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What if I'm asleep?
Well, ive been mixing pokemon sprites for about 6 months, so i decided to look up tips for that and came across this sites guide, i then noticed the forums and here i am.

(i suck at introductions:sweatdrop:)

But its still nice to meet you all.
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Heh, i plan to. I'm currently wondering why noone wonders why i chose the word for a body of water as my Username.
Welcome welcome welcome! Sadly, I have no beverage or seafood to offer you

And you seem like a decent spriter so far. For your elemental Dragon series, you should try and do a Water/Dragon and Steel/Dragon type.
Actually i was planning on doing those two after i finish Raigon, a dragon made up of one pokemon of each type atleast.

Also meh i get enough seafood and beverages, everyone makes some sort of water based joke when they first meet me, But truly i dont mind, thats what i get for being called River.
The answer is simple, its my real name.
Before anyone says its weird, i know two other people with the same name.
The answer is simple, its my real name.
Before anyone says its weird, i know two other people with the same name.
The name River is cool! :D You have such a cool name,I have a boring one. >.> Anyways,welcome to the TCOD Fourms. ^_^ Also,love your Dragon Sprites. Dragon's my favorite type,and it makes me feel happy to see sprites of them. ^^
The name River is cool! :D You have such a cool name,I have a boring one. >.> Anyways,welcome to the TCOD Fourms. ^_^ Also,love your Dragon Sprites. Dragon's my favorite type,and it makes me feel happy to see sprites of them. ^^

Well, thank you. However the name River doesnt seem very good when every one calls you waterfountain. Dragon is my favourite type aswell, one of the main reasons i decided to take on the challenge of making a dragon/other type pokemon splice series using 10 or more sprites each. (sorry if that was confusing).
Heh, no i did not realize that. I used it for the earth sense.
But its still better than anything else i could comer up with. (Earthagon, Soilgon, Dirtagon, etc)
Well, thank you. However the name River doesnt seem very good when every one calls you waterfountain. Dragon is my favourite type aswell, one of the main reasons i decided to take on the challenge of making a dragon/other type pokemon splice series using 10 or more sprites each. (sorry if that was confusing).
D: That's mean,people shouldn't call you that. >:C
(That's OK-It wasn't confusing. ^_^) That's nice,and I'm glad you took the challenge- You're very good at it. ^_^ And I wish you many more fabulous years of spriting. :3
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