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Have you ever met a famous person?

I met members of the Calgary Flames (They actually did decent in the NHL a few years ago (Hockey is pretty much the only sport I care for. T.T I fill two Canadian Stereotypes, eh!)). They were signing bookmarks at the Elementary School when I was in grade... 2, I think. I just acted normal. Besides, even though I like Hockey, I still can't even remember the names of the people on my favourite team (The Calgary Flames :D). I lost the bookmark awhile back

Also, I got to meet and talk to Mae Moore (She wrote Bohemia). I also managed to get one of the last remaining (never to be made again) copies of It's a Funny World. Heck, I even managed to get her to sign it! >.> She was ALOT better than the main act at the show I went to, that's for sure (I gained a whole new reason to hate Christianity that night... Christian Rock. It sucks AND it is obnoxiously loud >.< Damned main act. Mae Moore should have been the main act). Not sure how well known Mae Moore is (I don't get out much...), but I know she is at least somewhat famous

When I talked to her, I, yet again, acted normal. *Shrugs* Celebrity does not affect me, I guess

Also, turbler, you lucky bitch (You are female, right? >.< I hate it when people don't use the Gender postbit/choose, "Call me It")
My aunt met JK Rowling and got her signature for me but then my brother drew on it. ~_~ But other than that, nope. :[
on withthewill.net, prior to the release of the Digimon Savers dub, I chatted with the dub's director, Jeff Nimoy (Who happens to be relased to Leonard Nimoy from Star Trek).
Well, I guess the only person I have actually met is Prince Charles as he owns the part of my town close to were I live. Although I saw George Best in a restaurant once, does that count?
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