• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



I've got sunshine in a bag!
<rant> Hi! I'm Loopy_Virizion, but you can call me whatever you like~

Hehe, so yep. My name's Virizion, but you can call me whatever you fancy~

If you couldn't already tell, my favorite Pokemon is Virizion. It looks... Fashionable? Hard to explain, but it looks like it's chic and cool. Especially because it looks like it's wearing boots. Damn, do I love me some boots. *nudges her closet full of boots closed with her foot*

Moving on! I have been a huge fan of Pokemon since FR and LG. That was when I started getting into it. I just about died when B and W came out, I'd been waiting ever since Serebii announced the release. I was tempted to get the Japanese version, I was so impatient, but alas, I don't know Japanese.

About me? I'm 16, soon to be 17- my birthday is June 3rd! ♥ I love anime- from Black Butler (Sebby aaa *swoon*) to Puella Magi Madoka Magica, which is one of my favorite animes.

Other info: I can't draw to save my life, considering it's unlikely I would be put in such a situation, I have a passion for writing and I take fanfiction requests, I know the very basics of CSS and HTML, I love to sniff flowers, I live off of Starbucks, I'm a proud pegasister, I have a passion for fashion, and I consider myself a hipster.

I love gameshows as well, they're like, the only thing I watch besides crime dramas and Saturday Night Live. Life srsly needs more gameshows.

So, yep! That's me in a nutshell! I hope to stay here for a while and meet new people! See you around! </rant>
Yo, person~!

I am Raichie Belle. I like DBZ. And stuff. I like your rant tags. Are you, perhaps, a user of Wikia?
Hai there~

Imma Ulqi! The... umm... person. I guess. That apparently has little people living in her hypothetical room, and should these people read this, I'M MOVING TO ROOM 1408. WHICH IS HAUNTED. D:<
So, anyways, welcome to TCoD! Fancy some tea and cod, by any chance? Or a foam sword? They're very delicious. C:
I had the best welcome ever. EVER. It would have made you weep.

But the goddamn data vampires!

Have a nice time, I recommend RolePlay, Mafia and ASB. Welcome to Teecoad.
Welcome to TCoD!! FWEE!

I am Shizui, a live commentator for Pokemon Online battles. I am slightly quiet, but I will talk if you need anything.

This cave is huge and Coroxn has already showed you some things. There is what he said, and there is the Artist Area. There are the Cupboards for venting/laughing together. There is the Safari Zone too. Enjoy your stay. *hands over the key to Room #3834* there is your room key. Never lose it. I am in #3517.

if you'll excuse me, i'll be heading over to Room #1408. i ain't afraid of no ghosts!
Hallo, I'm Frostagin. I'm following Ulqi to room 1408 cause haunted ness is fun and I k ow how to deal with ghosts because I watch Supernatural.
I'm the resident frost dragon/Hetalia obsessed person/Superwholockian/maybe slight Iron Man fan girl maybe.

I've never been told which room I live in, but it's the cave (yes, a literal cave) filled with random paraphernalia.

Have a tea! I hope you enjoy your stay! :3
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