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Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

When I softed on D2, I though what could have happened on N0 is that VM absorbed my heal and so a mafia kill didn't happen. But, what I overlooked is that if VM was also targeted by a kill, surely Mr UC would have Saw it? So, I'm thinking that maybe all kills are delayed (like rari's vigs), or Mr UC maybe wasn't honest.
I... don't quite understand this. D2 was just after Herbe and Hydreigon died, right? It's true we know now that there was no mafia kill that night (Negrek killed Herbe and rari killed Hydreigon), but why would you have thought that at the time?
I... don't quite understand this. D2 was just after Herbe and Hydreigon died, right? It's true we know now that there was no mafia kill that night (Negrek killed Herbe and rari killed Hydreigon), but why would you have thought that at the time?
Oh, right, you mean no kill on N0, sorry.
i have a question!
did you get the badge from Jack when he died or did you get it through his badge-swappery power
I received exactly one Freeze Badge shortly after the beginning of toDay. That's Brycen's badge, so I've been assuming it was the badge / one of the badges Jack distributed on death.
Okay, let's try looking at this from a different perspective. Blu, who do you claim to have healed on each Night so far?
i have a question!
did you get the badge from Jack when he died or did you get it through his badge-swappery power
I received exactly one Freeze Badge shortly after the beginning of toDay. That's Brycen's badge, so I've been assuming it was the badge / one of the badges Jack distributed on death.
what i'm kind of wondering is why distribute a badge to you instead of someone in his strong townleaning tier, or to our doctor
speaking of the votecount, apologies for being out of action all day-

we're almost in the last hour, tho; you guys gonna need an extension?
How does that prove or disprove anything lmao you could still have any other role
If I do die though, well, I tried my best :c

Also I think it may be fair to extend it to two more hours since that's when the day started?
Also I think it may be fair to extend it to two more hours since that's when the day started?
A 2am EoD is already stretching it - I'm definitely not going to be around at 4am. So if this is the only option then I'd almost rather not have an extension at all; at least then I'll get to find out what happens.

I haven't forgotten about your spec re: Jack's badge distribution, Mawile, will get back to that in a moment.
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