. She'd run out of routes.

"Oh, yeah, I'm massively out of my depth," she admitted, blankly. Her tone wobbled on the border of sarcasm and despair. "If I get caught, and I can't bullshit well enough, I guess I'll be, uh, prosecuted or something. Or just be on the run, indefinitely. Dunno."

She blinked, and tried to breathe shallow and steady.

"It's kinda weird, you know. All the wild shit we've gotten stuck into here, even being here to begin with, seems almost easy compared to that stuff back home. It's objectively crazier and higher-stakes, but it's... different. Doing it as a team, on a level playing field. Back home, I'm not even playing the same kind of game as they are."
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