• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hello, my name is rrayuu!!


So yeah...
I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and posting on many threads. As for interests I draw and like anime/manga including One Piece, FMA, Rurouni Kenshin, Bleach, and especially Death Note. The 2 movies were awesome to.
I play video games to. Right now I'm playing The World Ends With You for the DS.
My favorite pokemon is Typhlosion. I used to like the show. The games are uber. I used to collect the cards. I would sell them, but they remind me of when I was younger
I hope that wasn't to boring of an intro. See you around!
I especially LOVE Death Note. My favorite anime, anyways. <3 Light.

Hi, welcome to TCoD, PM me anytime, I love DN discussions.
The two movies were awesome to what? [/Pedantic gramamr freak]

Now, without further ado...

Welcome and well come.

Enjoy your stay, however long,
And meanwhile, listen to this song.

Welcome to t-C-o-D,
Where we eat cod and drink mint tea,
And everyone is, to an extent, happy,
Under the leadership of Butterfree.

We'll talk about stuff, like Pokémon,
We'll play random games, and sing random songs,
I hope your stay is rather long,
For this is a place for everyone.

But to commemorate what is lost,
A slight change in tone of verse,
Pokémon and humans mourn all around
As we carry the old forums' hearse,

And although what was great has passed,
We can rise again, you see,
It'll take a bit of work, but we can do it, for
We are tCoD!!!
I know you were. I was just being pedantic. You used the wrong form of 'too', so it'd appear to someone reading that you were saying 'The two movies were awesome to [Something along the lines of 'the max' or whatever].'

Sorry :P
^ZC, aplogies for making you fail your aim with the present I gave you...^^;

ON TOPIC, hi, I'm Flora, the games are awesome, I used to like the show until...halfway through Battle Frontier(why isn't that episode on Battle Frontier volume One? I need to torture people using my iPod...*evil laugh*)...yeah, that's it. Yay.
I've been wanting to play that The World Ends With You game. Is it really good or an alright kind of game?
I've been wanting to play that The World Ends With You game. Is it really good or an alright kind of game?

I love it! The gameplay is really good. The story is even better. There's a lot of nice music on it to. It also comes with a fun mini game called Tin Pin Slammer. You need to get it. It's definitely worth the money.
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