• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hallo. I am an Idiot.


I am new here, which is quite obvious I must say...
But I really haven't the slightest clue as to what I should say, really.
Other than maybe:
I am Amfibbian and, as far as my knowledge, do not belong to the Class Amphibia.

I have played Pokémon since I could barely read, and continue to play (with far more advanced reading skills, I assure you).

I love to draw, listen to music, cook, and read. And Pokémon is fun too.

I like rainbows. And proud of it.

I enjoy practicing Archery (it is a delightful sport, I must say)

So you know, I have a rather odd sense of humor, which can be quite rude at times. I am obsessive about spelling things correctly... But I'm terrible pronouncing certain words. (such as Specifically, Antidisestablishmentarianism, or well (which I pronounce wool))

Now I'll type how I talk out loud to people. (former is how I sound in my head)
Sorry for wasting your time ladies and gents.
Thank yah for reading my useless thread of boring drabble.

Yah don't hav'ta reply if yah don't want to.
Welcome. Would you like some tea and cod?

I'm not really obsessive about spelling things correctly like you, I just spell everything right because my browser has a spellcheck. :P
Hey there, new person, and welcome to TCoD. RUN AWAY WHILE YOU STILL CAN!! Please enjoy your stay, and we hope you find our various facilities of use.
According to the title of the thread, we have a bit in common.

But shotguns are better then bows. :P *Shoots incoming arrow*

Uh... other than that, uh... welcome. Might I ask you to *accidently* shoot at Blastoise again? *Snickers evily*
Dein Signature hat mir geoffpisst. >:c

Das war der Plan >:D

Cause' I'm an asshole
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