• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Erm . . . Hello?

Well,my Jirachi(named Dream) can kill some off.
*Dream uses Thunderbolt*

Expect some static on you. For the next 6 hours.
Is it just me, or do the Introduction threads get too much activity...
I second this.

Hi there, Foxfire, I'm Enkoe, somewhat weird and annoying. And I LIKE TO USE CAPS.

Have this special red-and-white radio. If you're getting annoying by a welcome mat, use this radio to call my SUPER AWESOME Latias that will kill those mats in a second.

Also, don't feed the mats, especially NOT poisonous food, and don't feed the vegeterian mats sugar. They go hyperactive. Oh, and there are now omnivorous mats, and don't feed them anything that is fishy, salty, or seafoody. Especially the freshly-caught ones.

Oh, and my Quilava, Laria♪, constantly bumps into things, and if you get her angry, she'll start a forest fire. So just don't get the thing agitated!

Enjoy your stay! *kicks a welcome mat* Oh, and if you're wondering, I lost a leg to a mat. I had a Celebi replace it.
Well, good morning, everyone! (At least, it's morning where I live. Meh.)


That's just because I'm awesome. :grin: And I suspect you forum members like playing nasty tricks like poisoning my cod, which, by the way, is now in Neil's digestive system.


Strangely, I do feel a bit staticy. That may just be the InvisiChomp repellant, though . . .


Hi, Enoke, it's nice to meet you! I may have to use that radio, I've eaten about half of my foam sword.


Yep, Cubone was going to be called Orphon at one point. Incidentally, Eevee was going to be called Eon, so I guess we know where the -eon suffix on the Eeveeloutions comes from.

Actually, once I get more acquainted with the forums, like, say, fifty posts later, I'll start a grammar nazi club. Remind me about that, will you?


Oh, yes, Orphon, not Orphan. Haha. As for Eevee, I do recall reading that on Bulbapedia! So it does make a great deal of sense that the -eon suffix would be used that way~

Oh, yes, of course! I'll keep an eye on your postcount. Once it hits arounf fiftty, like you said, I'll remind you~

Oh, and as for the Quoting thing, you can use Multiquote to get the quoting done faster! Click Multiquote on all the posts you want to quote, and then at the last post you're about to quote, hit the normal quote button. All the quoted messages show up! Sorry if you already know how to use the multiquote button~
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