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Eifie Vs. Dragon

I'm wondering if blob's Bounce would have actually hit, though? If it was also a one-action Bounce, wouldn't the action have gone something like: blob Bounces up, venison Bounces up, blob comes down, and then venison comes down and hits.

Uhhhh if that doesn't get redacted though, this might be our last round, venison :[ What a terrible time to suddenly be faster, wow. We don't... really have any cool toys that aren't just straight up attacking or useful w/o conditionals so......... shit let's be terrible

Protect x3
I'm wondering if blob's Bounce would have actually hit, though? If it was also a one-action Bounce, wouldn't the action have gone something like: blob Bounces up, venison Bounces up, blob comes down, and then venison comes down and hits.

Uhhhh if that doesn't get redacted though, this might be our last round, venison :[ What a terrible time to suddenly be faster, wow. We don't... really have any cool toys that aren't just straight up attacking or useful w/o conditionals so......... shit let's be terrible

Protect x3

I always thought of a one action Bounce as being just that Pokemon doing the attack on its action, the full attack. Because if you're going for dodging the enemy's attack on that action and then getting in damage yourself, it seems a bit too powerful. Even for an extra 3% energy. The two action bounce has an understandable drawback, it takes two actions to complete, whereas having the dodge on a one action Bounce would achieve the same effect and just trade an action for 3% energy. I would take that trade almost any day.
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You actually can use a one action Bounce that way if you're faster than your opponent. It's kind of iffy since blob was not using it to dodge an attack so I hoped she would come down before venison came up. Or she would land on his head in the air, haha. It also makes sense for her to have just plain missed, so I await your verdict :O
And Misdreavus/Deerling only have a difference of 10 speed points, so maybe that could factor into venison going up before blob came down..? 10 points is less than some refs' speed stat changes, right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh, wow, Deerling is a lot faster than I thought. Yeah, Bounce probably shouldn't have hit, especially with the near-miss accuracy roll so there can be no sky bounce battle shenanigans.
Fair enough, that's enough points towards venison surviving. And since it's such a high-impact move (in more ways than one :D) I've edited the battle accordingly. I'll get the description done later, so feel free to modify your orders, Dragon.
[whispers] rad... Okay, we can work with this, maybe! Hopefully. (oh deer.) We still don't have many moves that aren't straight attacks sooo let'sss also capitalize on moves that haven't been changed yet. Venison, since you have no signature move, blast away with Natural Gift :O

Natural Gift x3
Hm, blob, you can take two Natural Gifts as long as neither crits, but am I willing to take the risk?! I guess not. So Mimic that Bounce, give me a Pain Split, and then Bounce your way to victory! Mimic and Pain Split require no movement, so you should be good for those! And since you'll hopefully be up in the air, maybe the last Natural Gift will do a bit less because distance! Ha-ha!

Mimic (Bounce) ~ Pain Split ~ Bounce (one action)
Round Five


blob of actual blobbiness
Misdreavus (F) [Sap Sipper] @
Active, @
I have a bandana! Arrr
Health: 29% | Energy: 45%
Condition: Attack +3, Paralysed (Severe)
”at least I put that attack to use…”
Mimic (Bounce) ~ Pain Split ~ Bounce (one action)


delicious venison
Deerling (M) [Levitate] @
, @
my hindsight is 20/20! I don’t need these!
Health: 50% | Energy: 36%
Condition:”what is this shaky room D:”
Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift

Blob shook to life, dropping her bored expression in favour of a more inquisitive cut of the jaw. Her eyes ran across the Deerling’s muscles, or lack thereof. She oohed and aahed. It was amazing that something so frail looking could even stand up properly. Though properly was debatable. Blob lifted her mental glasses of learning off her head (she didn’t have the real ones; the damned toothpick-legged sack of meat had those). She shook her mind’s fist in anger, and then put it right back where it was next to her mind’s eye. She’d studied all she needed to, all she had to do now was wait.

Venison felt the fatigue crawl up his legs, every sinew of muscle seemed to be going numb, like the tendons had snapped painlessly and were refusing to act. He was, more or less, on his last legs. He exhaled a hot puff of air. At least he wouldn’t need his legs for this one. His sighing mouth opened wider, and wider and wider. Until all that was gazing at blob was an open mouth and a squeamish tongue trying to shrink backwards. A beam of pure light materialized in front of venison’s maw, cutting through the air with refined purpose. Unlike those second-rate beams, this one could bend and swerve and turn through or around every obstacle to find its foe. Before the beam shattered blob’s preconceptions about light right in her face, it decided to toy with physics a bit more. Right in front of her eyes, the edge of the beam twisted into a clenched fist. It reared back and punched her in the noggin, then retreated back into venison’s mouth. The Deerling grinned. That was a physical move, right?

Blob squeaked when one of her hair tendrils patted the affected area, it was warm to the touch and very raw. Standing absolutely still to deter all possible movement, and by extension all possible not-movement that could occur, she focused her driving force forward. Her billowing skirt and head grew limp and drained as a pure white spirit in the shape of a small Misdreavus drooped out of the middle jewel on her necklace. It flicked its gaze here and there, looking for a kindred soul. Right there in front of it was the beating lifeforce of venison. Overjoyed, the little spirit rushed over and grabbed the Deerling’s lifeforce away from it. Over on this plane, time was too slow to care for the fancies of spirits. Blob’s incandescent spirit tugged at the Deerling’s with an unseen force, and spun it around playfully, crying out in joy. At first venison’s spirit was a bit apprehensive, but soon was lost in the whirling of it. They both leapt and ran around the room, unsettling dust on c̛͔̪͍̞̼̮̉̇̄̑̑̕ͅh̢̻̭̞̞̫̤̃̂͌̿́̕͝ő̡̢͔̺̜͙̣̏̒͂̅̕͝ĭ̡̲͕̫̜̳̙̃̎̎͗̊͘c͈̥̼̝͓̣͔̀̎́̆̎̋̽e̺̬̙̥̓̆́̏̎͘͠ items and poking at the lime green covering on the walls to see if it would bite. They climbed up to the ceiling and looked at the world when it was upside down, then they did headstands to look at it upside down another way. Laughing and cheering they drew back to the center of the battlefield. Their playtime was tiring, fatiguing, but they had a lot of fun. And hey, at least they shared the pain. Blob’s spirit nodded, it sure was fun having someone else to share the fun with. They both smiled and returned to their respective owners, clambering in through still gaping orifices.
Time snapped back to attention. Venison coughed and sputtered, what the heck just entered his mouth. He dropped his tongue back out and tried to examine it for foreign objects. What looked like little white hoofprints faded back into the pinkish red. He shrugged and took the open opportunity to fire another punch-beam at blob.

The Misdreavus tumbled backwards like a thrown napkin. Her spirit crawling in wasn’t what had jerked her back to life, but the concentrated ball of light that kept uppercutting her did. She frowned. It was time to end this. She twirled once on the ground for effect before thrusting herself upwards. She imagined what her foe’s face must look like, she’d taken his move! Again! This time forever! Well, at least until the battle ended, but it was long enough! She curled up her skirt again and assumed the dumpling landing position.

On the way down another fist of light knocked her on the forehead, leaving her a bit dizzier as she descended. Venison’s pre-emptive smile was knocked right off his face when the Misdreavus sailed onto his snout with a thump. They both rolled for a while, blob clinging onto the floating deer as he tumbled towards a wall. At the last second his instincts kicked in and he kicked backwards, stopping them against the wall and pushing both of them forwards. Blob went flying back towards her original position and landed mostly unharmed, if not a bit flattened. She gathered up her splayed skirt and shook her head. They locked gazes and venison tried to clop at the ground to appear intimidating. In the end his leg looked like someone was dangling a wet noodle, but blob understood the message. The playing field was level, it was time for the final showdown.


blob of actual blobbiness
Misdreavus (F) [Sap Sipper] @
Active, @
I’ve had to steal to use you right, but that’s what a pirate does! Arr!
Health: 12% | Energy: 27%
Condition: Attack +3, Paralysed (Severe)
”it’s the final countdown!”
Mimic (Bounce) ~ Pain Split ~ Bounce


delicious venison
Deerling (M) [Levitate] @
, @
You are not helpful in the slightest
Health: 10% (CAPPED) | Energy: 24%
Condition:”rawr? do deers rawr? rawr.”
Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift

-Trick Room is in effect for the next two rounds.

Paralysis: (26/100, NO PARALYSIS)

Blob’s Health:
29 – 11 (Natural Gift) + 16 (Pain Split) – 11 (Natural Gift) – 11 (Natural Gift) = 12%

Blob’s Energy:
45 – 1 (Mimic) – 8 (Pain Split) – 9 (Bounce) = 27%

Venison’s Health:
50 – 16 (Pain Split) – 24 (Bounce) = 10% (CAPPED)

Venison’s Energy:
36 – 4 * 3 (Natural Gift) = 24%

-Mimic and Pain Split require little to no movement, so no paralysis rolls for them.
-While Punch Beam- I mean Natural Gift should for all intents and purposes be weakened by distance. It’s pretty damn physical in nature, for whatever Unnatural reason, so the damage didn’t drop while blob was boinging.
-The little boost from blob’s Dusk Stone juuuuuust hit the cap. More nudged it lovingly with its nose, but you get the idea.

-Eifie makes her final FINAL c̛͔̪͍̞̼̮̉̇̄̑̑̕ͅh̢̻̭̞̞̫̤̃̂͌̿́̕͝ő̡̢͔̺̜͙̣̏̒͂̅̕͝ĭ̡̲͕̫̜̳̙̃̎̎͗̊͘c͈̥̼̝͓̣͔̀̎́̆̎̋̽e̺̬̙̥̓̆́̏̎͘͠ . Unless you guys decide to heal and energystall, of course >.>
Aha! Your turn to Natural Gift now, blob! venison has no priority moves except Protect, and in this trick room trying to combine something with Agility will just make him slower! And Natural Gift doesn't require movement, so that paralysis won't get in your way! Fire away! Ahahahahahahaha!

Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift
Aaaack, if one of those Natural Gifts hits you you're done, venison, so we literally have absolutely nothing to lose here. Let's try to get away with some ridiculous Exact Wording Shenanigans, here goes nothing (oh my god)

Agility should only make you slower after the action because it's just 'a burst of speed', and you get the stat increase afterwards right. So, combo that with Feint Attack and try to move first anyways! Let's hope Natural Gift isn't homing but just 'very hard to dodge' which means it relies on you being seen..? So, keep up that Feint Attack invisibility until the very last second! And while you're nice and close to her, grab your Choice Band back with Switcheroo. Feint Attack and Switcheroo both use 'Dark-type energy' so this is totally feasible. This is a solid, reasonable combo and it is totally going to work okay.

Agility + Feint Attack + Switcheroo ~ cry ~ cry a lot
Round Six


blob of actual blobbiness
Misdreavus (F) [Sap Sipper] @
Active, @
I’ve had to steal to use you right, but that’s what a pirate does! Arr!
Health: 12% | Energy: 27%
Condition: Attack +3, Paralysed (Severe)
”it’s the final countdown!”
Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift ~ Natural Gift


delicious venison
Deerling (M) [Levitate] @
, @
You are not helpful in the slightest
Health: 10% (CAPPED) | Energy: 24%
Condition:”rawr? do deers rawr? rawr.”
Agility + Feint Attack + Switcheroo ~ cry ~ cry a lot

Venison wiggles about where he floats. His trainer has just overloaded his head with the strangest commands- but hey, it’s the last wobble stand. It’s crazy or bust. He started to shift about where he was, oscillating his legs with visible strain. They fluttered about like haywire meter gauges, and Venison chugged forward slowly. Why wasn’t it working? Why couldn’t he move fasterrrrrr. No matter, he still had his trusty cloaking field. He blinked several times in sequence, trying to get the idea out of his head. It would pop out of his forehead and coat him in the thought of invisbility. He felt the faintness cascade down him when a familiar whirring drew his attention.

Blob’s mouth was already agape. She’d been ready to fire way before he was. Or was it the timey-wimey room messing with him? Maybe he shouldn’t have tried to go fast. Her stare was affixed to the ceiling. A bright white beam of light had formed into a fist in front of Venison. He could put two and two together, and gulped, fearing he wouldn’t be putting two together for much longer. The light swirled streaks of yellow into tightened fingers, clasped across the palm into the thick fist. The fist rose, and swung down. As it grew closer Venison’s panting quickened, his straining legs shuffled faster, he tried to don his invisibility. Right in front of his face the fist glew, it looked like a river of white was pulsing with tears of yellow right in front of him. The punch slammed into his snout, pushing it and the Deerling sideways. It felt like it was in slow motion, each throb of light equating to a surge of pain. Each photon of punishment bore into him. Its job completed, the light faded back into blob. Venison’s light faded with it.

The Misdreavus plodded over, almost limping. She was hunched over the left side of her skirt more, using it to bear the weight her almost paralysed right side couldn’t. She walked over and poked at the Deerling’s unconscious noggin with a wayward tendril. She grumbled and poked harder, this time enough for a blob of blue light to shake out of him. It whizzed backwards in the air, as if the poke had caused it to be flung backwards, but then it used the momentum to slam into blob’s forehead. Her mouth dropped open and a similar blue sphere rolled out and faded into the Deerling. She started floating again, and chirped happily. She could float, she could float out of this hellish clothland!


blob of actual blobbiness
Misdreavus (F) [Sap Sipper] @
Active, @
We've scuttled the lot!
Health: 12% | Energy: 22%
Condition: Attack +3, Paralysed (Severe)
”this is what real floating's like >:I”
Natural Gift ~ I can fly again! ~ Oh my god I can fly again


delicious venison
Deerling (M) [Levitate] @
, @
I should abandon you
Health: 0% | Energy: 24%
Condition: Knocked Out!
”gotta go...f...ast”
Agility + Feint Attack + Switcheroo ~ ow my face ~ @.@

-Trick Room is sad because you didn’t let it finish its solo :C

As empty as c̛͔̪͍̞̼̮̉̇̄̑̑̕ͅh̢̻̭̞̞̫̤̃̂͌̿́̕͝ő̡̢͔̺̜͙̣̏̒͂̅̕͝ĭ̡̲͕̫̜̳̙̃̎̎͗̊͘c͈̥̼̝͓̣͔̀̎́̆̎̋̽e̺̬̙̥̓̆́̏̎͘͠ ̭͙̝ ͖͍̖͍͓͕̌̓̊̎̈̎̊ͅḩ̧̮̞̣̬̭̈̌͗̎̅̄̕è̛̹͖̳̣͙͕̹̽̅̐͑́l̢͙͖͚̖͙̣̔͗̂͑̚̚̕l̨̮̞̲̻̦͈̑̋̄̍̃̌͝ will finally be! We’ve escaped, hurrah!

Blob’s Health:

Blob’s Energy:
27 – 5 (Natural Gift) = 22%

Venison’s Health:
10 – 16 (Natural Gift) = slow-cooked.

Venison’s Energy:

-Agility applying speed boosts after it’s been completed would make sense from the standpoint of the games. However, we’re not battling in the games. Agility would make the Pokemon that’s running around to gain boost its speed actually gain that increase as it ran, not afterwards. As such, blob ended up being faster since venison actively slowed herself by using Agility in a Trick Room.

-Eifie gets $8 in fine ASB tender.
-blob gets 2 EXP and 2 Happiness! She can also make the c̛͔̪͍̞̼̮̉̇̄̑̑̕ͅh̢̻̭̞̞̫̤̃̂͌̿́̕͝ő̡̢͔̺̜͙̣̏̒͂̅̕͝ĭ̡̲͕̫̜̳̙̃̎̎͗̊͘c͈̥̼̝͓̣͔̀̎́̆̎̋̽e̺̬̙̥̓̆́̏̎͘͠ ̭͙̝ to evolve and become a pretty princess a hard-boiled witch.

-Dragon gets $4 in equally fine ASB tender.
-venison gets 2 EXP and 1 Happiness!
-I get $5 for making this c̛͔̪͍̞̼̮̉̇̄̑̑̕ͅh̢̻̭̞̞̫̤̃̂͌̿́̕͝ő̡̢͔̺̜͙̣̏̒͂̅̕͝ĭ̡̲͕̫̜̳̙̃̎̎͗̊͘c͈̥̼̝͓̣͔̀̎́̆̎̋̽e̺̬̙̥̓̆́̏̎͘͠ ̭͙.

-Good night, ladies and gentlemen, and may we hope to NEVER SEE YOU IN THIS MALFORMED PLANE OF UNCHOSEN TORMENT EVER AGAIN.
-Send help
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