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Ghost Manor - Choice Pokemafia

why isn't Keldeo reacting to my posts :(
i'm sure he's off saving the world or something cool like that

...actually it's been way too long since i read the keldeo movie manga what actually happens in it i forgot
so uh. never played a game this small before, but presumably there are two mafiosi, right? because three would be ridiculous, and one would be... not a mafia
I have a super-spicy one-post scumread that I'm going to sit on until postgame and if somehow this snap one-post read is incorrect (gasp!) I will pretend it never happened
so uh. never played a game this small before, but presumably there are two mafiosi, right? because three would be ridiculous, and one would be... not a mafia
weak additional evidence for >1 mafiosi: the mafia nightkill being "unassigned, meaning that it is not tied to any specific player"
my guess is 1 with 1 outgroup that can maybe join the main group?

idk 7 is a weird number
I have a super-spicy one-post scumread that I'm going to sit on until postgame and if somehow this snap one-post read is incorrect (gasp!) I will pretend it never happened
its me isn't it. i bet its me
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