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glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy

glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Six

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 42%
Energy: 14%
Status: Defense +2; Paralyzed (severe); frightened and exhausted
Barracuda's Commands: Protect ~ Chill ~ Chill

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 41%
Energy: 65%
Status: Attack +2, Defense +2, Special Defense +2; Night Slash forgotten; Poisoned (very severe: 1% last round, 2% this); satisfied
Megatherium's Commands: Thunder/Bulk Up ~ Giga Impact/Bulk Up ~ Truant

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Six: Begin

The familiar greenish barrier twinkles into being around Barracuda, denying access to any more cruel lightning bolts that might chance down out of the sky and try to kill him. He eyes Megatherium warily through the emerald haze, letting out a sigh of relief when the Slakoth simply grumbles and pushes his torso up off of the grass once more. Another quick series of rapid-fire push ups and Megatherium's arms are feeling quite bulky, almost sore; this protect nonsense is getting ridiculous now, really. The rain is letting up at long last, and while he appreciates the approaching dryness and chance to air out in the sun it does mean that there will be no more super-accuracte thunder attacks. Without his ace in the hole, this could take a lot longer than he'd prefer...

The barrier disappears and Barracuda, almost sweating with agitation, tries to get in a little relaxation while he can. It takes a good bit of effort for the Clamperl to calm down with the constant tingle of residual electricity skittering from nerve to nerve, but Megatherium makes no move to disturb him and, before long, Barracuda feels his exhaustion starting to ebb away.

Megatherium drums his claws against the grass and scowls. Letting his foe take a nap unmolested is not what he's supposed to be doing now. The problem is that he doesn't know what he is supposed to be doing. The command he was issued, giga impact, sounds quite foreign to the Slakoth; he might've heard the name once or twice before, but even if he has he wouldn't know the first thing about actually doing it. Frustrated, he gives his orders up as a bad job and lies back down, taking a few minutes to massage his aching biceps instead.

Both Slakoth and Clamperl remain relatively motionless as the minutes tick by, glaring critically across the field but neither making a move to harm the other. An unsettling twinge in Megatherium's stomach gives the sloth Pokémon pause--the poison from Barracuda's earlier barrage of poisonous projectile vomit is really starting to make its way around his system. He shifts and rolls onto his back, hoping that getting off of his belly will alleviate some of the discomfort.

Round Six: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 42%
Energy: 30%
Status: Defense +2; Paralyzed (severe); feeling a bit better, but still on edge

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 39%
Energy: 65%
Status: Attack +3, Defense +3, Special Defense +2; Night Slash forgotten; Poisoned (very severe: 2% this round, 3% next); sore and grumpy with mixed feelings about the end of the rain

Arena Status: The rainfall has completely stopped, leaving the grassy field soggy, muddy and quite slippery.

Rain Dance: ended

Ref's Notes
-As glitchedgamer pointed out, Slakoth can't learn Giga Impact and so did nothing on the second action.
-Apparently I forgot to include the boosts from Megatherium's second Bulk Up for the last few rounds; all three Bulk Ups are accounted for in this one. Sorry.
-glitchedgamer attacks first next round.
I'm probably not in the best condition to be issuing ASB commands right now, but whatever.

Ok, the fight between you guys is coming to an end, so let's hang in there. Let's take advantage of our new surroundings, but first, let's heal up one last time.

Refresh ~ Muddy Water ~ Muddy Water.

Best of luck to you, Cuda.
What's the best follow-up for heavy rainfall? Sunshine. That should keep you relatively safe from the Muddy Waters.

Since we're ahead in Attack now, let's go with physical moves. For the time being. A Thunderpunch would do the job nicely.

Finish it up with your usual lazy time.

Sunny Day ~ Thunderpunch ~ Activate Truant
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Seven

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 42%
Energy: 30%
Status: Defense +2; Paralyzed (severe); feeling a bit better, but still on edge
Barracuda's Commands: Refresh ~ Muddy Water ~ Muddy Water

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 39%
Energy: 65%
Status: Attack +3, Defense +3, Special Defense +2; Night Slash forgotten; Poisoned (very severe: 2% last round, 3% this); sore and grumpy with mixed feelings about the end of the rain
Megatherium's Commands: Sunny Day ~ Thunderpunch ~ Truant

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Seven: Begin

The break Barracuda had last round was quite wonderful, but he could do without the constant, irritating tingling of his nerves. His pink flesh glows white-hot for a second time as he accelerates his body's natural healing processes and repairs his damaged nerves at high speed. The glow fades away and takes the Clamperl's paralysis with it, leaving Barracuda feeling tired but refreshed. Megatherium, thankfully, is currently ignoring him. The Slakoth's weary gaze is trained on the skies above, and his claws are thumping dully on the soggy ground as if beating out a tune. The clouds, which up until the last round had been soaking the earth with heavy rain, drift out and away from the sun. Bright sunlight floods the field, raising the temperature on the route and slowly causing the rainwater on the ground to evaporate.

The sudden spike in temperature makes Barracuda quite uncomfortable, and he squirms nervously in his shell. In an attempt to cool himself down again--oh, and, uh, hurt Megatherium, yeah, that too--he tries to tug at the water in the pond again, this time pulling from the very bottom and churning up some of the thick, dark pond mud. The brownish wave the Clamperl eventually summons is a little smaller than those that preceded it, and when it and its cargo of mud descend upon Megatherium the water is quick to evaporate. Tiny clumps of wet dirt cling stubbornly to the sloth's fur, however, and they begin to dry and make him feel rather itchy as he slides forward across the grass. Megatherium stops within easy reach of his opponent and, grumbling about all the inconvenience this wetness is causing, lifts himself off of the ground with one tired arm while drawing the other back for a swing. Sparks hiss and dance around Megatherium's claws as he throws his fist forward; the fist collides with the Clamperl's rubbery flesh and floods his system with even more electricity. Barracuda screeches and writhes in his shell, any relief he might've felt from the refresh or the swiftly-evaporating shower of water disappearing.

A second surge of muddy water washes over the two Pokémon, again pouring grayish-brown silt all over their heads and leaving Megatherium shivering as he waits for it to evaporate and leave him dry again. He leaves Barracuda to his shivering and whimpering, curls up in the muddied grass and does his best to think arid thoughts, willing the sun to shine even brighter and dry up all of this unnecessary dampness, maybe make it easier to clear out the dirt trickling into his eyes and making it difficult to see. As he lets his mind wander around in an imaginary desert, he notices another thought wandering around alongside it. This thought, which seems to be rather dark and slashy in nature, saunters its way back into his head. Ah, yes, he recognizes it now--night slash, that's right. He hadn't really realized that it was missing, but hey--anything else he can add to his arsenal of Things that Make Barracuda Stop Trying to Drown Him is A-OK.

Round Seven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 32%
Energy: 12%
Status: Defense +2; completely wiped out and miserable

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 24%
Energy: 54%
Status: Attack +3, Defense +3, Accuracy -1; Poisoned (very severe: 3% this round, 4% next); wondering gloomily when the wetness will stop

Arena Status: The clouds have parted and given way to the full force of the sun, which is now shining intensely. The sharp spike in heat is quickly causing much of the rainwater on the ground to evaporate and is making conditions almost uncomfortably warm.

Sunny Day: 4 rounds, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-The second Muddy Water lowered Megatherium's accuracy.
-Amnesia wore off (and so Megatherium remembered Night Slash) at the end of the third action.
-Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Seven

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 42%
Energy: 30%
Status: Defense +2; Paralyzed (severe); feeling a bit better, but still on edge
Barracuda's Commands: Refresh ~ Muddy Water ~ Muddy Water

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 39%
Energy: 65%
Status: Attack +3, Defense +3, Special Defense +2; Night Slash forgotten; Poisoned (very severe: 2% last round, 3% this); sore and grumpy with mixed feelings about the end of the rain
Megatherium's Commands: Sunny Day ~ Thunderpunch ~ Truant

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Seven: Begin

The break Barracuda had last round was quite wonderful, but he could do without the constant, irritating tingling of his nerves. His pink flesh glows white-hot for a second time as he accelerates his body's natural healing processes and repairs his damaged nerves at high speed. The glow fades away and takes the Clamperl's paralysis with it, leaving Barracuda feeling tired but refreshed. Megatherium, thankfully, is currently ignoring him. The Slakoth's weary gaze is trained on the skies above, and his claws are thumping dully on the soggy ground as if beating out a tune. The clouds, which up until the last round had been soaking the earth with heavy rain, drift out and away from the sun. Bright sunlight floods the field, raising the temperature on the route and slowly causing the rainwater on the ground to evaporate.

The sudden spike in temperature makes Barracuda quite uncomfortable, and he squirms nervously in his shell. In an attempt to cool himself down again--oh, and, uh, hurt Megatherium, yeah, that too--he tries to tug at the water in the pond again, this time pulling from the very bottom and churning up some of the thick, dark pond mud. The brownish wave the Clamperl eventually summons is a little smaller than those that preceded it, and when it and its cargo of mud descend upon Megatherium the water is quick to evaporate. Tiny clumps of wet dirt cling stubbornly to the sloth's fur, however, and they begin to dry and make him feel rather itchy as he slides forward across the grass. Megatherium stops within easy reach of his opponent and, grumbling about all the inconvenience this wetness is causing, lifts himself off of the ground with one tired arm while drawing the other back for a swing. Sparks hiss and dance around Megatherium's claws as he throws his fist forward; the fist collides with the Clamperl's rubbery flesh and floods his system with even more electricity. Barracuda screeches and writhes in his shell, any relief he might've felt from the refresh or the swiftly-evaporating shower of water disappearing.

A second surge of muddy water washes over the two Pokémon, again pouring grayish-brown silt all over their heads and leaving Megatherium shivering as he waits for it to evaporate and leave him dry again. He leaves Barracuda to his shivering and whimpering, curls up in the muddied grass and does his best to think arid thoughts, willing the sun to shine even brighter and dry up all of this unnecessary dampness, maybe make it easier to clear out the dirt trickling into his eyes and making it difficult to see. As he lets his mind wander around in an imaginary desert, he notices another thought wandering around alongside it. This thought, which seems to be rather dark and slashy in nature, saunters its way back into his head. Ah, yes, he recognizes it now--night slash, that's right. He hadn't really realized that it was missing, but hey--anything else he can add to his arsenal of Things that Make Barracuda Stop Trying to Drown Him is A-OK.

Round Seven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 32%
Energy: 12%
Status: Defense +2; completely wiped out and miserable

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 24%
Energy: 54%
Status: Attack +3, Defense +3, Accuracy -1; Poisoned (very severe: 3% this round, 4% next); wondering gloomily when the wetness will stop

Arena Status: The clouds have parted and given way to the full force of the sun, which is now shining intensely. The sharp spike in heat is quickly causing much of the rainwater on the ground to evaporate and is making conditions almost uncomfortably warm.

Sunny Day: 4 rounds, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-The second Muddy Water lowered Megatherium's accuracy.
-Amnesia wore off (and so Megatherium remembered Night Slash) at the end of the third action.
-Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
First, can't let them get ahead, no matter what. Let's get that Special Defense boost.

Given the opponent's low remaining energy, we have three likely case scenarios; all of them give us some leeway to keep bringing in the thunder(punch). So do it. If you forget it for some trick of fate, switch to Facade. Do it if Barracuda uses Mud Sport, too. If he uses Protect, switch to Bulk Up as usual.

After that, wee moar lazy tiem

Amnesia ~ Thunderpunch/Facade/Bulk Up ~ Activate Truant
Yikes...You're in pretty bad shape, huh? In all honesty, I don't expect to win this match, but let's leave an easy target for your teamate, shall we?

First off, bolster your defense again to soften that Thunderpunch. Then, bring the rain back and unleash your fury in one final assault. If you start to run out of energy, just chill.

Iron Defense ~ Rain Dance/Chill ~ Muddy Water/Chill
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Eight

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 32%
Energy: 12%
Status: Defense +2; completely wiped out and miserable
Barracuda's Commands: Iron Defense ~ Rain Dance/Chill ~ Muddy Water/Chill

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 24%
Energy: 54%
Status: Attack +3, Defense +3, Accuracy -1; Poisoned (very severe: 3% last round, 4% this); wondering gloomily when the wetness will stop
Megatherium's Commands: Amnesia ~ Thunderpunch/Facade/Bulk Up ~ Truant

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Eight: Begin

The memory of the thunderpunch is still painfully clear in Barracuda's mind as he wills the silvery, metallic film to rush over his shell again. The harsh sunlight reflects off of the shell's reinforced sheen, giving off a glare that is unpleasant to look at. Fortunately, Megatherium doesn't have to worry about looking at Barracuda and his high-gloss defenses for the time being; he simply stretches out in the warm, slowly drying mud and empties his mind. The memory of that night slash-thing remains intact this time, but something else seems to melt away in its place. Something about... sleeping, or maybe talking, or... or... bah. He's here to battle, not to sleep or talk. It can't possibly be important.

Using the last of his strength and with only the promise of another brief rest to keep him going, Barracuda once again prays to the sky gods--he's much too tired for any rhythmic clicking this time--and begs them to hide the blasted sun behind the clouds again. Sure enough the sky grows dark and heavy once more, thick clouds obscuring the sun and letting a deluge of rain loose from their bellies. The Clamperl, now barely able to keep his eyes open out of fatigue, gives a half smile as he feels the cold water splashing down around him.

Megatherium is not as pleased. Just when he thought he'd gotten rid of the accursed wet, too... he doesn't have time for this. He slides and squelches uncomfortably as he pulls himself forward. Even moving the short distance needed to close the gap between him and his foe is becoming painful; the dose of poison Barracuda gave him is really starting to work its painful, nauseating magic now. Still, he soldiers on and swings another thunderpunch at the shellfish. Barracuda's shell snaps shut, more out of an inability to keep it open than a defensive reflex, and Megatherium's clawed fist simply bounces off of it; all the same, the accompanying jolt of electricity is fairly unpleasant.

Both Pokémon drop what they're doing then, lying face to face in the now-swamplike grass and not moving. Megatherium just doesn't feel up to it, especially with his stomach in knots as it currently seems to be; Barracuda is too exhausted to do anything other than relax. The brief respite does restore some of his stamina, but not very much at all.

Round Eight: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 26%
Energy: 11%
Status: Defense +4; desperate for the pain and exhaustion to go away

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 20%
Energy: 48%
Status: Attack +3, Defense +3, Special Defense +2, Accuracy -1; Night Slash forgotten; Poisoned (very severe: 4% this round, 5% next); finally starting to feel really ill and sore

Arena Status: The rain clouds are back with reinforcements, blotting out the sun and drenching the field once again. The ground is treacherously muddy and slick.

Sunny Day: ended
Rain Dance: 4 rounds, 1 action remaining

Ref's Notes
-Amnesia caused Megatherium to forget Sleep Talk.
-Sorry for the delay.
-glitchedgamer attacks first next round.
I'm almost certain this is it for us...You can rest soon.

Keep pluggin' away with Muddy Water. At anytime you anticipate a Thunder, Protect if you have the energy. If you are too tired or it's not Thunder, Chill.

Muddy Water ~ Protect/Chill ~ Protect/Chill
Let's keep on the offensive.

Thunder away when your opponent chose to not bother Protecting. Thunderbolt when they did. And let your laziness act up afterward.

Thunder ~ Thunderbolt ~ Activate Truant
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Nine

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 26%
Energy: 11%
Status: Defense +4; desperate for the pain and exhaustion to go away
Barracuda's Commands: Muddy Water ~ Protect/Chill ~ Protect/Chill

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 20%
Energy: 48%
Status: Attack +3, Defense +3, Special Defense +2, Accuracy -1; Sleep Talk forgotten; Poisoned (very severe: 4% last round, 5% this); finally starting to feel really ill and sore
Megatherium's Commands: Thunder ~ Thunderbolt ~ Truant

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Nine: Begin

The rain-lashed pool behind Barracuda churns and roils as he stirs it up again, struggling to remain conscious while still summoning another brownish wave. The muddy water attack crashes over the soggy Megatherium, coating him in even more silt and filth that the rain does little to clear up. Megatherium, now a much darker shade of brown, grumbles and shudders before pulling one last lightning bolt down from the heavens. The gray sky is flooded with light for a split second and Barracuda's scream of pain is drowned out by the roar of thunder that follows moments afterward.

Barracuda feels like he's dying. He barely has any strength left in his body; he can't so much as keep his shell open, and he simply lets it clatter shut without any further resistance. He needs to relax... just for a little while... just a few minutes in the comforting darkness of his shell, where he can't see any lightning or sloth-things with the ability to zap him with it. Unfortunately for him, that's the one thing he needs to be looking for. Miserable, soaked, freezing, on the verge of vomiting or blacking out, Megatherium is having trouble keeping himself awake... but he does, squinting through the rain out of bleary eyes as an electrical charge builds up around his prone form. The charge arcs through the air in a flash of light that, while not as blinding as the lightning strike a few moments ago, leaves dizzying afterimages in the Slakoth's vision. The thunderbolt hits the Clamperl and fries his nerves one more time. The pain lasts for only a few moments before he finally gives up and slides into total unconsciousness.

Round Nine: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Barracuda (M) [Shell Armor] @Deepseatooth
Health: 0%
Energy: 10%
Status: Knocked out!

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 1%
Energy: 32%
Status: Attack +3, Defense +3, Special Defense +2, Accuracy -1; Sleep Talk forgotten; Poisoned (very severe: 5% this round, 6% next); moments away from blacking out

Arena Status: The rain clouds are back with reinforcements, blotting out the sun and drenching the field once again. The ground is treacherously muddy and slick.

Rain Dance: 3 rounds, 2 actions remaining

Ref's Notes
-Barracuda fainted on the second action.
-The rain will probably clear out Megatherium's eyes sometime next round, assuming he lasts long enough.
-glitchedgamer sends out and then Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
Good work, 'Cuda, you earned your rest. That sloth is virtually KO'd already, so I'm gonna look at this like a draw. You can rest now.

Who next...Medusa, wrap this up and let's see what else he has up his sleeve.
Hm. Well, I got what I wanted, which was to get the foe to send out before I did.

Let's stall so they have a bit less energy for the next challenge. Protect like hell.

Should your opponent not use a move that targets you, though, seize the opportunity to score a Hammer Arm.

If you survive until the third action -- which you might -- submit yourself to fate.

Protect/Hammer Arm ~ Protect/Hammer Arm ~ Activate Truant
Just Protect during his first Protect and then attack with AncientPower. Hopefully that second Protect will fail and we may be able to score some nice stat boosts. Either way, that poison will finish him off. Just relax after that.

Protect ~ AncientPower ~ Chill
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Ten

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Medusa (F) [Serene Grace]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Hum-de-ho-hum.
Medusa's Commands: Protect ~ Ancientpower ~ Chill

Team Metallica (2/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 1%
Energy: 32%
Status: Attack +3, Defense +3, Special Defense +2, Accuracy -1; Sleep Talk forgotten; Poisoned (very severe: 5% last round, 6% this); moments away from blacking out
Megatherium's Commands: Protect/Hammer Arm ~ Protect/Hammer Arm ~ Truant

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Ten: Begin

Medusa the Dunsparce blinks as the cold raindrops hit her eyes for the first time. The sight that greets her as she emerges from her pokéball is an odd one: she is in the middle of a waterlogged area that is more swamp than field, only a half-dead, bedraggled sloth-like creature for company. The poor thing is trying to drag itself toward her even now, inching in her direction with one laborious pull after another. She could put it out of its misery here and now, she muses, spinning her tail drill around thoughtfully, but that's no fun. A shimmering dome of green rises up around her squat body, temporarily shielding her from the falling rain--and the falling fist of Megatherium, which crashes down on her forcefield with what would have been punishing might. Megatherium groans as he feels the shock of impact reverberating up the length of his arm. It doesn't sit well at all with the feelings of malaise wracking his body.

Medusa's protect fades into nothingness as she appraises her opponent. Tired and barely conscious he might be, but that looked like it would have hurt. Perhaps it would be in her best interest to just finish him off now. Her tail dips down into the sodden earth and she concentrates, mentally communicating with any ancient spirits that might to be in the area. As it happens there are quite a few around to hear her request for assistance. The ground around Megatherium begins to rumble as the spirits roar into life, tearing buried rocks free and heaving them up toward the Slakoth on the surface. Megatherium winces and shuts his eyes, covering his face with his muddy paws and not daring to look as the stones rise into the air and then plummet down on top of him. He needn't have worried, however. His own greenish forcefield, erected just in the nick of time, protects him from the onslaught of boulders. Medusa scowls and pulls her tail free from the ground again. How could such a pathetically weak Pokémon be giving her so much trouble?

Megatherium doesn't appear to be moving any more at this point aside from the labored heaving of his chest, so for the time being the Dunsparce decides to give up and relax. Waste of time and energy, really, trying to mess the thing up when it looks ready to keel over on its own anyway. She simply sits back and watches as the poison takes its toll on the last of her opponent's strength--Megatherium barely has time to close his eyes for a brief nap before going completely limp. Medusa smiles and nods. He won't be waking up any time soon. Her work here is done.

Round Ten: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Medusa (F) [Serene Grace]
Health: 100%
Energy: 99%
Status: Well... that was... well.

Team Metallica (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Megatherium (M) [Truant]
Health: 0%
Energy: 22%
Status: Knocked out!

Arena Status: The rain clouds are back with reinforcements, blotting out the sun and drenching the field once again; they are slowly starting to part, however. The ground is treacherously muddy and slick.

Rain Dance: 2 rounds, 2 actions remaining

Ref's Notes
-Megatherium fainted due to poisoning on the third action.
-Metallica Fanboy sends out and then glitchedgamer attacks first next round.
Holy shit, almost forgot about this battle...Did I make it within the DQ time?

I will post my attacks here in a few hours, haven't got the time right now. Hope this is ok...
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