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Greatest April Fool's joke ever: bomb blows hole in Lenin's rear

Vladimir Putin's LJ

your blood flows through my veins
One of Russia's most famous statues of Vladimir Lenin has been bombed, leaving the Bolshevik revolutionary with a gaping hole in his rear.

The bronze statue, in the city of St Petersburg, was badly damaged before dawn on Wednesday, when the blast blew a hole in Lenin's coat.

No-one was hurt in the attack, the motive for which was unknown.

The statue, outside the Finland Station, marks the Bolshevik leader's return from exile in April 1917.

"Today at 0430 [0030 GMT] there was an explosion at the Lenin monument at the Finland Station in the city centre," a spokesman for the Saint Petersburg branch of the Russian emergency situations ministry told the AFP news agency.

"As a result of the explosion a crater of 80-100cm [31-39in] appeared on the monument," he added.

Lenin gave a speech at the railway station after his return from exile.

Later that year he would lead the revolution that overthrew the government and would take the Communists to power for more than 70 years.

St Petersburg was the cradle of the Russian Revolution and was renamed Leningrad after Lenin's death in 1924.

Lenin's embalmed body remains on display in a mausoleum in Moscow.
When I first read the headline 'Vladimir Lenin has gaping hole in rear' I was scared of some kind of horrifying mummy story. I consider myself fortunate, relieved and uplifted. Some people are crying terrorism and such but it's too perfectly placed to be anything but intentionally awesome.
The statue is apparently popularly known as 'Lenin hailing a cab.'



(don't say it)

More pictures here: http://englishrussia.com/?p=2399#more-2399

Epic, whoever did it. It's easy to repair, anyway. Plus if it was a terrorist plot, then the head would have come off.
I love the picture of the guy in the hole. He's just like 'FUCK YEAH I'M IN A BUM.'
Celestial Blade, you're not a commie, you never were a commie and you never will be a commie, and if you were a real commie, you wouldn't give a fuck about Lenin because what Lenin did wasn't communism.
celestial blade I don't care if you are a fake communist or not

you can see his trousers!

that is certainly deserving of a warm chortle
oh come on who gives a fuck itf it's lenin or a statue of pope pius, seriously. get that stick out of your arse

geez VPLJ you should have stuck a raptor jesus in there somewhere or some other meme to make this funny.
do you not have taste?

lol hole in ass. xD
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