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Good day,
I am a major pokemon freak, and let me say, I found this site and read through some ot the pages and I liked what I saw.

I am a huge pokemon player on a battle simulator client that I participate in, and I have a very good about most pokemon and moves, yadda yadda yadda. (I dont know how many of you have heard of Pokemon Online)
As my name suggests, my utmost favorite pokemon is Ninetales, and "Kyukon" is its Japanese name.

Mostly, in the games I use fire types. A lot. I cant even remember the last time I used a dragon in my team (No charizard does NOT count as a dragon, not in my book) I have used the new Dreamworld thingy with Black and White and have got some really great stuff! Through Dreamworld I got a Ninetales with the Drought ability and that is largely where my obession with Ninetales comes from.

I guess I will make the best of what this place has to offer. I do recolors and I have a lot of them so I may have my own little thread where I will keep them all safe and sound.

Whew, look at me type away! I guess I'll wrap this up here.

See you around!
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