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Hello, my name is Trainer Walker, and I am here on this forum to gather as much Pokémon related information as possible. I have been working on a little project for a while I call "Pokémon: Master Champion". It's a table-top roleplaying board game that is a love child of so many different games. It draws original inspiration from the Pokémon: Master Trainer board game, and after playing the first iteration of that board game my friends and I decided to start working on a version of our own with elements from D&D, PMT, GEN2 of Pokémon, and some originality to keep things fresh of course! The game is as close to the Pokémon games as possible, even behind the scenes the battle calculations and catch mechanics are almost the same. Of course, a Game Master (GM) would be required with a ton of equipment, preparation and know-how. So inexperienced, inattentive people (like myself) may have a problem playing this game. But gosh darnit, I am determined to bring this thing into reality! And if any of you want to help, watch, or one day play this game, do NOT hesitate to contact me! My personal email is braden.walker12@gmail.com, so email me there if you don't wish to PM me here. I look forward to sharing more details with those who show interest. Thanks!
Welcome! This sounds like a pretty cool game concept - I'm sure at least some people here would be interested in seeing your updates if you feel like posting them!
Thanks! :) If anyone is seriously interested in the subject of this Thread, go to the Creativity forum and find my latest post - there are some screenshots of my work, a more full explanation of the game, and hopefully soon people who are also interested. My intention in generating this outreach is to possibly find some Pokémon enthusiasts who may want a part in the creation of this thing. Also, if you wish to have updates on the project every other day or so, go ahead and visit my newest post in the Clubs forum, called 'Pokemon: Master Champion log'. There I can and will answer any and all questions and concerns! Thanks!
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