• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
So, uh, I popped along to the IRC (under the nick Lynne currently, but that may change)... and heard this forum's a pretty nice place, and the people seem interesting. Thought I might join.

You can call me Caz.

Apart from the games, I'm also into Ghost Trick, Ace Attorney, Golden Sun, love rpgs and visual novels, watch a lot of anime, and I also like ponies. I'm a very random person and love randomness.
This is one of the most newbie-friendly Pokemon forums there is! Welcome! We have Tea and cod, i am LC, the youngest here, the resident spongecaker, gung ho and all that tummel.

Anyway, hi!
Hi. I'm Ulqi. Or Arctica. Whichever is easier. I'm TCod's most beloved Fromac-er.

Care to have some tea and cod? :3
(Derp first time I've ever said that)

Anywho, check out all the threads and stuff! You're gonna like it here, I assure you.
You like Ponies? Watch My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. It'll open a new world for you.

So, there's mafia and Anime Style Batling, two popular sections. There's also forum games, RPs, writing, and pokemon discussions.

So, have a nice time here! (Using the Tea and Cod bit seems too cliche now)
Well, hi!
I'm Spunky, the website's unofficial greeter! Sorry it took me so long, my computer apparently didn't want me to use it...
Anyway, I love pokemon from Johto and dragon ball z kai, and hope you will enjoy your stay!
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