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Ghost Manor - Choice Pokemafia

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as 10 minutes, is in fact, Chill/10 minutes, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Chill plus 10 minutes. 10 minutes is not an relaxation period unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Chill system made useful by calming meditations, cool drinks and isolation from stressors comprising a full relaxation as defined by WebMD.

Many mental health professionals run a modified version of the Chill system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of chilling which is widely used today takes about ten minutes, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically chilling, developed by the Chill Project.

There really are 10 minutes, and these people are using it for relaxation, but it is just a part of the system they use. 10 minutes is the cooldown period: a unit of time which can be allocated to the various tasks that you perform. Time is an essential part of relaxation, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete relaxation routine. 10 minutes are normally used in combination with chilling: the whole system is basically chilling with 10 minutes added, or Chill/10 minutes. All the so-called "10-minute periods" are really occurrences of Chill/10 minutes!

anyway, regarding my vote on mist: i confess i am finding it difficult to look past how she instantly jumped to the "1 'official' mafia + 1 outgroup" conclusion, and not sure how much headspace i should be devoting to it

i was joking at the time with "is this a snakewhistle" but i've been having second thoughts. the way i see it is, it's just not a conclusion that intuitively springs to mind, right. like... how would it work? why frame it like that? how is it different from just two mafiosi who don't know each other's identities (and either one is solely responsible for the nightkill, or they alternate, or it's random, or something like that)? to me it makes it seem like you're thinking of it like this because that's how the gm framed it in your role pm.

'tis possible that this take's trash and i'm terribly tunnelled. i did try to spend some time in the headspace of "assume mist is town, where does that take us" but i derived no useful insights. idk.
Zero Moment | 1 | Mistyx (169)
Mistyx | 1 | kokorico (175)
bbtbh | 1 | bbtbh (190)

bbtbh votes Mistyx [>1] (30)
bbtbh votes (Mistyx) > kokorico [0>1] (46)
Mistyx votes Mistyx [>1] (47)
Mistyx votes (Mistyx) > Sleep [0>1] (121)
bbtbh votes (kokorico) > Hydreigon [0>1] (129)
Mistyx votes (Sleep) > Zero Moment [0>1] (169)
bbtbh votes (Hydreigon) > Zero Moment [0>2] (171)
kokorico votes Mistyx [>1] (175)
bbtbh votes (Zero Moment) > bbtbh (190)

day ends in 50 minutes
I didn't think hard enough about Mist's suggestion to equate it to two mafia who don't know each other tbh
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