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Ghost Manor - Choice Pokemafia

I'm bored

vote kokorico
lol tbh starting the game with a "i forgot this game existed" with a "how many mafiosos are there in this game?" follow up

i cant not vote here tbh sorry bbt for removing your very important vote
vote kokorico
lol tbh starting the game with a "i forgot this game existed" with a "how many mafiosos are there in this game?" follow up

i cant not vote here tbh sorry bbt for removing your very important vote
alright as an icebreaker let's all share a music i'll start

no one else actually has to do this i just wanted to share this song because it's top tier
was our vote not a good icebreaker smh

I am curious why Herbe and kokorico liked the post tbh
alright as an icebreaker let's all share a music i'll start
your good friend herbe goes out and buys you ice cream, and what do you do? you break it. unforgivable smh

I am curious why Herbe and kokorico liked the post tbh
idk about herbe, but i thought it was you answering my question from #41! didn't realise you were not the same bbtbh
your good friend herbe goes out and buys you ice cream, and what do you do? you break it. unforgivable smh
no you gotta break up the ice to make ice cream with it

...i've had a sudden slightly worrying realization i was gonna finish this post with more but now i gotta process it
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