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yeahunless we're talking about different posts
why is it a justified vote tbhoh well head empty no thoughts on that one re:why i liked it but i think it's a justified vote
man that just makes you even more suspicious even tho it is good that you arent taking it personally ):nah it's all good haha. i'm not taking it personally just Squirming
your students are wildin aint they O_O
hi zm howzit going? what are you feeling like doing today wrt votingoh man I forgot the first night was so short
bbt wants to know in your own words what you thought was weird about Kokorico's entrance and if you did think that independently or just because we mentioned it tbhjust quoting my post was what i was talking about ;;
i'm getting stressed i really am not doing as much Thinky moves as you may be trying to read into for me
thought it was justified cause koko's odd little entrance seemed grounds enough for an early day pressure-ish vote im just tryna agree with you ;;
tangent: what are we nicknaming this account
("in your own words" means don't like, try to guess what we were thinking or try to write some answer that'll make us happy, tell us what you're thinking! I am interested in where your head is at!)bbt wants to know in your own words what you thought was weird about Kokorico's entrance and if you did think that independently or just because we mentioned it tbhjust quoting my post was what i was talking about ;;
i'm getting stressed i really am not doing as much Thinky moves as you may be trying to read into for me
thought it was justified cause koko's odd little entrance seemed grounds enough for an early day pressure-ish vote im just tryna agree with you ;;
kids these days, needing a nickname for a 5-letter name smhtangent: what are we nicknaming this account
- boqfie
- barfise
- woweehydra
- twooloo
time to log into bbt's animal crossing character so i can buy some more good stuff from Redd tbh
i wonder how many cockroaches she has in her house this time tbh smh #MessyT
time to log into bbt's animal crossing character so i can buy some more good stuff from Redd tbh
i wonder how many cockroaches she has in her house this time tbh smh #MessyT
edit: I should vote here for not inviting me to the island and see what redd has![]()
praise be tbhI see the chicken has returned to us tbh