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Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

I think I'm going to go for Zero Moment too. It took a full half-hour to state his previous targets, neither of which required much explanation, and during the interim period he was clearly reading the thread and even responded to later posts.

If this is wrong, and he is town, I think this should implicate ysabel - both for having a pretty similar role, and for starting the wagon on him.
smh I knew that someone was gonna get on my case for continuing my conversation with maw first

I think I'm going to go for Zero Moment too. It took a full half-hour to state his previous targets, neither of which required much explanation, and during the interim period he was clearly reading the thread and even responded to later posts.

If this is wrong, and he is town, I think this should implicate ysabel - both for having a pretty similar role, and for starting the wagon on him.
smh I knew that someone was gonna get on my case for continuing my conversation with maw first
if incorrect, sorry. we were pressed for time and it was the only test i could think of. i do realise it wasn't a very good one.
Night Three of Tournament Coverage

My... what an eventful day we've had today. I'm certain we have been all thinking so -- which is perhaps the reason why the usual wrathful mobs from the Pokémon World Tournament are feeling tamer.

More accusations of wrongdoing have been flying every which direction still, but this time, everyone has managed to hold off from doing something reckless. Instead, people have been remarkably careful about all of the preparations necessary to make such hefty decisions about who to hold guilty of wrongdoing and what to do about it. They have even spent a significant amount of time posting "memes" instead of rushing things along!

Now, we do have a prime suspect of wrongdoing that has emerged out of this process. I would have liked to partake in properly investigating that individual, myself... but truth be told, I happen to be confined to bed rest at the moment. That Ampharos from earlier is... most intriguing. Full of surprises, I'd say! Sometimes, these surprises may cost me some expensive equiment or muscular health, but nonetheless, I will continue fighting to earn his trust.
-Colress, Researcher, Engineer, and Pokémon Trainer

Zero Moment survived the lynching!

48 hours for night actions.

Zero Moment(4): Mawile, rari_teh, Negrek, kokorico
Mr. Ultracool(3): JackPK, Myuma, Zero Moment
Sem título4.png

@Zero Moment
@Mr. Ultracool
@ミ☆ ᴍyᴜᴍᴀ
Vipera Magnifica
bruh moment

Day Four Pregame Column

Lately, it's almost like, just because I'm a heartbreaker... they have me delivering all of the heartbreaking news. It's nothing on the scale of that disaster from yesterday... that one's gonna take time to heal... but some of the more cold-hearted people might find this next turn of events sadder, anyway. Some folks do care more about celebrities than about their hometowns...

And I'm not just talking about "celebrities" in the sense of superstar Pokémon trainers, either. Even people who have nothing to do with the battling scene... have probably seen Sabrina or Brycen up on the silver screen at some point in their lives. Everyone watches the movies... that's why they're such a good source of pick-up lines. Me, I still don't get any too fussed about what famous people are up to, but if there's a sweet lady out there who's sad she'll never get to watch a new Brycen-Man or Mystery Doors of the Magical Land... I know all the right things to say, and not to say, to bring her spirits back up.

And hell, if she also happens to know who Valerie is, I could offer her my lean, supple shoulder to cry on about it, too.

Now, I think I've said more than enough -- after all, you don't get dating tips from Charles himself any ol' day -- but the editor won't stop crying to me about "flippant tone" this and "shallow information" that, so, I might as well put at least one thing fresh off the investigations on the page. When they found Sabrina slumped over in the corridor, she had some kind of note or another on her... I would tell you what was written on it, but the truth is... I already forgot how it goes. Have a good day, Pokémon fans all over the world.

(Editor's note: you've got to be kidding me, Charles! here, I'll just print the contents of the note directly.)
Hello from Day 2! I inspected Mawile N0 and got a Town result. I am going to attempt to heal VM or Ultracool N2. MF will not tell me if this will cause a healer clash, so if one of them died under suspicious circumstances, that could be why. I am going to attempt to roleblock someone N3, but no idea who yet.

rari_teh, the Valerie, has died. They were Town.
Negrek, the Sabrina, has died. She was town.
JackPK, the Brycen, has died. He was Town.

48 hours for discussion.


@Zero Moment
@Mr. Ultracool
@ミ☆ ᴍyᴜᴍᴀ
Vipera Magnifica

bruh moment

so with 8 people currently alive and 1 mafia dead, then there can't have been 5 mafia, based on previous MFia games (in which mafia wins at 50% of living players). since 5 mafia would mean that there's 4 alive, and they would have won just now

so that means the max amount of mafia to start would have been 4, meaning at most 3 mafias are alive

i don't know where this post was going
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