• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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i'm nelauk, and i joined this place because i was very bored.
i like pokemon and orcas and warriors and stuff.
also, i enjoy shipping people all the time so yeah.

...also, is my sanity required here? just asking.
Heck no, it isn't.

Just being nice and having proper grammar and stuff is.

Hi Nelauk, welcome to TCoD! It sound like you'll fit right in. Would you like some tea and cod? Coffee and salmon? Hot chocolate and halibut? I might suggest the Forum Games and Creativity sections, although Mafia and Anime-Style Battling (ASB) are very popular here. Oh, and I'm Ever. Feel free to send me a Visitor Message if you need help/have questions. Enjoy your stay!

(Sanity? What sanity?)

Brief explanation of Ever's recommendations.

Mafia is a game. I am the best explanatory person ever.
ASB/anime style battling is like pokemon only a roleplay by post game where you get pokemon and battle, only more realistic. Will Flamethrower work in rain? If I'm in the ground will my Thunderbolt work?

I'm an ASBer, by the way.

Any questions, I'm available :3
Mafia is essentially a group of mafia (like, killers) and the good public. They are all in a group; the mafia know each other, the uninformed good public doesn't know who is who, except the game master who assigns all the roles privately. There are other specialized roles, but this is the gist of it.
Yeah mafia is usually explained as the informed minority vs the uniformed majority. Join! There are plenty of people willing to help you.
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