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glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy

Ok, here we go. Back into ASB character...:

Ugh, I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with that dinosaur...whatever. Let's take advantage of the gift Barracuda left behind and try to paralyze this sucker. If we take away it's speed and agility, we have a good chance of winning this. Try getting another AncientPower boost while your at it.

Thunder ~ Thunder ~ AncientPower
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Saw that one coming. Easily.

Remember what you did to Zero, Dexterous? We'll do it again. Begin with Sunny Day, then fight normal with fire.

Sunny Day ~ Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Eleven

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Medusa (F) [Serene Grace]
Health: 100%
Energy: 99%
Status: Well... that was... well.
Medusa's Commands: Thunder ~ Thunder ~ Ancientpower

Team Metallica (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Dexterous (M) [Pressure]
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: An overweight snake with fake wings?... you're kidding, right?
Dexterous's Commands: Sunny Day ~ Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Eleven: Begin

Megatherium is finally spirited away to his long-awaited rest, a stony-skinned Aerodactyl taking his place on the field. Dexterous, after sparing a scathing glance at the tubby, short-winged serpent over by the pond, flinches and lifts a wing, trying to shield himself from the irritating rain; when that doesn't do much to alleviate the problem he takes to the air, circling over Medusa as he climbs higher and higher. If he can't deal with all of this horribly inconvenient water, then, well, he's just going to have to make it go away.

Wings spread wide, the Aerodactyl closes his eyes and tilts his head up toward the sky. Dexterous does his best to ignore the occasional raindrops trickling down his nostrils as he says a silent prayer. The rain slows to a drizzle and then a fine mist before stopping altogether as the sky gods part the clouds, allowing the sun to shine down on Route 29 full force. The water on Dexterous's back, face and wings begins to evaporate, as does the shallow swamp on the ground far below.

But then a bolt of lightning, nearly invisible against the piercing blue sky but no less potent, hisses down from the retreating clouds and hits the pterosaur square in the back of the head. Dexterous screams and drops out of the air, hitting the still-muddy ground with a juicy squelch. Medusa scowls over at her twitching foe; serves him right for making it all bright and sunny when there was still plenty of perfectly good gray to go around.

Dexterous struggles upright, pushing himself up off of the ground with shaky arms. Okay, okay, so maybe that Medusa thing isn't so useless after all. She'll probably still burn like something useless, though… He opens his jaws wide and lets loose with a jet of flames, striking Medusa and burning away the muddy grass around her as it singes her delicate skin. The intense sunlight only makes the pain from the heat worse, no relief coming to the baked Dunsparce even after Dexterous's jaws snap shut and cut the flamethrower short. With the clouds crawling away and pain still sizzling through her body, the second lightning bolt she tries to summon does not reach the Aerodactyl; the thunder strikes a nearby tree instead. Smoke rises from its branches as fire quickly takes hold of the tree, spreading and consuming its canopy within seconds.

The flaming tree is some distance away, however, and poses no immediate threat to either Dexterous or Medusa; as such, the Aerodactyl has no problem cooking the Dunsparce with a second flamethrower. Medusa desperately wants to slither backward and take a dip in the nice, cool pond behind her, but unfortunately her commands do not account for any such luxury. Her tail drills a few inches into the now scorched, dry soil immediately around her and she reaches out to the ancient earth spirits for a second time. As before, the spirits force buried rocks up from the ground around Dexterous, pelting him with the large stones from all directions. His indignant screech is cut short when the last of them hits his lower jaw; fuming, he beats his wings and pulls himself up a few feet into the air. Staying on the ground is more trouble than its worth.

The flaming tree at the other end of the field refuses to be ignored. Its trunk starts to part and crack with an angry groan, and some of the flames jump into the branches of adjacent trees. Both Pokémon turn around as the groaning grows louder, now slightly unnerved by the spreading inferno.

Round Eleven: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Medusa (F) [Serene Grace]
Health: 70%
Energy: 81%
Status: Feeling uncomfortably hot and crispy

Team Metallica (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Dexterous (M) [Pressure]
Health: 73%
Energy: 82%
Status: Shaken and muddy, but hanging in there

Arena Status: The sun has finally forced its way through the clouds and the rain has stopped again. The arena, while still dangerously muddy and slippery, is bright and warm. There is a ring of scorched grass around Medusa. A tree on the far side of the field is on fire; though it is not too close to the battlers just yet, it will probably begin to spread to the other trees before long.

Rain Dance: ended
Sunny Day: 4 rounds remaining

Ref's Notes
-The second Thunder missed, setting a tree on fire. The nearby trees will probably go up within the next few actions; it will take a few more actions for the blaze to draw closer to the side with the battlers and the pond.
-Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
Let's start taking advantage of the field.

Begin with a Taunt so that the sun won't go away, nor your foe will try anything nasty. Use Agility to open distance between you and her, as well as for getting close to the flaming tree. Finally, use Whirlwind on it as she approaches; see if you can blow that fire her way, specially since this might just set her on fire as well.

Taunt ~ Agility (Reach burnt tree) ~ Whirlwind
...We set a tree on fire! AWESOME!!!

...Ok, short attention span aside, what to do now...Hmm...We could take advantage of the sun, but Aerodactyl has that damn Fire resistance. First off, hit him with a Thunderbolt. Then, I want you to jump into the pond (Dunsparce can swim, right?) and just launch off some Water Pulses. The water should protect you from the flames, and those Water Pulses may confuse the overgrown bat.

Thunderbolt ~ Water Pulse ~ Water Pulse
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Twelve

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Medusa (F) [Serene Grace]
Health: 70%
Energy: 81%
Status: Feeling uncomfortably hot and crispy
Medusa's Commands: Thunderbolt ~ Water Pulse ~ Water Pulse

Team Metallica (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Dexterous (M) [Pressure]
Health: 73%
Energy: 82%
Status: Shaken and muddy, but hanging in there
Dexterous's Commands: Taunt ~ Agility ~ Whirlwind

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Twelve: Begin

Medusa bristles as her opponent flies low over her head, darting just in and out of viable tail-stabbing range and taunting her mercilessly. Each You're fat, you're stupid, you're ugly and those are supposed to be wings? digs deeper and deeper under the Dunsparce's scales until she can barely see straight. She can, however, make out Dexterous's long tail swinging erratically in front of her face. Seizing her chance Medusa lunges forward and grabs the tail between her teeth, biting down hard and then letting loose with a vicious thunderbolt. Dexterous has no time to try and wrench his tail free before the electricity surges through his body, nearly sending him crashing to the still-muddy earth again.

Dexterous breaks away from his foe after a concerted effort and moves upward as quickly as he can, determined to keep his tail out of his opponent's reach. Moving even further back would keep him even safer from subsequent attacks, though as he shoots off in the direction of the burning trees he can't help but wonder how much "safer" the growing inferno really is. He throws out his wings and brings himself out of his mad rush to a sudden stop; he knows that his trainer wants him to stay close to the fire, but after feeling the intense heat on his face and chest he backs up just a few feet. Medusa is still yards and yards away, after all; no need to burn himself and do her job for her, right?

With Dexterous having fled to the other side of the field within mere seconds of freeing himself, Medusa is now alone by the lake--and still in a foul, murderous mood. Bloody coward, mocking her and then running off before she could beat the stuffing out of him. The Aerodactyl is difficult to see in the shimmering haze of heat generated by the roaring fire, though in the end his exact position matters very little--the water pulse she tries spitting in his direction splashes to the ground long before it reaches its target.

Heartened by Medusa's failure to hit him, Dexterous returns his attention to the fire behind him. It's certainly spreading, reaching across the tree line and further back into the woods proper, but it isn't traveling as quickly toward the Dunsparce as he'd like it to be. Granted, spreading the fire means increased danger and discomfort for him as well, but if worst comes to worst he can always just fly away and leave his foe to burn on the ground. He flies over the fiery treetops, getting as close as he can stand, and then thrashes the air with his wide, gray wings. The gale he kicks up fans the flames in Medusa's direction; the flames themselves don't move anywhere, but several burning branches and other pieces of debris are picked up by the whirlwind and scattered across the field. The grass they land on catches within seconds, starting several smaller fires up and down the length of the field and now much closer to the pond. Dexterous backwings a little bit and edges further away from the blaze, panting slightly. He can only stay so close to the intense heat for so long.

Even moving a bit closer does not put him within range of Medusa's second water pulse, however, the blast of water again falling short and the accompanying scream having precious little effect on the hovering Aerodactyl. Medusa bites her lip to keep from screaming again in frustration. Calm down, she tells herself, taking a deep breath with her lower lip still clenched between her teeth. Calm down and think. Of course you're not going to hit the bastard if he's that high up and far back. She forces herself to relax a little; wasting energy firing away at the air isn't going to get her anywhere fast, and it certainly won't help matters if that fire gets any closer...

Round Twelve: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Medusa (F) [Serene Grace]
Health: 70%
Energy: 68%
Status: No longer livid, but still incredibly frustrated

Team Metallica (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Dexterous (M) [Pressure]
Health: 59%
Energy: 73%
Status: Speed +2; ...why isn't the fat thing on fire yet? :(

Arena Status: The sun has finally forced its way through the clouds and the rain has stopped again. The arena, while still dangerously muddy and slippery, is bright and warm. There is a ring of scorched grass around Medusa. Most of the trees on the far side of the field are ablaze, the air around them shimmering in the unbearable heat they give off. Burning twigs and embers have been scattered in the direction of the lake and are igniting the grass; that half of the field will soon be engulfed in flames as well.

Sunny Day: 3 rounds remaining

Ref's Notes
-Wind can't really pick up and move fire itself, if that's what you were trying to do. Whirlwind did fan the flames and kick a few flaming branches around, facilitating the spread of the fire, but Medusa is still currently relatively safe. That said, the pond side of the field will probably start to go up sometime next round.
-Dexterous was too far away for water pulse to reach him; both of them missed as a result.
-rushed reffing is rushed. Sorry.
-glitchedgamer attacks first next round.
*runs in* ...One hour left. Sorry about that.

Ok, where were we....oh yeah, that dinosaur. Ugh. Ok Medusa, I can see you are pretty vexed. Use Frustration and let off some steam. It won't be very effective, but at least it will clear your head. Then, use Double Team and try to confuse him. Lastly, use Secret Power and see if you can take advantage of that pond.

Frustration ~ Double Team ~ Secret Power
DQ warning for Metallica Fanboy. 24 hours (and hopefully I'll actually be able to get online in time to check damn you internet).
I dunno if I'm in time, but, for some reason, my internet hasn't been able to load pages in TCoD without loads of effort, which had me thinking it was a downtime or something.

Well, anyway. Time to go offensive while countering some of the foe's manuevers.

Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower ~ Aerial Ace
glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy, Round Thirteen

Pre-Round Stats

Team glitch (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Medusa (F) [Serene Grace]
Health: 70%
Energy: 68%
Status: No longer livid, but still incredibly frustrated
Medusa's Commands: Frustration ~ Double Team ~ Secret Power

Team Metallica (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Dexterous (M) [Pressure]
Health: 59%
Energy: 73%
Status: Speed +2; ...why isn't the fat thing on fire yet? :(
Dexterous's Commands: Flamethrower ~ Flamethrower ~ Aerial Ace

Arena: Route 29 Field

A large, open field in the middle of Johto's Route 29. This arena is commonly used by novice trainers who have just recieved their starter Pokemon from Professor Elm. As it contains no special conditions that might otherwise affect the battle, this field is perfect for trainers who are just starting out. The majority of the arena is covered in grass, with a small pond occupying the northern end for water-bound Pokemon. The enitre arena is located on a small plateau surrounded by sharp rocks that will instantly knock any fleeing Pokemon out, even if the Pokemon can fly or levitate. Overall, a simple, frill-free arena that is perfect for beginners.

Round Thirteen: Begin

Dexterous risks winging a little closer to his ground-bound foe, hoping that he's still out of range of any water pulses. He knows he can't stay too far away, however; otherwise the flamethrower he lets pour out of his mouth won't be able to reach Medusa, either. As it is the flamethrower only just makes it to its target, lightly baking the dunsparce but not quite torching her as much as the aerodactyl would have liked.

Medusa squirms and hisses even after the attack stops and Dexterous snaps his jaws shut. The growing heat of the encroaching flames, coupled with the harsh sunlight and these irritating flamethrowers, is quickly becoming unbearable. Her squirming escalates to panicked thrashing and flailing. Her wings flutter uselessly and her tail drill spins wildly, and with Dexterous well out of reach her fit accomplishes a whole lot of nothing. Still, the wild burst of physical activity does do a little bit to vent her frustration, and she feels just a little bit calmer when she settles down.

Her improved mood doesn't last all that long, going up in smoke the second another jet of flames toasts her sensitive skin. Dexterous leaves his mouth open slightly after he stops, giving it a chance to cool just a little after the sudden bursts of heat. Panting doesn't do much to alleviate the external heat of the flames, though, and the aerodactyl has to move up a little higher to ensure that the spreading fire is still a semi-safe distance away. Most of the trees behind him are little more than towers of charcoal now, and most of the grass and foliage in the area is all but gone. The sight is an unsettling one, not to mention hard on the eyes, and so Dexterous turns away to look at Medusa again. To his surprise he discovers that the tubby land snake is not alone--three identical dunsparce glare defiantly up at him, each doing its best to ignore the flames creeping closer and closer to them.

The double team only flummoxes Dexterous for a few seconds, though. He snorts, tucks his wide wings in close and dives at the trio with his underslung jaw hanging open. He levels out and makes a sharp turn at the last second, shooting low over the last patches of untouched grass so that his exposed fangs rake across all three dunsparce. The first two disappear as soon as Dexterous slices through them, leaving the real Medusa to take the brunt of the attack.

Sore as the fresh open cuts on her neck might be, Medusa is not yet completely discouraged. She opens her own mouth, revealing a pulsing ball of white light in the back of her throat. The light shifts from pure white to a light blue, darkening just a few shades until it matches the blue of the pond behind her--or, rather, the blue of the pond behind her before it turned a fiery orange--and then shoots forward in a beam that catches Dexterous right in his gaping mouth before he has time to fall back. The aerodactyl gags and chokes violently, too distracted by the sudden shock to his throat to even notice the faint blue aura that hangs around him and adds a little extra weight to his wings.

Round Thirteen: Close

Post-Round Stats

Team glitch (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Medusa (F) [Serene Grace]
Health: 44%
Energy: 54%
Status: Nervous and backed up against the edge of the water

Team Metallica (1/2 Pokémon Remaining)

Dexterous (M) [Pressure]
Health: 46%
Energy: 60%
Status: Speed +1; contemplating whether, given the current state of the battlefield, getting hit with actual water would really have been so bad

Arena Status: The sun is shining down on a field that is now almost entirely engulfed in flames. Only a small area in front of the pond is still free from the fire. The heat at ground level and for several feet above it is unbearably hot, and thick, choking smoke will soon blot out the sunlight all over again.

Sunny Day: 2 rounds remaining

Ref's Notes
-Both flamethrowers had their damage reduced due to the distance--still within an acceptable range, but a stretch nonetheless.
-Frustration didn't really do anything given the distance between the battlers, but Medusa is feeling a little better. Or, she was, anyway, until the advancing wall of fire reached her.
-Medusa was close enough to the water to give secret power its "shallow water" form, which reduces speed by 1.
-And it did reduce Dexterous's speed by one, in addition to scoring a critical hit. Lucky.
-Metallica Fanboy attacks first next round.
Hm. A critical hit is pretty unfortunate, but we did gain the upper hand, even if slightly.

Nonwhere to go but forward. Let's keep blasting fire as long as we have sun. Pound the ground instead if our foe pulls another Double Team, and do a Swords Dance if Protect or a similar impediment to attacks is on the way.

Once the sun is out, forget about the fire and focus on the quake.

Flamethrower/Earthquake/Swords Dance ~ Flamethrower/Earthquake/Swords Dance ~ Earthquake/Swords Dance
I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this after so long, but glitchedgamer is DQ'd and Metallica Fanboy is the winner. He gets $16, Megatherium gets 2 exp and Dexterous gets 1 exp. glitchedgamer gets no money but Barracuda gets 1 exp and Medusa gets 2 exp. I get $10 for reffing. It was fun while it lasted, you two.
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