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He passed his music theory exam! (just.)

Lorem Ipsum

I just passed my Grade 5 music theory exam. Just.

Pass mark - 66%
Harry's mark - 66%

I was laughing to myself all last night about it, because it was so close. I really can't stand theory, and am glad to be rid of it.

Hurrah for low marks, but still ones that get you a pass!
Re: Well that was close

No offense LI... bu music is a very easy subject as far as theory goes. Well... we all suck at something. mine is liek... language and being descriptive and art.
Re: Well that was close

Actually Grade 5 theory is very difficult to understand. Music lessons at school are easy. Once you've got a grasp on the theory it makes sense, but it's still hard. I'm glad to have gotten rid of it as well!
Re: Well that was close

Congratulations. Out of curiosity, what kind of content is on the grade five theory exam? Considering that I'm going to skip grade four bassoon and I need to have grade five theory to get a grade past five, I figure that it may be useful to know what kind of content there is.
Re: Well that was close

Some of them are easy, but it is mainly hard (especially if you've never done anything like it before). There are cadences, transposing, composing, time signatures, writing scales, adding bar lines, melodic intervals, general musical knowledge *faints from lack of oxygen* *wakes up again* and a few other things. BEWARE! IT IS VERY HARD.
CNiall, they have this type of stuff in music shops and bleh.

First couple of pages are normally intervals and time signatures and ornaments.
Second double page spread is where you are given a big excerpt from a piece (normally piano and something else), and you answer questions on it, like enharmonic equivalents and key signature transposition
Third double page spread is writing out scales in semibreves, and composing an 8 bar tune for either a set instrument or for voice (voice is easier because you don't really have to take into account time signatures unless you want to write for tenor or bass).

Oh, and turbler, Grade 5 theory, and the practical exams above that are harder than they seem. According to my music teacher, the mere fact that I passed Grade 5 practical with distinction means that I shouldn't find the higher grades too difficult, and am pretty good at piano.

Again aimed at turbler: if you can tell me what the augmented minor third of an E flat is, and then give me its enharmonic equivalent correctly, then I'll take your word for it being 'easy'.
Augmented minor third of E? Um ... G#? 8D Well minor 3 is G and Augment is increasing ... :)

But anyway, congratulations. That's one hell of a pass lol. Almost as much as how close the door got to the sink in the toilet at my old house. And that's close :)
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