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Eon Spirit vs. Athasan

Shame...you did good Onikami, you have a good rest, in the meantime, Zelx, take the floor!

Seen as this Chikorita has been a nuisance, how about you use X-scissot three times, but if you ko her, chill instead.

X-scissor ~ X-scissor/Chill ~ X-scissor/Chill
Great job, Kahen. I knew I could count on you. And the best part is, you can finally stop using Fury Cutter all the time.

Now we're moving on to Leech Seed. After you hit with it, you can start pelting our new friend with Seed Bombs.

Leech Seed ~ Leech Seed/Seed Bomb ~ Leech Seed/Seed Bomb
Eon Spirit vs. Athasan, Round Five

Pre-Round Stats

Team Eon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Zelx (F) [Immunity]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Squinting through the darkness at her opponent
Zelx's Commands: X-Scissor ~ X-Scissor/Chill ~ X-Scissor/Chill

Team Athasan (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Kahen (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 22%
Energy: 21%
Status: Attack +2; Fury Cutter BP 160; achy and tired but proud of herself
Kahen's Commands: Leech Seed ~ Leech Seed/Seed Bomb ~ Leech Seed/Seed Bomb

Arena: Black Cave

This cave has very minimal lighting, and proves to be difficult to see, except for nocturnal/dark/feline/fire pokemon. Despite this, there are no natural obstacles, and ranged attacks have no obstructions. The cave also has a couple small pools of water, and is quite damp.

Darkness: 50% chance of ranged attack missing unless attacker is above mentioned exception. 10% chance of melee attack missing.
Damp atmosphere: All combatants have dampened skin/fur/whatever and take 2% less fire damage, and 2% more electric.
Water Pools: Weaker water attacks can be used. Stronger attacks requiring more water cannot be used.

Round Five: Begin

Red light fills the cave again as Onikami disappears and is replaced by a female Zangoose. The mongoose Pokémon stretches, flexing her claws in anticipation; she can't see very well at all in this pitch-black cave, but she knows that somewhere in the gloom is an opponent she can eviscerate. It doesn't take long for Zelx's eyes to adjust slightly to the darkness, and when they do she can make out the shape of a flagging Chikorita a few yards away. Grinning nastily, she drops to all fours and rushes forward, leaping up at the last second and slashing down with claws glowing with bug-type energy. The two perpendicular slashes in quick succession hurt much more than anything Onikami had been able to manage, and Kahen's knees buckle and she sinks to the ground. She tries twirling her leaf and tossing a few seeds of bundled grass energy at Zelx, but the darkness and the tears welling in her eyes make it nigh impossible to aim. The seeds sail harmlessly past Zelx, who grins even wider.

The Zangoose's ominous Cheshire grin grows wider still as she attacks again, dragging both sets of wicked claws across Kahen's face. This time the grass-type can't even muster enough strength to try another leech seed; she simply slumps forward onto the cold, hard ground and remains still. Zelx licks a little blood from her claws, satisfied with her handiwork. Too easy.

Round Five: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Eon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Zelx (F) [Immunity]
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Status: ...Onikami had trouble with this?

Team Athasan (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Kahen (F) [Overgrow]
Health: 0%
Energy: 15%
Status: Knocked out!

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Leech Seed missed.
-Kahen fainted on the second action.
-Athasan sends out and attacks first next round.
It's okay, Kahen. You did your job. Now it's Raging's time to shine.

Okay, Raging, I'm going to have you start this round with a Thunder Wave. Follow it up with Featherdance and then go ahead and use Calm Mind.

Thunder Wave ~ Featherdance ~ Calm Mind
Zelx, I think we should take this a little strategically. Use Protect to prevent that stupid paralisis, than use thunderpunch twice, that way this fight's nice and started.

Protect ~ Thunder Punch ~ Thunder Punch
Eon Spirit vs. Athasan, Round Six

Pre-Round Stats

Team Eon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Zelx (F) [Immunity]
Health: 100%
Energy: 90%
Status: ...Onikami had trouble with this?
Zelx's Commands: Protect ~ Thunderpunch ~ Thunderpunch

Team Athasan (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Raging (F) [Super Luck]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Enjoying the dark but wishing she was out in the open air
Raging's Commands: Thunder Wave ~ Featherdance ~ Calm Mind

Arena: Black Cave

This cave has very minimal lighting, and proves to be difficult to see, except for nocturnal/dark/feline/fire pokemon. Despite this, there are no natural obstacles, and ranged attacks have no obstructions. The cave also has a couple small pools of water, and is quite damp.

Darkness: 50% chance of ranged attack missing unless attacker is above mentioned exception. 10% chance of melee attack missing.
Damp atmosphere: All combatants have dampened skin/fur/whatever and take 2% less fire damage, and 2% more electric.
Water Pools: Weaker water attacks can be used. Stronger attacks requiring more water cannot be used.

Round Six: Begin

The fallen Kahen is immediately recalled and replaced with two more illuminating bursts of red light, the second ushering a small, black bird into the cave. Raging the Murkrow shudders, shaking her wings a little as she stands on the stone floor. Darkness is nice and all--she rather likes it, actually, much nicer than all that nasty sunlight they have outside sometimes--but it's cold and damp in here, and she doesn't really like the thought of having a roof over her head. Still, it's not as though the Black Cave is tiny or anything. She'll make do just fine, she tells herself; that Zangoose standing idly a few yards away from her certainly won't get in her way.

Raging's eyes flash and she spreads her wings again, allowing a thin bolt of electricity to snake around her fingerlike feathers. The bolt is joined by another, and another, and a few more until her wings are twinkling in the dark like a tacky Christmas lawn display. With a ragged squawk the dark bird flaps her wings, discharging the built up electricity and sending it darting across the cave to Zelx. The Zangoose, for her part, is entirely unconcerned. She simply watches the tiny lightning bolts fizzle and crackle pointlessly as they collide with the dome of translucent, greenish energy she now stands behind. She yawns. Dumb bird will have to do better than that.

Raging puffs herself up irritably, annoyed with herself for not seeing that coming. But there's no point fussing over it now, she tells herself after a moment's thought; the protect has been dropped, no encore appears to be forthcoming and Zelx is now wide open for her next trick. The Murkrow takes off in a loud fluttering of wings, climbing upward to the cave ceiling and then circling in a holding pattern over her foe. She begins to swoop, climb and spin elegantly in the air, twisting and arcing around in an entrancing little aerial dance; as she performs, she gives her wings an occasional twitch to shake some extra down loose and onto Zelx below. Zelx squints up at the ceiling for a few moments. She knows that Raging is flying now--she heard her take off--but trying to see what a black bird is doing in a cave that's as dark as tar is understandably difficult, and so the beauty of the featherdance is completely lost on her. That doesn't stop the down that floats gently toward her from above. The extra-soft gray feathers, oblivious to whether or not Zelx finds them soothing and hypnotic, land on her body and cling fast to her, adding a very thin layer of dampening padding to her fur.

The Murkrow looks down to check her handiwork and is dismayed to see Zelx now staring off in a completely different direction, still unable to find her target. Well, how do you like that? She just danced her little tailfeathers off for an enemy who can't even see her thanks to those stupid daytime-eyes. Even more irritated than before, Raging dives down and moves in close to see if she can't salvage her featherdance by catching Zelx's attention. What she ends up catching is a fist to the side of her beak. In her haste to finish up properly she failed to notice the bright yellow pulses of electrical energy around the Zangoose's paw, and now she soars backward with the force of the blow, the impact only slightly softened by the fluffy down clinging to Zelx's coat. Raging lands on the floor with a light whump and stares wide-eyed at Zelx, who is now smiling in thanks for making herself an easy target after all.

It takes a moment for Raging to right herself, and when she finally regains her feet she more closely resembles a touseled old featherduster with a beak than she does a bird. Muttering vehemently to herself she hops and scuttles further away from Zelx, deciding that for the time being it might be more prudent to stay out of sight after all. She settles down a good distance away and grooms herself, straightening out her ruffled feathers; she finds that all of this primping and preening is doing wonders to calm her down, and so she goes with it, relaxing and meditating on the ground. Zelx curses to herself. Now that Raging has moved away, she's become nearly invisible in the blackness. The Zangoose squints in the direction she thinks Raging disappeared in, sniffs the damp air, but it doesn't help all that much. Even her fist, once more glowing and crackling with essence of lightning, doesn't cast much light beyond a few inches in front of it. Snarling and muttering, Zelx stumbles through the darkness and glares around, hoping to catch a little light glinting off of Raging's beak. After about a minute she finds what she's looking for--just a hint of something curved and orange--and swings out at it gleefully. Unfortunately for her, Raging has had plenty of time to gather herself and see Zelx coming; she simply scoots to the side and resumes her meditations as the Zangoose's sparkling fist plows into empty black space.

Round Six: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Eon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Zelx (F) [Immunity]
Health: 100%
Energy: 78%
Status: Attack -1; annoyed, but confident overall

Team Athasan (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Raging (F) [Super Luck]
Health: 82%
Energy: 87%
Status: Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; calm and relaxed despite her earlier difficulties

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Since Zelx couldn't see Raging well enough to make out the "calming", visual part of the Featherdance, the move was only partially effective and her attack only dropped by one stage.
-Zelx's second Thunderpunch missed.
-Eon Spirit attacks first next round.
Ok good job Zelx, that bird ought to know better than to underestimate you. Well, I think it'd be best if you used Swords Dance, than just have fun with Thunderpunch, but if any stat affecting move flies your way, protect, and start from were you left off...

Swords Dance/Protect ~ Thunderpunch/Protect/Swords Dance ~ Thunderpunch/Protect
Go ahead and Snatch that Swords Dance, Raging. Then you can use Double Team. After that, let Zelx go first. If she hits you with Thunderpunch, use Payback; if she doesn't, try a Heat Wave instead.

Snatch ~ Double Team ~ Payback/Heat Wave
Eon Spirit vs. Athasan, Round Seven

Pre-Round Stats

Team Eon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Zelx (F) [Immunity]
Health: 100%
Energy: 78%
Status: Attack -1; annoyed, but confident overall
Zelx's Commands: Swords Dance/Protect ~ Thunderpunch/Protect/Swords Dance ~ Thunderpunch/Protect

Team Athasan (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Raging (F) [Super Luck]
Health: 82%
Energy: 87%
Status: Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; calm and relaxed despite her earlier difficulties
Raging's Commands: Snatch ~ Double Team ~ Payback/Heat Wave

Arena: Black Cave

This cave has very minimal lighting, and proves to be difficult to see, except for nocturnal/dark/feline/fire pokemon. Despite this, there are no natural obstacles, and ranged attacks have no obstructions. The cave also has a couple small pools of water, and is quite damp.

Darkness: 50% chance of ranged attack missing unless attacker is above mentioned exception. 10% chance of melee attack missing.
Damp atmosphere: All combatants have dampened skin/fur/whatever and take 2% less fire damage, and 2% more electric.
Water Pools: Weaker water attacks can be used. Stronger attacks requiring more water cannot be used.

Round Seven: Begin

The extreme darkness of her surroundings prevents Zelx from seeing the eerie black aura that emanates from Raging's body as the Murkrow watches her closely, and so she moves on in a bid to regain the advantage she knows she should have. She begins to sway back and forth to some tune or rhythm that only she can hear, slowly at first but then rocking faster and faster as her energy and momentum builds. Her paws leave the floor as she shuffles, then trots, then leaps around the cave, twirling around and slashing violently at the dank air. Her confidence soars each time she jumps up and adrenaline surges wildly through her veins; she's mighty, she's powerful, she's going to decimate that ugly little crow when she sees her next and she's not going to break a sweat while she's doing it. Zelx is so absorbed in psyching herself up that she doesn't even feel it when the black aura that surrounds Raging slips silently through the darkness and engulfs her, siphoning the newfound verve and tenacity right out of her. It isn't until the Zangoose brings her dance to a close that she notices the confidence ebbing away until she feels exactly the same as she did when she started, and she looks around, confused. What the heck just happened?

Raging, of course, knows exactly what happened, and is feeling braced and energetic after her Zelx pick-me-up. She takes off and resumes flying in circles, although these loops are much faster and tighter than the ones she had made before. If it were possible to see her at all in the pitch blackness she would resemble nothing more than a blur. And if it were possible to see her as she came back in for a landing, Zelx would be able to see four identical Murkrow lighting on the floor alongside her. Zelx cannot see this, unfortunately, and so she tucks in her claws, charges her fist and moves forward cautiously, muttering to herself about failed swords dances and fishy tricks. Her mood improves slightly when she sees what looks like Raging right next to her by the light of her paw; the Murkrow she punches at dissolves instantly upon contact, however, and harsh laughter fills her ears as the apparition fades away. To her dismay, she can just barely make out four more Murkrow taking flight and scattering, cackling raucously all the while.

Lovely. Just what Zelx needs when she's already in a rotten mood. More Murkrow. She presses her free paw against one ear, trying to block out the horrible corvid laughter still ringing around the cavern, and moves off again. Raging and her clones come in for a landing in separate locations around the cave, each bird's eyes glinting with malice as she waits for Zelx to swing and miss uselessly again--if the Zangoose can even find one of them in the first place. It takes Zelx a while, but she does eventually scrounge up another target. Certain that this one is the real deal, she throws the hardest thunderpunch she can muster--and punches only thin air, the false Murkrow disappearing as her paw passes harmlessly through it. Zelx hisses furiously, clawing at the air in frustration.

The real Raging, safe and sound a good seven feet to Zelx's left, wastes no time capitalizing on her foe's distraction. Her eyes flash a vivid orange color as the area immediately around her heats up, gradually at first but growing hotter and hotter until the intense heat is evaporating most of the moisture out of the very air. The Murkrow winces, uncomfortable in the heat, but she spreads her short black wings where she stands and beats them as hard as she can anyway. A wild gust of superheated air surges forward and hits Zelx square in the side, causing her to cry out and stagger sideways. The mongoose fans frantically at her stinging side when the gust dies down, desperate to cool it down; she curses vehemently as the laughter of three thoroughly amused Murkrow echoes maddeningly around the cave again.

Round Seven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Eon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Zelx (F) [Immunity]
Health: 85%
Energy: 66%
Status: Attack -1; determined to find the real Raging before she can pull more crap like that

Team Athasan (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Raging (F) [Super Luck]
Health: 82%
Energy: 69%
Status: Attack +2, Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; pleased with herself

Raging's Double Team: 2 clones remaining

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Raging created four clones with Double Team.
-Why is it that this thread is never fully finished loading? Huh. Does one of you have something weird linked in your signature or something? It's not a huge problem, but it's got me curious.
-Athasan attacks first next round.
The thread works perfectly fine for me...

At any rate, nice job, Raging. This round, I'd like you to use Heat Wave on the first action and then follow it up with two Dark Pulses. If, for some reason, you have only one clone left or none at all, reuse Double Team. Don't bother using Heat Wave if you have to use Double Team on the first action.

Heat Wave/Double Team ~ Dark Pulse/Double Team ~ Dark Pulse/Double Team
...sorry Zelx, that must've been annoying..hmm...I figured you werecatlike, oh well, we'll work with what we got...

K for the next round I figure you best use Swards Dance, than two more thunder punches, it seems repetitive, but this bird can't always hit, right?

Swords Dance ~ TP x2
Eon Spirit vs. Athasan, Round Eight

Pre-Round Stats

Team Eon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Zelx (F) [Immunity]
Health: 85%
Energy: 66%
Status: Attack -1; determined to find the real Raging before she can pull more crap like that
Zelx's Commands: Swords Dance ~ Thunderpunch ~ Thunderpunch

Team Athasan (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Raging (F) [Super Luck]
Health: 82%
Energy: 69%
Status: Attack +2, Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; pleased with herself
Raging's Commands: Heat Wave/Double Team ~ Dark Pulse/Double Team ~ Dark Pulse/Double Team

Raging's Double Team: 2 clones remaining

Arena: Black Cave

This cave has very minimal lighting, and proves to be difficult to see, except for nocturnal/dark/feline/fire pokemon. Despite this, there are no natural obstacles, and ranged attacks have no obstructions. The cave also has a couple small pools of water, and is quite damp.

Darkness: 50% chance of ranged attack missing unless attacker is above mentioned exception. 10% chance of melee attack missing.
Damp atmosphere: All combatants have dampened skin/fur/whatever and take 2% less fire damage, and 2% more electric.
Water Pools: Weaker water attacks can be used. Stronger attacks requiring more water cannot be used.

Round Eight: Begin

Before Zelx can react another blast of searing heat hits her from somewhere out in the darkness, causing her to topple over sideways with the force of the gust. Her side is feeling quite painful after all of that abuse, and the Zangoose is just itching to make that insolent Murkrow pay. She resumes her dance from before, leaping and twirling and slashing and generally working herself into a frenzy, moving as quickly as she can to achieve the maximum effect before something... strange can happen as it did last time. Luckily enough, no strange force reaches out of the cave to wick her new surge of energy away. Zelx sneers and bares her fangs, glancing around eagerly for a little black bird to carve up.

As before, however, nothing is immediately apparent to Zelx's strained, diurnal eyes, and so she sets out through the cavern once again, squinting irritably around for anything that looks remotely bird-like. Raging, still confident, watches Zelx approach her but then stumble off in the wrong direction entirely; stupid thing. She continues dreaming up all sorts of nasty things she could call the incompetent Zangoose, but rather than actually say anything (and give away her position) she grimaces and forces all of her nasty thoughts out in a wave of literally caustic energy. Pure vindictiveness spreads out around Raging and washes over Zelx from behind.

Zelx cries out and hisses, stung and chilled by the attack, and then whirls around angrily in search of the source of the unpleasant, painful sensation. The smug expression slides right off of Raging's face as she sees Zelx spot her by the light of her shining paw; before she can take off or scuttle out of the way the Zangoose is on her, catching Raging right in the beak with a vicious, electrically-charged uppercut that leaves starts and lights flashing in front of her eyes. Raging topples over, twitching and panting, and stares wildly up at the sneering Zelx. You're not getting away from me this time.

Raging is still not collected enough to disappear into the darkness and switch places with her clones, but she knows that if she doesn't do something post-haste she's going to take another thunderpunch to the throat; she feels like she can really do without that, thank you very much. She consolidates all of her negative thoughts again, this time with a little less vitriol and a little more panic, and forces them out in another dark pulse; the energy hits Zelx in the face and she staggers back, snarling and momentarily blinded by the sudden blackout and the stinging pain. This moment is all Raging needs. The Murkrow scrabbles to her feet and rushes off into the safety of the darkness positioning herself somewhere between her two remaining clones. Zelx, furious, throws another punch in the spot where Raging had been only seconds before. She shakes her head vigorously to clear it and howls when she realizes that she can no longer reach her target, wherever she's gone off to. The repeated attacks are really starting to take their toll on her, and she would prefer to end this before Raging can do any more damage.

Round Eight: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team Eon (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Zelx (F) [Immunity]
Health: 43%
Energy: 52%
Status: Attack +1; chilled, aching and terribly frustrated

Team Athasan (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Raging (F) [Super Luck]
Health: 68%
Energy: 48%
Status: Attack +2, Special Attack +1, Special Defense +1; slowing down and a bit sore, and gathering her wits after her narrow escape

Raging's Double Team: 2 clones remaining

Arena Status: Nothing has changed.

Ref's Notes
-Zelx's second Thunderpunch missed Raging and her clones.
-Eon Spirit attacks first next round.
DQ warning for Eon Spirit. Your attacks need to be in by tomorrow, and I *will* be able to check since I'll have internet access again for a little while.
Eon Spirit has been disqualified and the match goes to Athasan. She receives $16 for winning, Kahen gets 2 exp and Raging gets 1 exp. Eon Spirit gets no money and cannot make or accept new challenges for two months, but Onikami gets 1 exp and Zelx gets 2 exp. I get $10 for reffing.
...hmph...I couldn't post because my mom denied me computer access, I couldn't even say that I'd be absent...
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