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Favorite song(s) ever?

Ikuo - "Believer (from Digimon Savers)"
Nobuo Uematsu - "One Winged Angel (from Final Fantasy VII)"
Drowning Pool - "Bodies"
Slipknot - "People = Shit"
Spineshank - "Play God"
Linkin Park - "New Divide"
Coburn - "We Interrupt this program (aka the NEDM theme song)"
Crush 40 - "Live and Learn (from Sonic Adventure 2)"
In the beginning, God created Led Zeppelin, Lord of Rock and Heavy Metal. He looked upon thee, yet he was not satisfied. So he struck down thee and created Nirvana, to curb the demons from his creation and make it whole. And it was good. But Nirvana hath turned scornful, and resisted His power. Thus, He struck down thee. From the ashes of Nirvana, a new creation was born. He looked upon thee and named thee "NIN." And it was good. But NIN hath turned bitter as well, and chose to worship the Golden Calf. So God hath raged upon thee, and thee hath fled. So, God created a new creation. He looked upon it and named it "Muse." And it was good. So life was good, and God was pleased.

"When the Levee Breaks" - Led Zeppelin
"Smells Like Teen Spirit" - Nirvana
"In Bloom" - Nirvana
"Head Like a Hole" - Nine Inch Nails
"Exogenesis" - Muse

(Am I the only one with a thing for popular music?)
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