• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hello peoples of TCoDF!


Jayfeather FTW! :D
This is Starshine, and I am a brand new member, fresh from getting away from the headers :D. I've been wanting to join for a while, but I'd figure I'd wait until school was almost over, so here I am. I joined here because I saw some of the topics that looked interesting, and I wanted to post here. Another reason is I wanted to possibly make some new friends here :) . I know, this paragraph isn't your typical 'Hi, I'm new, welcome me' introduction thread, but I hope to be a friend to everyone, and to be remembered as a good member on the fourms. And this is where I start.

So now I've made my first post on the fourms, and I hope somebody may read it.

Have a nice day everyone! :) ,
Well, most of us don't call it "TCoDF" (in fact, you're the first one I've seen who has), but oh well. Welcome anyways. :D
Thanks :) I saw a bunch of acronyms here, so I thought it might be pretty common. I know now for the future though.
I've tried for ten minutes and I still don't know XD urm... Welcome something something something... yeah. And I can usually figure out what acronyms stand for. But thanks for welcoming me everyone :D
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