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Favorite Whiny Protest Songs (That May or May Not Be From the 60's)


yan ya yan ya yaa iii yaaa
As the title states. Protest songs aren't all bad, of course. It just depends on whether you're being mocked or not.

That said, my favorite is Fun and Games by the Barenaked Ladies. It's all bitter and stuff.

Or maybe I just like their stuff too much, I don't know.

For those who don't know, the thread title comes from Animaniacs. Basically the quote goes like this:

"Devil: Yours is an agony worse than all others! You will remain here for eternity listening to: Whiny protest songs from the 60's."
Like, don't you consider all of Rise Against songs this category? lol, and a couple from System of a Down.
No. The OP means the original 60s protest songs. Hippie counterculture and all that. Hence my Bob Dylan reference.

In that case, I Ain't Marching Anymore would be one, I think. Give Peace a Chance, also.
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