• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Gijinka - A new Begining


I walk this lonely road
1. Legends are ok upon my approval.[NO ARCEUS HAVE PLANS]
2. You can have crushes. But keep it PG-17.
3. No god modding
4. For now 3 characters.
5. You can have Pokemon if you want.
6. Password is your in Plot, italacized
7. If your pokemon has multiple forms [ie Shaymin, giratina, burmy] Please specify, legends [ie giratina, shaymin] can change but have pic of both!

Plot: You lived as a normal human until Team Strike captured, experimented on and nearly killed you. Now you, along with others, must find an escape and be free, or damm well die trying!

Allowed legends:


[no mewtwo]
[No Regi- please]
[no regigigas]

[No Landorus]
[No Kyurem]



Town Job:
Appearance: like pics, but description is fine

Name: Jolt
Town Job: Chef [bakery]
Gijinka: Zekrom
Gender: male
History: RP
Pesonality: RP
Appearance: PIC
Crush: OPEN

Name: Flame
Town Job: not at moment
Gijinka: Reshrim
Gender: male
History: RP
Pesonality: RP
Appearance: PIC
Crush: OPEN

Name: Ace
Town Job: not at moment
Gijinka: Victini
Gender: male
History: rp
Appearance: PIC
Crush: OPEN

Name: Melony
Town Job: musician
Gijinka: Meloetta
Gender: female
History: rp
Pesonality: rp
Appearance: PIC
Crush: OPEN
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Um... couple things that throw me off.

1) A password? And the fact that I don't understand what it is from your wording...
2) The fact that you require a pic, not just a description. I'm not sure how many people are going to spend 20 minutes finding the right picture so they can sign up.
So, just to be sure, any Poke, but for legendaries, only the ones listed and if you say yes, right?
Okay then. I guess I'll join. Can you reserve me a spot? I haven't finished this yet.

Username: ShinyUmbreonX3
Name: Auron
Town Job: Night Guard
Gijinka: Lucario
Gender: Male
History: Auron grew up in the town and lived a fairly normal life. He worked as a guard from around the age of 15, and faced off with Team Strike when they first attempted their dastardly tricks. However, one night while in the guard house about a year after the first moves by the Team, Auron was captured in his sleep. He woke up later in a lab somewhere, and over the next he-didn't-know-how-long, he was experimented on and tortured. Whoever was doing this kept him drugged or unconscious, and he didn't know what was really going on most of the time. He was later moved to a prison like area, where he finally came back to his senses and realized what was going on. He was being kept by -someone- who didn't want him going anywhere, but also, he could see in the dark room he was held in when he closed his eyes. It seemed that even though he was being treated poorly, he'd been left with clothes and other important things in his cell. He noted the coloring of the clothes and headband in his cell... they were Lucario colors. He was puzzled by this, but put the clothes on anyway. He realized then that he had ears on -top- of his head, and... a tail? It struck him then that he'd been given the traits of a Lucario. He was worried, unsure what these people who captured him might do next. He decided then it was time to get out of there somehow, and possibly find out if there were others like him.
Pesonality: PO. Simply put, he's fairly calm and centered most of the time, but he's also usually serious. He's very protective of those he knows, but can be wary of others sometimes. He has a fairly reasonable sense of humor and is good at helping others feel better.
Appearance: He's about 5' 6", with medium length blue hair with black streaks going back over the top of his head and around the side of his head through it. Lucario ears stick up out of his hair, and he also wears a thick headband, looped twice on each side of the knot, and the loops hang behind his head. His eyes are a deep red. He wears an open jacket that is black next to his body, and blue sleeves. Underneath that he wears a yellow sleeveless shirt with the notable chest-spike in the center. He also wears black leather gloves with a spike on the back of each. He wears baggy shorts the color of his sleeves with a black leather belt, and shin-high black boots, in some kind of combat style. He has a Lucario tail as well.
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The description could be more fleshed out, but I'll enter. Reserve me, please.
Ah, so it's a kind of develop-as-it-goes thing? Like, it'll all be fleshed out during the RP, right?
Hey CrookedStar, can you reserve my usual please. I also have a few questions.
Are we going to start in the town, or do we start in a lab or something?
Also should there be age on the form?
Username: Ccatj

Name: Midnight

Town Job: Doesn't have one at the moment.

Gijinka: Umbreon

Gender: Female

History: Midnight never really had a family, she was always a loner, but she was happy. Her best friends were Pokemon and she always had a fun time, until the day someone found her in the forest. She didn't see him at the time but by the time she looked over, he was gone. Only two weeks had passed after that day, he returned but with more people. At the moment she was playing with her Pokemon friends when this metal ball rolled near her. It released a gas, everyone including her passed out. She soon woke up in a white room on a table. She soon became terrified of the people that hurt her in this building and hadn't really fought back. At first they would knock her out every time they did tests, now she stays awake during all the pain. She was moved to a cage, she curled up into a ball on the floor of it. She had already knew about her ears and tail, she was awake when it happened, and the pain still hadn't left.

Personality: She has different personalities. The first is the one she uses everyday, when she's happy. She's nice, kind, but distant to people she doesn't know. She doesn't like accepting help from other people thinking that she could be a burden on that person. She likes being alone or with few people more than near a lot of people.
The other one is when her friends are hurt or in trouble, or herself is in trouble. She drops everything nice and her eyes go thin like a cats. She get's very serious and isn't afraid to throw a punch at someone.
The last one is when she's scared or terrified. She follows who ever she thinks is the leader and does what ever she is told. She tends not to talk back, scared of what might happen to her.

Appearance: Picture

Crush: Open.
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Username: Sorohn
Name: Kain
Town Job: none at the moment
Gijinka: Zapdos
Gender: Male
History: The leader of a group (The Electric Three) of friends who each prefer their own electric type of Pokemon. Kain's being Zapdos, prefers a solitary life away from people who aren't in his inner circle. He makes judgement about those he meets, but he is very generous.
Personality: Solitary, generous, arbitrary
Appearance: Pic
Crush: Open

Username: Sorohn
Name: Amy
Town Job: Musician
Gijinka: Jolteon
Gender: Female
History: A part of Kain's inner circle (The Electric Three), she's a musician at heart and always has a music player on her. She can play various instruments and is protective of her little brother, Seth, who she almost never lets out of her sight. Enjoys archery and sword fighting as some extra hobbies to do with her brother.
Personality: Caring, loves to have fun, can be a little hyperactive
Appearance: Pic
Crush: Open

Username: Sorohn
Name: Seth
Town Job: none at the moment
Gijinka: Pikachu
Gender: Male
History: The last member of Kain's inner circle (The Electric Three), he lives with his older sister, Amy. He helps her when she's out and about for her small concerts. He's determined to make his own name for himself, but makes the flyers and banners for Amy's concerts for now. He is severely protected by Amy. Enjoys archery and sword fighting as some extra hobbies to do with his sister.
Personality: caring, ambitious
Appearance: Pic
Crush: Open
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