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Greaser Lala vs. Phantom

OK, I want you to knock out this trash bag. You've done great Soul, I'm proud of you! Now I want you to take out the trash!

First go for another pot, check and use the potion if there is one. Try throwing it again. Next Use Night Shade, then Rest.

Use moar pot~ Night Shade~ Rest
Hm, well it was fun. Mmkay, I guess our best bet is to use Rest while he's searching the pot to start healing. It should take two turns to recover your Health and awaken so be it you survive use Payback.

Rest ~ Resting ~ Payback
2v2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills limited to 5/Pokémon, weather changers, and Ground Type Moves
Arena: Glass Tower

A 5 levelled tower with thick stained glass serving as the floors. Ceramic pots and vases are neatly piled on tables in the corners of each room, serving as a free weapon to be thrown. However, 3 of the 10 pots on each floor contain a potion instantly restoring 15% health. Using one of these pots takes up an action. Due to the quality of the floor, it will give out and break after a minimum exchange of 35% 40% damage in the Pokémon's attacks. The fall to the floor beneath will deal 5-9% damage per Pokémon. The trainers begin on the 5th floor. Once they reach the first floor, trainers have 3 rounds before the match is over regardless of whether both trainers still have Pokémon left, since the tower will soon collapse.

Greaser Lala

[Truffles] Trubbish (Female)
Health: 9%
Energy: 37%
Commands: Rest ~ Rest ~ Payback
Status: In severe pain.
Condition: On the verge of blacking out. Wishing there wasn't so much glass scattered about.


[My Dark Soul] Haunter (Male)
Health: 21%
Energy: 43%
Commands: Search Pot ~ Night Shade ~ Rest
Status: Feeling quite tired, and starting to feel the sting of prior Paybacks.
Condition: Relieved that the floor didn't break this time.

Round six, begin!

As the round begins, Soul immediately zips across to one of the room's corners, grabbing a pot at random. He upends the pot and a small berry comes tumbling out, so before it lands amongst the glass he grabs it and shoves it into his mouth. He instantly feels a little better, and gives a pleased smile. The vase, on the other hand, is lobbed in the direction of Truffles. She brushes off the shards of pottery, however, and settles down on the floor. She gives a slight wince of pain, but is only too eager to sleep. Her eyes slowly drift closed, but she gets a nagging feeling that something isn't quite right. She suddenly feels so, so tired. Oh well.

Sleeping in a battle? Shame on you, My Dark Soul mused as he eyed the Trubbish's dozing form. Nevermind that his own commands were to sleep after this; he would gladly take any excuse to be mean. It sort of goes with the territory of being a Haunter. He pauses for a moment before closing his eyes, and when they open again they've turned completely red. Two streams of dark purple energy burst from them, stinging into Truffles' side and leaving two dark blotches. She stirs slightly, but does not wake.

With that done, Soul lies down and closes his eyes, spurring his cells to regenerate faster and heal all the damage he's sustained. Just as he begins to sleep, Truffles starts to move slightly, beginning to wake up. Oh Arceus, my head...

Round six over!

Greaser Lala

[Truffles] Trubbish (Female)
Health: 74%
Energy: 1%
Commands: Rest ~ [asleep] ~ [asleep]
Status: Groggy, exhausted, but mostly intact.
Condition: What the... I felt less tired before I went to sleep...


[My Dark Soul] Haunter (Male)
Health: 100%
Energy: 11%
Commands: Search Pot ~ Night Shade ~ Rest
Status: Sleeping (2 actions remaining)
Condition: Lying on the floor, snoozing. Will probably be quite tired when he wakes up.

Arena Notes
The fight is still on the second floor.

End of Round Notes
  • I ref Rest as follows: The Pokémon expends energy to heal itself to 100% on the first action, and spends two more actions asleep to recover. The energy used is half of whatever it had to heal to come back to 100%, but will never faint them - instead, it just heals twice the energy used.
  • For example, Truffles would have had to heal 96% to bring herself back to 100%, but that would have taken 48% energy; she instead healed 70% health and used up 35% energy doing so.
  • On the other hand, Soul's Rest required 32% energy to heal him back to 100%, and since he had 43% energy he managed to carry out the attack.
  • Completely unrelated, but "Soul's Rest" sounds either creepy or really goddamn awesome.

Next Round
Greaser Lala issues commands.
Phantom issues commands.
I ref.​
Haha, Soul's Rest... gotta remember that one.

OK, chill while you're asleep. When you wake up PSYCHIC SPAMAGE!

*Builds moar shrines*


EDIT: I also want ot make sure you're adding "Intimidate" because of Soul's item.
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2v2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's, chills limited to 5/Pokémon, weather changers, and Ground Type Moves
Arena: Glass Tower

A 5 levelled tower with thick stained glass serving as the floors. Ceramic pots and vases are neatly piled on tables in the corners of each room, serving as a free weapon to be thrown. However, 3 of the 10 pots on each floor contain a potion instantly restoring 15% health. Using one of these pots takes up an action. Due to the quality of the floor, it will give out and break after a minimum exchange of 35% 40% damage in the Pokémon's attacks. The fall to the floor beneath will deal 5-9% damage per Pokémon. The trainers begin on the 5th floor. Once they reach the first floor, trainers have 3 rounds before the match is over regardless of whether both trainers still have Pokémon left, since the tower will soon collapse.

Greaser Lala

[Truffles] Trubbish (Female)
Health: 74%
Energy: 1%
Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Payback
Status: Groggy, exhausted, but mostly intact.
Condition: What the... I felt less tired before I went to sleep...


[My Dark Soul] Haunter (Male)
Health: 100%
Energy: 11%
Commands: Chill/Psychic ~ Chill/Psychic ~ Chill/Psychic
Status: Sleeping (2 actions remaining)
Condition: Lying on the floor, snoozing. Will probably be quite tired when he wakes up.

Round seven, begin!

Though the flag has been waved to signal the beginning of the round, neither side makes so much as an attempt to move. Truffles simply lies exactly where she is, napping a little longer; My Dark Soul lies where he is too - still deeply asleep, recouperating after such strenuous healing. The trainers cough and glance at each other with vaguely bored expressions, all three eventually deciding to pass the time by playing Go Magikarp. Or Go Feebas. Or Go Basculin. Honestly, it all depends on where one buys the cards.

The "battle" - if it can actually be called one at this moment - continues much like this for some time, each Pokémon perfectly willing to stay where they are.

At least, that's until Truffles gives a shriek of pain and goes hurtling backwards into a stack of pots. Though there's a wonderful crashing sound and quite the spray of vase-coloured shards, none of the pots actually broke. Instead, the Trubbish merely picks herself out of her predicament and glares at Soul, who is still lying on the ground.

Apparently asleep.

However, Truffles is having none of it - she can actually see him grinning at her pain. That was a low blow to be sure, and she takes her revenge by hurtling towards him in a whirl of shadows.

If My Dark Soul was still alive and therefore corporeal, a suitable phrase for his reaction would have been "jumping out of his skin". As it is, he merely settles for looking like a Jigglypuff that just got kicked in the face; i.e annoyed and hurt. Sure, the billowing Reaper Cloth wrapped around him (which everyone involved only just seems to have remembered he actually has)might have had something to do with the attack's weakness, but still.

It sorta hurt.

End of round seven!

Greaser Lala

[Truffles] Trubbish (Female)
Health: 48%
Energy: 27%
Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Payback
Status: Fuming with rage. -1 attack.
Condition: that is a mean trick and you should feel bad, mister!


[My Dark Soul] Haunter (Male) @Reaper Cloth
Health: 87%
Energy: 34%
Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill/Psychic
Status: Awake.
Condition: Grinning to himself and quite pleased with his trickery.

Arena Notes
The battle is, miraculously, still on the second floor. This is not normal.

End of Round Notes
  • Hey, guess who got caught up in enrolling for college? Which... starts next week. OTL.
  • I had in fact forgotten that Soul has a Reaper Cloth equipped. From now on, Truffles is considered to have -1 attack.
  • Again, sorry for the late round! I've been quite busy lately. I'll try not to let it happen again.
this will teach me not to take more battles than i can comfortably handle

Next Round
Phantom issues commands.
Greaser Lala issues commands.
I ref, and try to be on time.​
Time to end this, if they at any time Protect or chill I want you to chill, otherwise use Hypnosis, if it works use Dream Eater twice, if it doesn't I want you use Psychic twice.

Hypnosis/Chill~Dream Eater/Psychic/Chill~Dream Eater/Psychic/Chill
Drag this out as much as you can my dear. You can't faint yet (thank you damage cap, XD )~ Use Protect, then Payback twice.

Protect ~ Payback ~ Payback
Ok, this has been going on for long enough... and no one wants to take it from the e-ref list, so uh, would any ref like person be willing to call a draw? Or let me win :3

Of course if you're okay with it Greaser Lala?
OK so me and Greaser Lala talked, and we think this battle has died a horrible death, we agree to call it a tie so we each get some money and exp.
$4 each to Phantom and Greaser Lala, $5 for Summergale if claimed. 1 EXP each Truffles and My Dark Soul.
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