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Novelux Dunsmuir Duel Dome

"The exposition is imminent," interjected Sparkwright. "And if there is indeed a scheme to steal my device, and the conspiracists intend its use in the Comb to obviate the difficulties in exploring it, they will of course deploy agents to the dungeon at a corresponding time, ready to receive and make use of the device. If the security detail should fail, better that an expedition of your own is already concluded. Even should it not, it may be that they risk an exploration attempt of their own to keep to their organisational timetable."

"And should the security party fail, or our own exploration take longer than we expect, better that we've got a squad already there to intercept," Kimiko concluded. "Though, I agree, I'd like to get in and out before anyone comes in after us, if possible..."

She nodded her head, in agreement with Leaf's assessment. "Sounds like a plan to me."
"Marvellous," boomed Douglas. "A plan indeed! I'm sure Howie and Julius will hammer out any details. Fine, fine men, they are. I'm a tremendous judge of character, I would know!"

Somehow, that seemed true. The thoroughly eccentric gasbag had trusted the Wayfarers instantly, but he'd said enough to indicate he didn't unthinkingly approve of everyone without principle. That, and for once, Sparkwright didn't contradict him.

"I'll arrange for Julius to pass along the fine points at your accomodation," hummed the Rotom. "I expect I shall see some of you on campus. Do take care."

Sam grinned. "Nice. Teamwork! This'll be fun."

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