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Yeah. I guess I have to introduce myself, huh? So... I'm Ms. L. Go ahead and use your imagination for what the L stands for. Only I shall know. Besides Pokemon, I like almost all other Nintendo games, especially Super Mario. If you do too, you might get the reference in my name. So.... hi.
.........Wasn't expecting someone to get the name so fast *sweatdrop* And yeah, Metroid's pretty cool. Except I've never played it really, but I've read Nintendo Power and played as Samus in Smash Bros. Melee.
I'm gonna try to look for something Metroid-related after I get a new copy of SS and/or any StarFox games, just to see what it's all about. What's the point of the game, anyway?
It depends on the game. The main series consists of string of 2-D sidescrolling platformers like Super Mario, but in more of a Castlevania playing style, and in a sci-fi context. The spin-off Prime trilogy is a first-person shooter/action-adventure. So depending on your tastes, you can check out either one, or both.
Seeing as I love Halo so much I think I'll try the Prime series first, just to see if I like it. After that I may get the other ones.
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