• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hello, I'm a dead man walking, nice to meet you.


Is back.
Before you say anything this is Darkarmours new account, I won't use it as often but hey, it makes a change. Hello again!
Oh, damn. I thought this was going to be an interesting new member's introduction post, but then it's just you with a different name. Hurrm! Get back to the cannibalism topic now, will you?
^ It seems to be Darkarmour as he said he'd use that account more.

Hi Darkarmor.

I'll treat you with a cat plushie...

because clearly someone with two accounts is doubly cool ~lololol~
The same account gets boring after a while. A new account feels fresh and stuff. Like restarting a Pokemon game or something.
Ehh...I want to start a new account for fun but I can't be bothered to work on both if you know what I mean. Like carrying apples in two baskets if they could fit in one. Of course it has good sides like two baskets being easier to carry because both hands to the work.
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