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New member
Hey! So I'm Alfanzo (as indicated by my user name) and I'm new (as indicated by me posting in here)! Anyways, that's really all! Hope to see you around!

Ok... nevermind. I want a real introduction this time. Ok, here I go!

My real name is not Alfanzo (gasp!). I'm fifteen. I like to draw, write, read, listen to all sorts of music except for rap and country, play games, talk, and learn. In real life I'm quiet until you get to know me and then I'm quite sarcastic and such, eheh...

My favorite games are the Legend of Zelda series, Mario (especially the Paper Mario games), and... I think I'm forgetting something... Oh, yes, Pokemon. I like to learn about Archeology, Paleantology, Zoology, Cryptozoology, and Mythology, among other things...

Hm, and my favorite Pokemon would have to be Vulpix and Mudkip...
and Lotad and Espeon and Umbreon and, and, and... Well mainly just Vulpix and Mudkip.

That was the longest introduction I've ever done! I kid you not!

EDIT- Oh, but this must be mentioned. My absolute favorite show is Supernatural! I love it!!!
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